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We are in important time frame on the planet. We could call this a great awakening in consciousness which is helping the planet transition from darkness to light.

If you are reading this there is a high probability that you are a Starseed. A Starseed is someone who is drawn to spiritual ideas and practices as well as alternatives ways of living. Starseeds come from higher dimensions of consciousness. They are here to pioneer a new consciousness on the earth-plane. They are here to help humanity shift into a higher 5D Matrix and Timeline.

Your Divine Self is your Infinite Multidimensional Self. That part of you holds the higher perspective of your life. it is known by many names including the Higher Self, Authentic Self, Infinite Self and Divine Self. It knows why you chose your incarnational circumstances. it knows what you came to transform and learn, it knows about your multidimensional gifts and talents and it knows what you came to accomplish and move towards.

In the Ascension Process it is Normal to Resist Our Light. The ego seems to get a bad press in most spiritual circles but what exactly is the ego? Well, our ego can also be called our personality or conditioned selves meaning there are many different energies that make up the ego. We may have a predominantly pleasing ego where making others happy is very important. We may have a predominantly rational ego that seeks to understand everything through the mind. We may have a predominantly rebelling ego that seeks to avoid conformity at all costs. We may have a predominantly achieving ego that seeks to win and succeed. The list is endless. The way our ego seeks to resist the path is also extensive. Confusion, doubt, fear, guilt are all common resistance patterns. We cannot banish our ego but we can upgrade it and harness the energy of resistance in our heartfelt desire to move more elegantly along our spiritual journey.

Moving Beyond Our Resistance. Part of the spiritual journey for Starseeds/Lightworkers is becoming aware of our ego’s agendas, especially the ones that block or interfere with us aligning with our soul mission. The moment we step on a spiritual path and embrace more light this tends to shake up our sub-personalities. Some aspects of our ego may not like or understand or trust our spiritual aspirations and may seek to block our path. This is why many spiritual teachers have tended to label the ego as ‘bad’ and something we need to banish.

This 1-day Workshop is an opportunity to go beyond your ego resistance and step with more ease and grace on the path of your highest resonance and light. Once you step beyond your resistance into your mission this allows for an activation of your unlimited inner potential that seeks to be known and experienced in this lifetime.

Your Investment: £85


Venue: Bhakti Barn Studios. Little Blue Studio, 391 Millburn Ave. Millburn, NJ 07041

Times: 9.30am to 4pm.

Nearby Hotels (All within a 10-15 minute drive of the venue): Hilton Garden Inn Springfield, NJ 304 US-22, Springfield Township, NJ 0708. Tel: 001 (973) 232-5300. Hilton Short Hills, 41 John F Kennedy Parkway, Short Hills, NJ 07078. Tel: 001 (973) 379-0100. Grand Summit Hotel, 570 Springfield Avenue, Summit, NJ. Tel: 001 (908) 273-3000.

3 responses

  1. Thank goodness, I cannot wait! The full concept of being a Blue Ray Empath has just recently found me. I’ve been fully aware of what has been happening around me, I just didn’t know it had a name and a definition. I knew I was an empath,had psychic abilities, the syncronicities became so apparent, it was laughable! Strong connection to nature, like I am nature.. I began to sync to birds, like I was one. I became a “birder”, and I never had heard of the word before.. It all matches up, ALL. My Question: Is the 10/18 workshop connected to 10/19-20? It’s presented separately, but I happened to just see the weekend event. Two separate costs? As I feel myself, I think, going through this transcendence, of course I want to know of it, and most of all, to actually be in the physical presence of others…a blessing! The three days are one event or separate..?
    Kind Blessings, Melissa

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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We are in important time frame on the planet. We could call this a great awakening in consciousness which is helping the planet transition from darkness to light. This planet has been a ‘dark’ planet for some time now. We just have to read the history books on what has been happening here the past few thousand years to realise that. Many spiritual masters and avatars have incarnated here to help seed light on the planet. This has not been an easy task since the powers that be have often sought to kill the messenger and twist the message. We just need to look at the history of Christianity to understand this. Now we are in a time predicted by many prophecies, a time of great darkness followed by great light. This is a process of moving from fear and separation consciousness to love and unity consciousness. In order to awaken and assist in this process on the planet we must initially turn and face ourselves, our own ego.

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