In this meditation you will call one being that is incarnate and then one that is in Spirit. With your Higher Self you will be invited to clear any limiting entanglements and agreements or promises from any lifetime. Then you will be invited to allow a higher frequency of light and love to connect you. Finally, we call all beings who are incarnate or in Spirit that are part of your Soul Tribe. Again, you will be invited to clear anything in the way and then connect with all these beings at a higher level of light, love and consciousness.
In this time of ascension it is more important than ever to connect with your Soul Tribe. These are beings that are both incarnate and in Spirit. These are the beings that resonate with your core energy and your Soul Purpose. These are members of the same “Spirit Family” as you and all members share an intensely strong bond with that transcends time and space itself. When you meet one of your Soul tribe, intuitively, it feels like you share the same ‘frequency’ because of the deep harmony felt between all members of the group. Your Soul Tribe are here to support, encourage and sometime appropriately challenge you to keep you in alignment with your promise before this lifetime to awaken and then serve in the awakening of other beings.
2 responses
Thank you very much Steve! This is brilliant
I am so glad I learned of you recently via BTO. This meditation is amazingly powerful and I thank you. I have found a renewed sense of self since doing this over the past few days. ♡