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Higher Light Decree: Releasing Allegiance to Dark Royal/Noble Bloodlines.

This decree is designed to clear all allegiance and servitude to any Royal Bloodline, Aristocratic Bloodline, Tribal bloodline, Feudal bloodline, Feudal system, Feudal Overlord, Military Organisation, Military Leader, Secret Society and any other hidden group or organisation that is not in alignment with my Soul’s chosen destiny in this lifetime.

Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance….

I call upon my I Am Presence, my Higher Selves from the 6th to 12th dimensions and my Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance to witness, support and activate this decree.

I call upon Archangels of the Horizontal Plane, Raphael of the East, Michael of the South, Gabriel of the West and Uriel of the North to witness this decree.  I call upon Archangels of the Vertical Plane, Metatron and Sandalphon to witness this decree. I call upon all positively orientated Stellar Races assisting in the ascension process to witness this decree. I call upon the Emerald Order of ascended beings to witness this decree.

I am a Free Sovereign Being…

I declare that I am a free sovereign being. I am a beloved child of the Universe, I am a multidimensional being of light, I am a Starseed magician, a Starseed alchemist, a pioneer in consciousness. No 3D earthly authority has any power over me. I have experienced lifetimes of growth where I have power and wealth as well as lifetimes where power and wealth were not the main focus. My Higher Self is seated in a throne of light in a Temple in the Great Central Sun. Spiritual connection is the truth of my being. I have experienced many dimensions, planes of existence and Stellar races. I am here because I have chosen to serve the truth. I am a clear and pure channel for the light. I am a clear and pure channel for a Universal flow of golden abundance. Abundance is the birth right of all souls on this planet. The destiny of this world is that of light. I am here to assist in transformation this world. I am a servant of the One, the power of the One true light shines through my being.

I call to my Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance, including all my Higher Selves from 5th Dimension to 12th Dimension. I call on my OverSoul and all helpers, guides, angels, archangels, positively orientated Stellar races and all specialist teams working with me in Spirit.

Facing All Shadows…

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance, I am here to face, transform and move beyond the shadows and limitations of this world. I am here to return this dimension of the earth to the light. I am here to assist the human collective in the ascension process. I have mastered the ascension process on many other worlds and planes of existence.

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance, I ask for a complete clearing and burning in the fire of the Great Central Sun all contracts, oaths, vows or promises leading to obedience and servitude to any Royal Bloodline, Aristocratic Bloodline, Tribal bloodline, Feudal bloodline, Feudal system, Feudal Overlord, Military Organisation, Military Leader, Secret Society and any other hidden group or organisation that is not in alignment with my Soul’s chosen destiny in this lifetime.

I ask for a complete clearing and burning in the fire of the Great Central Sun all blood oaths made to defend any overlord or follow them into war. Including promises of allegiance and servitude to any heirs and successors of any royal, noble or feudal bloodline.

Burn All Negative Agreements in the Great Central Sun…

I ask for a complete clearing and burning in the fire of the Great Central Sun of any agreements with royal bloodlines and any financial system connected to those bloodlines that seeks to control, limit and suppress my abundance and the abundance of most souls living on the planet.

Clear and destroy in the fire of the Great Central Sun all contracts, oaths, vows or promises made in any lifetime, any dimension or timeline that negatively affect me now. Destroy all negative and limiting agreements of allegiance and servitude made in any public or private ritual. Burn and destroy in the fire of the Great Central Sun any contracts, oaths, vows or promises made by any ancestor or group of ancestors to any bloodline that bind or limit me in any way.

Remove All Energetic Limits….

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance, release any energetic limit placed on me by any royal, aristocratic, feudal or tribal bloodline not aligned with the light. Release all negative imprints, patterning and stories that limits my consciousness in any way. Grant me the experience of going beyond all 3D earthly authority or laws that are unjust and are not in alignment with the light. Assist me in renouncing all false limits imposed by any 3D earthly authority whether accepted consciously or unconsciously. Clear all associated programming, patterning, imprints and stories that are influencing me negatively in any way. Burn all of this across all space and time, all incarnations, dimensions and timelines.

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance, open the way for me to experience the full power and light of my sovereign being.  Open the way for me to experience the full sovereign power and light of everyone in my reality.

I declare that I am a free sovereign being. I am a beloved child of the Universe, I am a multidimensional being of light, I am a Starseed magician, a Starseed alchemist, a pioneer in consciousness. No 3D earthly authority has any power over me. I have experienced lifetimes of growth where I have experienced power and wealth as well as lifetimes where power and wealth were not the main focus. My Higher Self is seated in a throne of light in a Temple in the Sun. Spiritual connection is the truth of my being. I have experienced many dimensions, planes of existence and Stellar races. I am here because I have chosen to serve the truth. I am a clear and pure channel for the light. I am a clear and pure channel for a Universal flow of golden abundance. Abundance is the birth right of all souls on this planet. The destiny of this world is that of light. I am here to assist in transforming this world. I am a servant of the One, the power of the One true power shines through my core being.

Music by…

Chris Collins – Binaural Journey.

5 responses

  1. I believe, I am happy, that I am a starseed of the light thankful and grateful I am presence.

  2. You are truly Source energy manifested in the flesh for this day and age! I am so blessed and grateful you opened my eyes to see this truth that you have presented so beautifully in this declaration! Infinite blessings to you and yours Steve

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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