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Higher Light Decree: Invoking Cosmic Christ Consciousness.

Recorded just before Easter 2022. A Higher Light Decree contains a series of powerful declarations and intentions that are spoken to the Universe. A Higher Light Decree is designed to help Starseeds manifest more clearing, healing, protection and magic in their lives.

I call upon my Higher Self, I Am Presence and my Team of the Highest Light and Resonance in Spirit to witness and activate this decree. I call upon Archangels of the Horizontal Plane, Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, and Uriel to witness and activate this decree.  I call upon Archangels of the Vertical Plane, Metatron and Sandalphon to witness and activate this decree. I call upon all positive Stellar Races assisting in the ascension process to witness and activate this decree. I call upon the light and power of Christ Consciousness as revealed through the Cosmic Christ Consciousness Grid emanating from the Great Central Sun.

I am a Starseed soul, I am multidimensional in nature, I am not limited in time or space. I have experienced lifetimes in many dimensions and I have been connected to many positive Stellar races. I have been through the ascension process before, on other worlds. I am a bright light shining into the darkness. I know the way, the way of Christ Consciousness. I know the way from darkness to light, from despair to bliss, from density to expansion, from disconnection to reconnection. As I walk the path revealed by the Avatar Jesus the Christ I shine a light to others behind me walking in darkness and density. The way of light is well trodden. The way into radiant expansive light is well known to the wise.

Archangels of the Horizontal Plane, bring your angelic fire to purge my being of all density. Ruby red fire from Uriel into the cells, bones, and blood of my physical body. Brilliant White fire into the emotional body. Electric blue fire into the core of my being, the core of my will. Emerald-green fire into the mental body. Archangels of the Vertical Plane, Metatron and Sandalphon bring the descending and ascending grids of light into this declaration. Metatron bring the Golden light of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness grid down from the Great Central sun into all layers of my spiritual bodies. Opening and expanding my connection to Source Energy. Sandalphon bring brilliant Diamond white light up from the Crystalline grid to ground my physical body and all energy bodies into the embrace of Gaia. With this grids anchored in my being, I walk with a great radiant light through this ascending world.

I declare my journey in this ascending world is an intentional journey. I am here with many other incarnate Starseeds to serve, to activate, to grow and to celebrate the light in all beings. I call upon the collective light of Cosmic Christ Consciousness to assist me in connecting with my innermost Soul light in order that I may discover the infinite light within my being, within the world and within the multiverse.

Even though darkness has had the upper hand on this planet for thousands of years, even though the darkness has prevented the light from incarnating on this planet in any great numbers, even though the darkness has sought to block the light at every twist and turn, I now declare that has all changed. The seed of light planted two thousand years ago by the Master Jesus is blossoming. Now the light is in the ascendence. Even though darkness has been stronger than the light the past several thousand years on the planet, now that is reversed. All beings aligned with darkness are hereby banished from my reality. All that was hidden in the shadows of this world will now be revealed in the light of truth.

I call upon the Cosmic Christ Consciousness grid as both masculine and feminine, as embodied by the Avatar Jesus the Christ and his partner Mary Magdalene. In this new ascending age of light the feminine is rising to harmonise with the masculine. The old age of patriarchy is over for both men and women. A new possibility is arising from the inner union of the two. The two become one, one force, one light, one movement for change.

I call upon the Cosmic Christ Consciousness grid to guide me, to assist me in clearing all darkness, all shadows from my being, my energy fields and my reality. I call upon the Christ Consciousness grid to clear all Luciferian, anti-light, and Dark ET interference. Clear all agendas and forces, systems and structures that are working in the shadows against the awakening of humanity. Assist me in moving out of the darkness of despair, desolation, delusion, isolation, separation, confusion, doubt, and fear.

I call upon the Cosmic Christ Consciousness grid to open my heart and expand all my thinking, believing, and knowing around my path of ascension and awakening. Assist me in releasing old beliefs and stories around not feeling good enough, deserving enough, worthy enough to walk this path of light. Activate my faith, my strength, my power to fully step on the path of light.

I call upon the Cosmic Christ Consciousness grid to assist me in distinguishing those who are true servants of the light from those who are false light beings. Those beings who appear of the light but are really servants of fallen forces that oppose the light.  Assist me in releasing all lower frequency energies and earthly connections in order to create the space for more of my soul’s light to enter my energy fields. To allow more space for the guidance of my Higher Self, Guides and Angels.

I am a Starseed soul, I am multidimensional in nature, I am not limited in time or space. I have experienced lifetimes in many dimensions and I have been connected to many positive Stellar races. I have been through the ascension process before, on other worlds. I am a bright light shining into the darkness. I know the way, the way of Christ Consciousness. I know the way from darkness to light, from despair to bliss, from density to expansion, from disconnection to reconnection. As I walk the path revealed by the Avatar Jesus the Christ I shine a light to others behind me walking in darkness and density. The way of light is well trodden. The way into radiant expansive light is well known to the wise.

I call upon the Cosmic Christ Consciousness grid to clear and cleanse all energetic pathways and energy centres in my being that have been touched by darkness. Clear all darkness and the touch of lower astral beings, dense thoughtforms, and of lower ET beings.

All my chakras, from crown to heart, are filled with a downward flowing liquid golden light from the Great Central Sun. All my chakras from the base up to the heart are filled with cooling liquid diamond white light from the crystalline grid of the earth. This angelic light lifts me beyond all 3D and lower 4D energetic limits.

I call upon the Cosmic Christ Consciousness grid to assist me in raising my energy to vibrate in alignment with my Soul Family and my 5D timeline that holds the greatest light and potential for my global service.

I call upon the Cosmic Christ Consciousness grid to lead me out of the Valley of Shadows into new green pastures of spiritual light, spiritual connection, spiritual guidance, and spiritual sustenance.

I am a Starseed soul, I am multidimensional in nature, I am not limited in time or space. I have experienced lifetimes in many dimensions and I have been connected to many positive Stellar races. I have been through the ascension process before, on other worlds. I am a bright light shining into the darkness. I know the way, the way of Christ Consciousness. I know the way from darkness to light, from despair to bliss, from density to expansion, from disconnection to reconnection. As I walk the path revealed by the Avatar Jesus the Christ I shine a light to others behind me walking in darkness and density. The way of light is well trodden. The way into radiant expansive light is well known to the wise.

I call upon the Cosmic Christ Consciousness grid to witness this decree. I am the power of the smallest of seeds. I come to birth something new in this world. I am the prodigal son; I am the prodigal daughter returning. I come to bring a Heaven on Earth. I am a servant of the light, a child of the Universe, I am here because I have chosen to serve the truth. The power of love and light shines through my core being.

I call upon the Cosmic Christ Consciousness grid to assist me in moving into a new verdant landscape of expansive love, expansive joy, expansive joy, expansive freedom, expansive growth, and expansive bliss. As I walk the way of light, I help to dream a new world into being, a world of greater love, a world of greater joy, a world of greater clarity, a world of greater possibility. As I walk this path I activate my multidimensional gifts, and talents.

I am a Starseed soul, I am multidimensional in nature, I am not limited in time or space. I have experienced lifetimes in many dimensions and I have been connected to many positive Stellar races. I have been through the ascension process before, on other worlds. I am a bright light shining into the darkness. I know the way, the way of Christ Consciousness. I know the way from darkness to light, from despair to bliss, from density to expansion, from disconnection to reconnection. As I walk the path revealed by the Avatar Jesus the Christ I shine a light to others behind me walking in darkness and density. The way of light is well trodden. The way into radiant expansive light is well known to the wise.

Music by SoundStripe – Ocean Of Worlds Third Age Instrumental

13 responses

  1. Thank you Steve, I’ve followed you for years and on my times of monumental transition I cross paths with your brilliant light , it has helped me through the most difficult times in this journey and again this decree could not be any more aligned with what was needed for me today , my deepest gratitude!

  2. How can you assist me on this journey of getting to connect with my inner man and to grow in my faith? I do know that I’ve felt some strange energies of late though, but can’t talk about them here.

  3. Such a divinely worded Decree allowing for more Christed activations this Easter in all of us reading/listen to it. Thank you so much, Steve.

  4. Thank you for this wonderful experience. You always guide me deeper into my heart and soul connection to Source. Just got out of jail for the first and I hope only time maybe completing a karmic obligation. While there I by Grace encountered many loving kind hearted people that otherwise I would not have known .

  5. Thank you Steve! This is exactly what we all need. My heart is overflowing with joy!! Blessings to you and your loved ones!!

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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