With Melissa Astara Rose…
Melissa Astara Rose is a Magdalene Isis Stargate Priestess, High Frequency Channeller & Creator of Magdalene Rose Temple. Her channellings and transmissions support the embodiment of your Magdalene-Isis Priestess Gifts, your Divine Purpose and Sacred Feminine Power into this world.
A Mary Magdalene Channelled Meditation…
This podcast contains a short Mary Magdalene channelled meditation at the end!
Music by…
The meditation music is – Autumn Music Vol 2 by Nature Music Society.
6 responses
Melissa Astara Rose’s website – https://www.magdalenerosetemple.com/
This was so beautiful! Thank you❤️
Very beautiful, I felt very connected to this red rose and Mary Magdelane energy. Thank you both so much✨♥️✨
This was a powerful activation. Thank you
Amazing ❤️✨
Thank you both for everything.
Beautiful <3