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Higher Light Decree: Clearing Lower 3D Education System Beliefs, Energies and Imprints.

The Joy of Learning….

Learning is something that is life-long and does not need to stop with the attainment of any academic qualification. Although there are many wonderfully inspiring people working in education systems around the world, there are various systemic problems that can negatively impact Starseeds that need to be cleared. This Higher Light Decree is designed to begin the process of clearing out any lingering physical, emotional, mental and psychic blocks picked up in any 3D education system.

The Script…

I call upon my I Am Presence, my Higher Selves from the 6th to 12th dimensions and my Team in Spirit of the highest light and resonance to witness, support and activate this decree.

I call upon Archangels of the Horizontal Plane, Raphael of the East, Michael of the South, Gabriel of the West and Uriel of the North to witness this decree.  I call upon Archangels of the Vertical Plane, Metatron and Sandalphon to witness this decree. I call upon all positively orientated Stellar Races assisting in the ascension process to witness this decree.

I am a multidimensional being, I am a child of the Universe not limited by time or space. I have experienced many dimensions and planes of existence. I have a wealth of abilities, gifts and talents within me. I am here to learn, to grow, to know more of myself. I bow down to no-one and no 3D group or organisation. I am here to break free of all imposed 3D limits so that I can activate and expand the full range of limitless potential within my being in this lifetime.

Burning of All Agreements…

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance, I ask for a complete clearing and burning in the fire of the Great Central Sun all contracts, oaths, vows or promises connected to conforming to any education system, whether in this life or any other. Also, all contracts, oaths, vows or promises taken by anyone in my ancestral lines that limit or negatively influence me in any way.

Burning of All Psychic Cords…

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance, dissolve, burn and destroy any dense psychic cords touching my field connecting me to any past teacher, student, group, class, situation or education/academic system. Release all cording across all space and time, dimensions and timelines. Seal my energy fields with golden light, restoring my sovereign energy and boundaries.

Clearing All Negative Programming…

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance, clear all associated negative programming, patterning, priorities, imprints, false perceptions, beliefs, stories, that are influencing me in any way – whether from this lifetime or any other lifetime. Clear all energies, programming and imprints around negative comparisons to others, including any experience of being streamed in school according to intelligence, any negative comparisons concerning qualifications.

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance, clear all energies, programming and imprints around bullying, inappropriate comments, behaviours, humiliation, being compelled to conform, to conform to time and deadlines. Clear all energies, programming and imprints of disruption, confusion, unrealistic pressures of any kind, being forced to perform, achieve. Clear all energies, programming and imprints of injustice, punishment, stress, shame and unworthiness. Clear all energies, programming and imprints of rejection or exclusion. Clear all any limiting labelling within the system from teachers or peers such as “stupid” or “troubled”, “different”, “weird”, “disturbed”, “crazy” and so on. Clear all energies, programming and imprints that have caused any anxiety, depression, OCD or any other emotional/mental health condition. Burn all of this across all space and time, dimensions and timelines. Restore and increase my natural core vibration to a 5D level and above, releasing anything interfering with my innate light, curiosity, joy, playfulness, and exuberance.  

Releasing All 3D Ideas, Beliefs, Teachings…

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance, I rescind and renounce all conscious and unconscious ideas, beliefs, teachings I have picked up from any education method or system that block, limit or dumb down my innate intelligence, creative, dreaming, visioning and intuitive abilities in any way. Release anything affecting my emotional and mental wellbeing that originates from passing through a 3D education system. Restore and increase my innate multidimensional gifts and abilities that were not allowed to shine in a 3D educational system. Restore and increase my innate ability to dream my reality and my world into being.

Releasing All 3D Energetic Limits…

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance, I release any energetic limit placed on me as I moved through the education system. I release any unrealistic expectations I placed on any 3D education system. I release any unrealistic expectations I placed on myself. I release all punishments and constraints received whether physical, emotional, mental. I release any programs and imprints of inferiority/superiority.  I release anywhere I have placed any individual or group of individuals on any pedestal. I release any false perceptions that others are more capable, clever, connected, talented, skilled, worthy, deserving than Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance, assist me to heal and transform all false ideas, beliefs, methodologies and teachings that creating a schism between my masculine and feminine archetypal energies, my heart and mind, my logic, intuition and imagination, body and soul created by any false teachings or ideologies. Grant me the experience of going beyond any ideas or world views presented by any teacher, or educational system.

Clearing Interference in My Energy Fields…

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance, assist me to clear any interference in my chakras, meridian system, layers of my aura that originate from any 3D education system. Allow my energy to flow and intensify beyond all 3D interference. I am here to shine, to fly, to know more of what is truly possible for me in this lifetime.

Opening the Way…

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance, I am here to live my life to the fullest, to explore, to create, to birth a new world into being. Open the way for me to experience the fullness of my authentic being beyond all such interference. Open the way for me to experience the full unity, sovereign power and light of my feminine and masculine energy, heart and mind, body and soul. Open the way for me to experience a complete and clear connection to my Soul, OverSoul and Higher Self.

Ongoing Learning…

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance, assist me in continuing my learning on the higher planes, in temples of learning and wisdom in other dimensions. Assist me in connecting with guides and masters of wisdom to guide my path and learning.

Opening My Heart and Mind…

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance, assist me in expanding beyond all limits. Completing what needs to be completed. Closing what needs to be closed. So that I can move on in ways I never thought possible before. Allow me to open my heart and mind to the vast wonders and miracles within this ascending world.

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance, at this time of ascension help to raise the consciousness of all beings working in any education system. Help to open the hearts and minds of all decision makers within these systems to allow a shift in consciousness.

I am a multidimensional being, I am a child of the Universe not limited by time or space. I have experienced many dimensions and planes of existence. I have a wealth of abilities, gifts and talents within me. I am here to learn, to grow, to know more of myself. I bow down to no-one and no 3D group or organisation. I am here to break free of all imposed 3D limits so that I can activate and expand the full range of limitless potential within my being in this lifetime.

4 responses

  1. Thank you Steve I can feel chains released as I say “yes” to these powerful positive affirmations. My heart feels joy and I know it’s going to be possible to write what I am being called to write to increase the speed of our ascension processes and creating a new Earth. Namaste.

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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