The two authors of this book combine nearly fifty years of research, life experience, and healing intervention to deliver these unique messages of light. They offer a well-thought compilation of spiritual wisdom that reveals the spiritual heritage of every living soul, universal codes within your DNA that, when unlocked, will generate the life you were born to experience. Their insight provides information on how to activate every individual’s sovereign connection to a spiritual universe.
AFFIRMATIONS: I Am One With The All-Embracing Light of Source Energy
Affirmations are one tried and tested way we can reprogramme our unconscious mind with new possibilities. Affirmations can raise the level of our thinking which
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Leni Morrison is a fully certified Awakened Academy Spiritual Life Coach, Vibrational Energy healing Practitioner, Musician & New Earth Ascension Guide with a sharp Irish wit and charm, a talent for joy. Her spiritual journey accelerated while living among shamans, sages and extraordinary sentient beings in South America in her early twenties. It was here that she encountered many magical experiences, stellar activations and profound awakenings.