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Affirmations: I Am Radiant Platinum-White Angelic Fire.

Affirmations directly address the unconscious mind, the part of you that never sleeps, the part of you that is always listening to the thoughts you think, the words you speak, the choices you make, the everyday action you take. The unconscious mind, is the part of you that generates and regenerates your physical, etheric, emotional, and mental bodies. The Unconscious Mind is mostly responsible for creating your reality. Allow this affirmation track to go deep into your body, deep into the cells, deep into the beliefs you hold, deep into your fluid energy field.

I am here at this time of ascension….

I am here at this time of ascension. I am here and I am one with my Higher Self, I am one with my Team in Spirit, my guides and all angels and archangels working with me at this time. I am here working with many angelic energies and angelic fires to transform my reality in this ascending world. 

I now invoke the cleansing power of Platinum-White Angelic Fire. This light is a feminine light. This Platinum-White Fire is a gift from the Goddess at this time of ascension. This fire is a powerful fire. This fire is a loving purifying fire. Archangel Metatron oversees this fire. As I invoke this fire, I become one with this purifying fire. I am Platinum-White Light. I Am the Cleansing Power of this light. I am a force of radiant light in this world. I call on Metatron and Platinum-White fire to cleanse, purify and liberate my being and my reality. I call on Metatron and Platinum-White fire to cleanse, purify and liberate all beings who are calling for freedom in this world.

I now invoke healing Platinum-White Angelic Fire………

I now invoke healing Platinum-White Angelic Fire. I call on Archangel Metatron to bless me with this fire. As I do this I become I am one with this radiant fire. I am Platinum-White Angelic Fire. I am the Liberating Cleansing and purifying Power of Platinum-White Fire. I am now a fountain of pure radiant Platinum-White cleansing light. This Platinum-White power ignites in my heart and mind, expands through my chakra system and flows through all my energy and spiritual bodies.

As I embody this fire my core being is uplifted to love and to the higher dimensions….

I invoke healing Platinum-White Angelic Fire.  I call on Archangel Metatron to bless me with this fire. As I do this I become I am one with this radiant fire. I am Platinum-White Angelic Fire. As I embody this fire my core being is uplifted to love and to the higher dimensions. I am now uplifted to love and everything of a lower nature just drops away. Every cell and fibre of my being is washed and cleared with a higher vibration of love. Platinum-White fire clears, purifies and uplifts my blood, bones, organs, and all internal systems. This Platinum-White fire clears all harmful micro-organisms, harmful bugs and viruses. Purifying my body of any toxic chemicals. This Platinum-White fire is a force of purification in this ascending world. 

The power to cleanse, purify and uplift is within me…

I now invoke healing Platinum-White Angelic Fire. I call on Archangel Metatron to bless me with this fire. As I do this I become I am one with this radiant fire. I am Platinum-White Angelic Fire. I am the Liberating Cleansing and purifying Power of Platinum-White Fire. The power to cleanse, purify and uplift is within me. Nothing of a lower nature can stand in its way. I now invite the fire of love into my cells. Purifying, cleansing, and invigorating my cells. I invite this fire to go deeper into my DNA. Igniting the power of my DNA. Igniting the power of my multidimensional self.  

I am the light that clears all lower vibrations…..

I invoke healing Platinum-White Angelic Fire. I call on Archangel Metatron to bless me with this fire. As I do this I become I am one with this radiant fire. I am Platinum-White Angelic Fire. I am the Liberating Cleansing and purifying Power of Platinum-White Fire. I am the light that clears all lower vibrations. This Platinum-White light flows through my mental body. All my thoughts, beliefs and stories about this world and my place within it are uplifted to love. This Platinum-White light purifies and releases other people’s judgements, opinions that has been absorbed in my mental body. This Platinum-White light transforms all presumed limits that my mind once held about my reality. This Platinum-White fire aligns and connects my mind and mental body to the higher realms of love. This Platinum-White fire aligns and connects me to my Higher Self and Guides. This Platinum-White fire clears all timelines, all dimensions removing all interference and limitation. This Platinum-White fire clears and protects all entry points into the dreamtime allowing me to access all higher dimensional dreamtime spaces of love.

Now, I am one with the fire that sweeps clean all energies that are not aligned with love….

I now invoke healing Platinum-White Angelic Fire.  I call on Archangel Metatron to bless me with this fire. As I do this I become I am one with this radiant fire. I am Platinum-White Angelic Fire. I am the Liberating Cleansing and purifying Power of Platinum-White Fire. I invite this fire to flow into and through my emotional body, to flow into and through my heart. Now, I am one with the fire that sweeps clean all energies that are not aligned with love. Dissolving and releasing all lower emotional energy such as anger, grief, guilt or fear that does not belong to me. Dissolving and releasing all conflict or drama or pain that can now be released out of my fields.

I call on this fire to now cleanse and purify my field of all unwelcome sexual projected energy not aligned with love…

I invoke healing Platinum-White Angelic Fire. I call on Archangel Metatron to bless me with this fire. As I do this I become I am one with this radiant fire. I am Platinum-White Angelic Fire. I am the Liberating Cleansing and purifying Power of Platinum-White Fire. I call on this fire to now cleanse and purify my field of all unwelcome sexual projected energy not aligned with love. Removing any sexual attachments to past partners in this lifetime, other lifetimes and in the astral planes. Clearing and releasing all sexual energy that is not mine. As this happens, my sexual energy returns, now, to its original state of pure innocence. 

I call upon this fire to clear and uplift all my connections with social media platforms…..

I now invoke healing Platinum-White Angelic Fire. I call on Archangel Metatron to bless me with this fire. As I do this I become I am one with this radiant fire. I am Platinum-White Angelic Fire. I am the Liberating Cleansing and purifying Power of Platinum-White Fire. I call upon this fire to clear and uplift all my connections with social media platforms. I call on this fire to clear all non-beneficial energies being transmitted through any and all electronic devices and computers. I call on this fire to interrupt all harmful electromagnetic waves in my energy field. I call on this fire to interrupt all invasive surveillance systems in my vicinity that I am not in agreement or alignment with.

This fire removes all energies and beings not aligned with love….

I invoke healing Platinum-White Angelic Fire. I call on Archangel Metatron to bless me with this fire. As I do this I become I am one with this radiant fire. I am Platinum-White Angelic Fire. I am the Liberating Cleansing and purifying Power of Platinum-White Fire. I am the fire that cleanses and releases everything that is not love. This fire removes all energies and beings not aligned with love. I send this fire to burn in love all enslavement and violation programming. I send this fire to dissolve all agreements, vows, promises, contracts that are not aligned with love. I send this fire to dissolve all cords and threads or energy connections that attach me to lower vibrational beings or situations. I send this fire to clear all lower connections between myself and my bloodlines. I send this fire to clear in love all timelines, past, parallel, future of all lower frequencies and energies. I send this fire to sweep my energy field clean of any and all dark crystals, devices, implants that seek to lower, drain or otherwise deplete my energy. I now send this fire to sweep my energy field clean of anything and everything that does not serve love.

I am a living portal of pure Platinum-White fire….

I now invoke healing Platinum-White Angelic Fire. I call on Archangel Metatron to bless me with this fire. As I do this I become I am one with this radiant fire. I am Platinum-White Angelic Fire. I am the Liberating Cleansing and purifying Power of Platinum-White Fire. I am a living portal of pure Platinum-White fire. I am a burning light of purifying fire. I radiate this Platinum-White angelic fire out into my reality. Into all of my relationships uplifting and enhancing the energy in all of my connections. This fire allows some people and situations to be released from my reality. This fire creates new doorways of light, now, allowing new people and situations that match my vibration to enter my reality. I radiate this Platinum-White angelic fire out into all the physical structures around me. My home, workspace and other important structures.

I call on this fire to cleanse my Akashic Records…

I invoke healing Platinum-White Angelic Fire.  I call on Archangel Metatron to bless me with this fire. As I do this I become I am one with this radiant fire. I am Platinum-White Angelic Fire. I am the Liberating Cleansing and purifying Power of Platinum-White Fire. I call on this fire to cleanse my Akashic Records, through all timelines and all lifetimes releasing all karmic programming that can now be released at this time. Releasing all need for karmic relationships, karmic cycles, karmic situations. Allowing a reclamation of my true soul’s light in the body and energy fields. Allowing for a deeper connection to my multidimensional gifts and talents.

With each breath the power of this affirming and cleansing light goes deep into the cells and DNA….

I now invoke healing Platinum-White Angelic Fire. I call on Archangel Metatron to bless me with this fire. As I do this I become I am one with this radiant fire. I am Platinum-White Angelic Fire. I am the Liberating Cleansing and purifying Power of Platinum-White Fire. With each breath the power of this affirming and cleansing light goes deep into the cells and DNA. With each breath the power of this affirming and cleansing light goes deep into my emotional body. With each breath the power of this affirming and cleansing light goes deep into my mind. With each breath the power of this and cleansing affirming light goes deep into my chakra system. With each breath the power of this cleansing affirming light flows out into my reality, cleansing the vibrations in my home, in the places where I work, clearing the energetic connections in all my relationships.  

I ground this light into every layer and level of my being and consciousness….

I invoke healing Platinum-White Angelic Fire.  I call on Archangel Metatron to bless me with this fire. As I do this I become I am one with this radiant fire. I am Platinum-White Angelic Fire. I am the Liberating Cleansing and purifying Power of Platinum-White Fire. I ground this light into every layer and level of my being and consciousness. I now declare that I am a free sovereign being, my energy is sacred, my energy is sacrosanct. I am here to weave angelic light. I am here to birth a new reality, a reality of higher light, higher consciousness, and higher potential. I have come as a flame of light to liberate myself within this world. As I am liberated, I assist others to be sovereign and free in their reality.

Just take a moment….

To absorb the full impact of these affirmations and allow the force of Platinum-White Fire to adjust so that your field comes to a sense of peace. Take a moment to ground and come to your centre. If you can ground more deeply into the crystalline grid. Connecting to the core of the earth. Then invite a gentle lavender light to wash through your energy fields like a gentle rain.

Music by…

Soundstripe – Wild Colors Wide Awake And Dreaming (with background vocals).

13 responses

  1. Thank you Beautiful Soul! I speak these out loud 3x. Incredibly Powerful! Infinite Blessings to you now and always throughout EXISTENCE!

  2. Thank You so much. I just finished reading aloud this beautiful poetic uplifting affimation.

  3. dear steve appreciate your dedication to the starseeds light carriers and all walking this earth at this time.. love and light to you namaste.. i feel this is a very powerful affirmation for me.. marycarroll

  4. You Excel yourself as ever Steve
    Your transmissios are so powerful and they do work I can feel the energy very strong
    Thank you for being a massive part of my journey bro
    Love ya forever

  5. I have listened to your wonderful meditations and wisdom for many years now Steve. This particular meditation and its music has been ‘given’ to me umpteen times since its first airing on your channel. I have revisited it in times of necessity to help me through the very odd sensations I am experiencing. Sending you much Love, everything Good and sincere thanks.

  6. Thank you so much Steve for this wonderful affirmations. Strong tool for working with. I feel it while I write it….
    Thanks for Archangel Lord Metatron and the Platinum-White Angelic Fire.
    Many blessings for you Steve

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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