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Higher Light Decree: Releasing False Light Beings / Narcissists / Energy Vampires.

The Script for this Decree…

I call upon my I Am Presence, my Higher Selves from the 6th to 12th dimensions and my Team in Spirit of the highest light and resonance to witness, support and activate this decree.

I call upon Archangels of the Horizontal Plane, Raphael, Michael, Gabriel and Uriel to witness this decree.  I call upon Archangels of the Vertical Plane, Metatron and Sandalphon to witness this decree. I call upon all Stellar Races assisting in the ascension process to witness this decree. I call upon the Emerald Order of ascended beings to witness this decree.

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance, I am a multidimensional being, I have experienced the light of many higher dimensions. I am a child of the Universe, I am here because I have chosen to serve the truth. I am a servant of the One, the power of the One shines through my core being.

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance…

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance, I chose to face the shadows and darkness of this world and I chose to birth a greater light into this world. I have mastered the ascension process on many other planes of existence, I am here to serve, to heal, to clear, to activate my gifts, express my authentic truth and to celebrate the light in all beings. I ask that you assist me in this mission.

Choosing the Ascension Journey…

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance, I declare that this ascension journey was chosen at a higher level of being before I entered into this incarnation. I chose to incarnate in this world of duality, of polarity. I am here at this time in this ascending world to witness both light and darkness. To witness the polarity of light in this world that manifests in many beautiful ways. To witness the polarity of darkness in this world that manifests in many beautiful ways. There is much beauty in this world that manifests through polarity, the polarity of day and night, male and female. There is also a duality of light and dark energies. There is a great light that shines through many Starseeds that manifests as wisdom, love, joy and primarily service to others. There is a darkness that manifests through souls aligned with lower/dark forces that manifests as hate, violence, war, greed, the desire to control, manipulate, deceive.

Darkness is Leaving…

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance, even though darkness has had the upper hand on this planet for thousands of years, even though the darkness has prevented the light from incarnating on this planet in any great numbers, even though the darkness has sought to block the light at every twist and turn, I now declare that has all changed. Even though darkness appeared stronger than the light now that is reversed. Now the light is in the ascendence.

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance, Grant me the courage and strength to seek out the light in this world. Lead me out of the Valley of Shadows into green pastures of spiritual connection and sustenance.

Faith and Strength…

Activate my faith, my strength and my determination to step up and to step out, to seek and to find, to be visible and shine my light, for those with eyes to see, for those with the ears to hear me.

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance, I declare my intention to clear all darkness, all shadows from my being and my reality. I ask for your assistance to allow me to move out of the darkness of despair, desolation, delusion, isolation, separation, confusion, doubt, fear and all lower vibrations. I ask that you assist me in this mission.

False Light and True Light…

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance, help me to distinguish light beings from false light beings. True light is never superior, never sickly sweet, never condescending, never arrogant, never draining. False light can shine brightly yet that false light hides a deep darkness beneath its shiny surface. True light gently guides and assists. False light can manifest as narcissistic beings, as an energy vampires, as beings posing on the inner planes as angels or guides or my Higher Self.  

Releasing Lower Frequency Relationships…

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance. Assist me in releasing all lower frequency earthly connections and relationships that are not aligned with my soul’s journey. As I do this I allow more space for more of my soul’s light to enter my energy fields. To allow more space for the guidance of my Higher Self, Guides and Angels to enter my reality.

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance. Assist me in distinguishing those who are true servants of the light from those who are false light beings.

Assist me in connecting with those beings that are truly aligned with the light. Align me with my Higher Self, and all angels, guides and Stellar Races that are of the light.

Moving Beyond the Dark…

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance, guide me in this world to move beyond all deception of the dark, to recognise spiritual false light that may look and sound good but feels off! Help me recognise the touch of lower energies in another that may manifest as an overbearing, intoxicating, charismatic, or seductive energy.

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance. Expand all my thinking, believing and knowing around connecting with my true Soul Family and true Soul Tribe. Assist me in releasing old beliefs and stories around not feeling good enough, deserving enough, worthy enough to deserve the love, the encouragement, the support of others.

Clear all Energetic Pathways…

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance, clear and cleanse all energetic pathways and energy centres in my being that have been touched by darkness. The darkness of lower astral beings, dense thoughtforms, the darkness of lower ET beings. I ask that my false light radar be amplified.

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance, assist me in knowing at the core of my being that true light demands nothing, true light is concerned with pure service and unconditional love. True light seeks to create a Heaven on Earth.

Expanding Beyond False Limits…

Assist me in opening to a greater intensity of light, so that my heart, and mind may expand beyond all false limits so that I may become a clear and pure channel for the light.

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance, All beings aligned with Lower energies and dark forces are hereby released anD banished from my reality. May all darkness that has been hidden in this ascending world now be revealed and dissipated in the light of truth.

Dear Team in Spirit of the Highest Light and Resonance, I am a multidimensional being, I have experienced the light of many higher dimensions. I am a child of the Universe, I am here because I have chosen to serve the truth. I am a servant of the One, the power of the One shines through my core being.

15 responses

  1. I really love this. Have had so many issues with this due to many indirect agreements I have made with powerful individuals very much in service to self before I realized what it was all really about. I am actually committing to reciting this for 40 days with my hands over my water to bless it. Have been feeling nice and light. I feel like this is helping me get to my next phase of activation. Kind of wish I thought of it first lol, but I truly couldn’t have done it better. This is perfect. Thank you so much!

  2. Heart feeling of greatest gratitude to All who assist in this clearing so we can fulfill our mission with the speed of Light. THANK YOU STEVE

  3. Thank you… a powerful invocation indeed
    Thank you for your light, your love and your immense act of service in holding the light!

  4. Thank You … Thank You… for Your powerful magical wonderful invocation… eternal gratitude to You Steve Nobel … Love and Light… Love

  5. I feel that some of these Higher Light Decrees were written specifically for my mission! Incredible how it is so fitting to my current situation and state of being <3 Thank you Steve, from the bottom of our heart, the work you do is invaluable and has gotten us out of so many "sticky" situations. With Love from my TF and I <3

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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