The Elohim Light Transmission: Opening the Way Back to 5D Eden
In this transmission we meet the Elohim. In the book of Genesis 1:1 it is written in the beginning the Elohim created heaven and earth. This is a clue to the function of the Elohim. The term Elohim is often translated to mean ‘God’ however the word is actually plural, meaning ‘Gods’. The Elohim are […]
Chemarea Sufletului
Meditatia ne va ajuta ori de cate ori dorim sa schimbam ceva in viata noastra, dar nu avem claritate cu privire la aceasta schimbare. Un exercitiu meditativ in care ne conectam cu Chemarea Sufletului, simtindu-i energia asa cum se manifesta la nivelul trupui nostru. De asemenea, curatam si neutralizam rezistentele pe care le avem fata […]