Lauren Aroney is an Intuitive Artist and Spiritual Channel based in Sydney, Australia. Her passion and purpose is to inspire and empower people to connect with their Divine Self, and express their unique frequency here on Earth. Lauren’s transmissions include original hand-drawn artwork, spiritual guidance, and messages in the Language of Light. Lauren’s transmissions assist Starseeds, Lightworkers, Healers, Empaths, HSP (Highly Sensitive People) and the Neurodiverse to awaken to their Divine potential.
Transforming a Situation Meditation: Shift Your Reality Into a Higher Light.
Transform the energy of a challenging/stressful situation into higher frequencies of light…. Everything is energy. A thought is energy. An emotion is energy. Every challenging
8 responses
Lovely ❤
Lauren’s website –
Wonderful, radiant. Thanks so much!
Just back from holiday, I happened to spend an hour with a four year old boy at a party, and we seemed to connect immediately. Since that, my neck symptoms have flared up, and during this podcast I realised that I am probably assimilating energies that he imparted to me. He just seemed amazingly socially developed for his age.
Wow Lauren, you are such a radiant beam of light and love. Thank you for this gorgeous transmission. I feel topped up with the Golden Light and so excited to shine more of this onto others. Bless you with all your transmissions and your stunning artwork. I’ll be visiting your site asap. It’s so wonderful that you are in Australia.
What a lovely person she is! Lauren radiates peace and joy. Thanks Steve,
Exactly Exactly. Thank you!
Ask and you shall receive. That was an answer to a request that I have made. I Am thankful indeed.
This healing journey was incredible and I found myself ‘home’ with family. The healing received was phenomenal. Thank you Steve you are truly a gift to Starseeds and Lightworkers everywhere. Love and Blessings to All