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Andromedan Starseed Rainbow Crystal Light Transmission: Channeling a Deep Healing Light Into Gaia.

Andromedan Starseeds…

There are a number of Starseeds on this planet with Andromedan connections. Andromeda is a beautiful system with many helpful races. Some of these are humanoid and others are taller and have the appearance of great wings or bands of light in their energy fields. This seemingly winged race has long connections with the earth. You can think of these beings in this transmission as angels or as star beings (although here I have referred to them as angels). The frequency of these beings is extremely loving and wise.

In this Transmission…

In this remastered transmission (from May 2018) you will be held by six archangels from the earth plane along with four Andromedan angels who create a grid of rainbow crystal light around you. Within this grid you receive a transmission of rainbow crystal light to clear aspects of your physical body as well as a transmission of light that is sent via your energy fields deep within the crystalline grid of the earth to promote a deep healing and cleansing within Gaia and all kingdoms of nature including the human kingdom.

More Information…

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14 responses

  1. My gratefulness for this empowerment and blessings from the Angels,, for shifting me to higher levels of consciousness, assisting me and the planetary world, raising our collective vibrational frequencies and readying us all to open to the presence and assistance of the Angels, the Masters , the Galactic dimension, helping us to awaken and remember who we are as starseeds , thus revealing the extent of our mission and our need to focus on radiating and spreading the Light, every minute of our waking time.
    I have been waiting for this guidance all my life. thank you Steve . No words to express my gratitude.

  2. To say this was powerful is an understatement.

    I experienced a lot of emotional release – particularly grief.

    I particularly found helpful breathing my ‘issues’ into the earth and then perhaps less so, the fire. The idea that I can breathe any toxicity into the earth and it is more than capable of transmuting it perfectly into material for growth – a kind of compost.

    I obviously have used many a protection method in the past, but this feels different. I think I have always subconsciously thought that if it tried hard enough, toxic energy could seep through.

    I think, as an empath, I have often taken in peoples’ energies either consciously or subconsciously and needless to say, they often get stuck because I am not efficient/perfect enough! This doesn’t really help anyone least of all me.

    I am excited to see how I can use this method in the future.

    Many many thanks and blessings.

      1. Wow, thank you so very much.
        I have worked with Angels for years, only recently looking at my soul origin of Andromeda and came across this. Was so beautiful, emotional and wonderful to connect.
        Love and blessings to you x

  3. While I was listening to this early this morning I had an interesting experience. I drifted off and fell asleep, it was right near the end of the recording when I woke but I kept my eyes closed and was in that hynogogic state, not sure if that is the right word to use but anyway, I was sort of awake and listening to the last bit and there in my minds eye I saw a big wall filled with books and all sorts of angel statues. It was in black and white and my eyes were scanning over the books like a movie camera. It went on for about a minute or so and as soon as the music stopped at the end of the recording the vision went away. I opened my eyes thinking that I was in my bed but I was actually laying down in my infrared sauna! I felt quite discombobulated!

  4. I want to reach out again to say a big THANK YOU, these transmitions are so amazing! So very gracious of you to gift us with these gems! I am so grateful I came across your recordings about a month ago on Sound Cloud and I listen nightly before bed, they have really helped me in so many ways.

  5. Thank you so much for this beautiful transmission. I felt it in every part of my body and soul. Words cannot describe. I felt a lot of emotion release as I felt myself crying practically throughout this entire transmission! So healing! Thank you once again.

  6. Thank you for this lovely video. Not only do I feel a deep cleansing, I love the fact that I can also help to be a pure channel to send the energy back to the Earth and raise the vibration for all humanity. Bright blessings, love and light Maggie Ward

  7. Im having such a hard time finding anything on the winged beings from the andromeda galaxy 🙁 Are there so few of us? I only have a few personal memories and a handful of written lines to go from so anything would help alot! <3

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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