This light language track is designd to help you release fear from the end times of Atlantis and also to help activate your DNA, gifts and inner potential from that time. Suzanne Postings trained as a yoga teacher and in Shamanic practices and has been attuning people into Shamballa Reiki for many years. Suzanne went through some deep Light Language activations, awakening dormant codes within her DNA. This strengthened her intuition, connection and ability to channel high vibrational source energy.
9 responses
Thank you!
Thank you, thank you. Deep gratotude.
Fantastic! X
Thank you
Wow. Amazing. Sometimes, the light language sounded like my name (which is Welsh, but bits sounded like my name was being half-called or called), just now and then, and I felt myself almost joining in.
Amusingly, I’m up here listening to this; my parents are watching “La Traviata” downstairs! Really good; have you heard of the 12 Atlantean and now Fifth-Dimensional Chakras? Tim Whild and Diana Cooper and the artist David Essery have amazing mediations and art about them; they’re beautiful (3 above the head, one below the feet, and the sacral regains the navel chakra above it).
Incredible. Thank you. Kiitos paljon (Finnish for “thank you very much”; but it feels so lovely to me, lovelier than the English words).
Thank you!
Please any chance get web page or email for Suzzane?
Live and gratitude.
She is updating her website
You can find her on Instagram –