Super-Super Quick Psychic Protection Meditation
A Very Quick Protection Method… This is a super-super quick (remastered) meditation that presents a method to close, seal and protect your energy fields. This method should be practiced often so that when the time comes for protection you are well-versed in this method. How to Work with this Meditation… Begin by facing the North: […]
Flow of Abundance Meditation.
This Meditation… In this remastered meditation we neutralise our judgments about money and open to our core needs and desires for abundance in order to activate a greater degree of flow into and through our reality. Money is Energy…. Our birth right is abundance and that includes the flow of money. All forms of abundance, […]
Affirmations For Pleiadian Starseeds: You are a Wave of Gold-Ray Love.
The Pleiades are a cluster of beautiful, dazzling stars located in the constellation of Taurus. Many indigenous peoples claim a link to the Pleiades. For instance Cherokee legends state that they originated in the Pleiades long, long ago. Many spiritual teachings and channelled sources state that the original human template was birthed from the Pleiadians. It is also said that many Pleiadians are now incarnated on the earth as starseeds to help in the great transition the planet is passing through. Pleiadian forces are on the planet and also assisting from the non-physical realms.