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Affirmations – I Am a Child of the Sixth Sun, a Child of the New 5D Earth.

“I am a Starseed soul, a wanderer soul, I am multidimensional in nature. My soul is not limited in time or space. I have experienced lifetimes in many dimensions and I have been connected to many Stellar races. I have chosen to be here at this monumental time of ascending light. I have been preparing over many lifetimes for this time. At this time I have awakened from a deep sleep. I have awakened to see the world in a new way…..


I am a Starseed child of the Sixth Sun, a Starseed child of this new age of light. This is the time of prophecy, and many cultures around the world have foretold this time of the ascending Sixth Sun. An old age is ending and something very new is beginning.

According to the Long Count of Central Mexico, the Fifth Sun dates back around 6,600 years. All our written history has taken place during this Sun. The passing age was one that was primarily masculine, the focus of the ego was more external on the material world. This emerging age is primarily feminine and the focus is more internal and spiritual. As the old age passes it takes with it a great density, darkness and stuckness that now has no place on the planet. We are at a time of transition where new energies are replacing old energies. Conflict is replaced by harmony. Scarcity is replaced with abundance. This is a time of opportunity and possibility. This transitional shift is happening within me and within my Starseed Family, now. As this process intensifies the experience of a 5D heaven on earth is expanding in my personal reality and also broadly in this dimension of the earth-plane.

The time of the sixth sun is here. The energy of the old sun is declining and will finally leave at the end of the year 2026. Many Starseeds will continue to incarnate here. During this commencement of the new age of the sixth sun there will be an end to war on the planet and a greater sense of unity consciousness. New forms of spirituality will emerge that honours the Goddess and nature. This is a time where self-sustaining communities will be in the ascendence.

During this age of the sixth sun there will be contact with positive Stellar races. There will be a great acceleration in technological advances. New sources of clean energy will be harnessed. Humanity will be assisted in reaching further out into the Cosmos. This and many more wonders will come to pass.

I invite the light of the Sixth Sun and the ascending light of the crystalline grid of Gaia into my physical body. This light is lifting me beyond all 3D and lower 4D illnesses. As my body increases in vibration there is a tremendous regeneration happening within all the cells of my body. As all my cells purge the toxins from this ascending world I create a new space for the higher vibrational liquid light of the sun and light from the core of the earth grid to enter my being. This new light enters within the very DNA in my cells. My DNA is awakening to a new possibility of light. I am the power of awakening and regeneration.

I am a Starseed child of the Sixth Sun, a Starseed child of this new age of light. This is the time of prophecy, and many cultures around the world have foretold this time of the ascending Sixth Sun. This is a time of opportunity and possibility for myself and the planet. This transitional shift is happening within me now, this process of opening to a 5D heaven on earth is unfolding now.

I invite the light of the Sixth Sun and the ascending light of the crystalline grid of Gaia into my emotional body. This light is lifting me beyond all 3D and lower 4D emotional dramas. As my emotional body increases in vibration there is a tremendous clearing happening within me. My emotional body is linked to the ascension process. I am guided by my heart in this transitional phase to make decisions in alignment with my highest destiny.

I am a Starseed child of the Sixth Sun, a Starseed child of this new age of light. This is the time of prophecy. This is a time of opportunity and possibility for myself and the planet. This transitional shift is happening within me now, this process of opening to a 5D heaven on earth is unfolding within me now.

I invite the light of the Sixth Sun and the ascending light of the crystalline grid of Gaia into my etheric body. All my chakras, from crown to base, are filled with a liquid golden light from the Great Central Sun and a cool liquid diamond white light from the grid of the earth. This light is lifting me beyond all 3D and lower 4D energetic conflicts. As this happens my ascension process becomes easier and smoother. As this happens I am increasingly immune to any and all of the BS around me. Each one of my chakras are now aligned with my highest destiny.

I am a Starseed child of the Sixth Sun, a Starseed child of this new age of light. This is the time of prophecy. This is a time of opportunity and possibility for myself and the planet. This transitional shift is happening within me now, this process of opening to a 5D heaven on earth is unfolding within me now.

I invite the light of the Sixth Sun and the ascending light of the crystalline grid of Gaia into my mental body. I purge all mental energy I have picked up within the 3D Matrix. All lower thoughts, opinions, judgements, and stories. As this happens I know more of my own still, and gentle authentic being. As this happens my ascension process becomes easier and smoother. As this happens I am increasingly immune to any and all of the BS around me. My mind now reflects more of the healing/nurturing/loving light of my bright Spirit. My mind is now aligned with my highest destiny.

We are in the heavenly attraction of the Sixth sun. This is a time for dreaming a new world into being.

I am a Starseed child of the Sixth Sun, a Starseed child of this new age of light. This is the time of prophecy. This is a time of opportunity and possibility for myself and the planet. This transitional shift is happening within me now, this process of opening to a 5D heaven on earth is unfolding within me now.

I invite the light of the Sixth Sun and the ascending light of the crystalline grid of Gaia into all of my spiritual bodies. I purge all false light energies, beings and connections I have picked up within the 3D Matrix. I release the old 3D timeline to connect with the New ascending 5D Earth timeline. As this happens I am becoming more aware of my gifts, soul talents, lessons, highest destiny, plus all the reasons why I chose to incarnate here at this time of transition and ascension. I am a bright light shining into the darkness. This light is inspiring others to find their light and their connection to their Family of Light. I am one with my Starseed Family. I am one with my Higher Self. I am one with my OverSoul.


Stardust Gold Coast background vocals by Soundstripe.

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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