Meet Glynnis Harris Rowe – Inspiring Spiritual Entrepreneurs with Liz Findlay
Welcome to this podcast series on “Inspiring Spiritual Entrepreneurs” hosted by Liz Findlay. Today we have the pleasure of meeting Glynnis Harris Rowe. Glynnis is a storyteller, weaving energy into stories to bring healing to the collective. She works with medium to large companies infusing sustainable technology into scripts for a new world. Listen out […]
The Goddess Ma’at Transmission: Rebalancing Your Light. Aligning with the New 5D World That is Coming.
The Goddess Ma’at… Commonly, the Goddess Ma’at was depicted as a beautiful woman with arms outstretched as wings. Often with a feather on her head and sometimes appearing with a sceptre in one hand and an ankh in the other. The Egyptian goddess Ma’at, was known as “She who keeps the world in balance”. Starseeds […]