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Dreamstate Meditation: Access Higher Temples of Healing and Learning.

This Meditation for Adults…

This meditation is to help you prepare for the dreamstate, to prepare your chosen resting place, your bedroom, sealing it in light. To set the intention for your dreaming journey. To help you shake off attachments to any lower dreaming worlds so that you can rise in light and grace, in joy, fun and play. So that you can have a new adventure.

Preparing the Space…

“To rest is to sleep, to sleep is to dream, to dream is to journey. To prepare for the journey is all important, so that your space is held in light.

So, now, as you prepare to enter the dreamstate…

Getting ready for your entry to that world

Take a moment to remember the many archangels that can hold sacred space for you.

Raphael of the East and his bright and radiant aura of emerald-green light

Michael of the south and his bright and radiant aura of electric blue light

Gabriel of the west and his bright and radiant aura of diamond white light

Uriel of the north and his bright and radiant aura of ruby red light

Calling upon these angels to hold space for you now as you prepare to sleep.

Allow their protective light into the room to protect the four directions of this room.

Take a moment to remember other archangels holding space for you.

Calling now Metatron from the Great Central sun who brings down a golden-white fiery grid into the room, into the space you are in.

Take a moment to seal your resting space in this light. Calling that beautiful protective golden-white light in the walls around you. Just see that light beginning to form and spread in the walls to the floor beneath you and the ceiling above. Closing the space in light.

Calling now Sandalphon from the crystalline grid of the earth, who brings the grid of diamond-white crystalline light to support the physical structure you are sleeping in. Just allow now that diamond white crystalline grid to hold and ground the room you are in. As if your room could float on a beautiful grid of light.

Safety and Relaxation…

To rest is to sleep, to sleep is to dream, to dream is to journey. To journey is to connect, to heal, to learn and know what your conscious mind cannot fully know in this physical world.

With the angels holding the space, you can relax knowing that you are leaving your physical body in a safe space of light, one that protects your physical vehicle from lower energies before you go off travelling in the higher dimensions.

Just resting in that safe space resting in the knowledge the body is comfortable, relaxed safe and secure.

In this light know that you are held, that you are safe, that you are always held by the light, so long as you put your attention on the light.

Now, in this growing sense of safety know that your body can experience a deep rest, recharging its vital energy, and doing what it knows best while you leave the body and travel in the dreamstate,

Rest in the knowledge that you can truly rest, and as the body rests you can begin to step through a beckoning gateway that leads to other worlds.

Rest in the knowledge that you not only deserve rest, but you also deserve other experiences, ones that your heart yearn for, ones that your soul truly wishes for you.

You deserve to experience more expansive states of joy, fun, play and creative self-expression.

Intention and Liberation….

To rest is to sleep, to sleep is to dream, to dream is to journey. To journey is to connect, to heal, to learn to liberate.  

Sleep is the gateway to not just one world, but many worlds. Worlds of a higher light. In these worlds you are free to liberate yourself from the constrictions of this physical world

Now is a good time to set a powerful intention for your journey. You can always choose to release any connection to lower dense worlds so that you can explore the higher realms of light and joy in the dreamstate.

This Universe is vaster than your imagination can imagine.

There are worlds in the dreamstate where you can be free in, you belong to such worlds,

In those worlds, there are no limits to joy, to fun, to play, to your creative self-expression,

In the dreamstate you can explore many places, places of great beauty and wonder, laces of healing and learning. You are free to visit those higher planes at any time, you do not need permission, you are a beloved child of the universe, this universe is for you to play and create in. This universe is for you to have fun, to grow through joy.

Prepare for an Adventure…

To rest is to sleep, to sleep is to dream, to dream is to journey. To journey is to connect, to heal, to learn to have magical adventures.

There are parts of you that love to play, love to laugh, love to create, love to explore, love to have new adventures. This physical world is not the only place you can explore, there are so many other worlds.

And there is a part of you that yearns to be free, that yearns to fly in the dreamstate,

Connect with Angels….

To rest is to sleep, to sleep is to dream, to dream is to journey. To journey is to heal, to learn to connect, to connect with higher beings of light.  

At this time there are many angels watching over you. You can meet these angels in higher temples of light.

Angels have a higher vibration than anyone you will meet in the physical world. Angels have light-bodies that can hold a higher vibration than the physical body can hold.

You can meet angels in the dreamstate, because they are very happy and to meet Starseeds who are on the path of awakening, the path of healing, the path of transformation.

Deep Peace…

To rest is to sleep, to sleep is to dream, to dream is to journey. To journey is to connect, to heal, to learn and know. In the dreamstate you can visit great temples of light for there are higher vibrational worlds that contain such temples,

There are temples of light where you can experience a deep healing, a healing of the mind, a healing of the heart, a healing of your energy bodies.

Within those temples you can meet many beings of light who are accomplished healers, healing with sound, with colour, with intention and thought, with touch, with vibration, with love.

There are temples of light where you can listen to knowledge that is not available in the physical world, there are temples of light where you can experience great learning and wisdom.

Within these temples you can meet many beings of light who have great gifts and wisdom to share. And meeting such high souls is very precious.

As you are entering the dreamstate, set the intention to visit those higher worlds, to visit those temples of light.

Visit Temples of Light…

To rest is to sleep, to sleep is to dream, to dream is to journey. To journey is to connect, to heal, to learn and know. In the dreamstate you can visit great temples of light for there are higher vibrational worlds that contain such temples,

There are temples of light where you can experience a deep healing, a healing of the mind, a healing of the heart, a healing of your energy bodies.

Within those temples you can meet many beings of light who are accomplished healers, healing with sound, with colour, with intention and thought, with touch, with vibration, with love.

There are temples of light where you can listen to knowledge that is not available in the physical world, there are temples of light where you can experience great learning and wisdom.

Within these temples you can meet many beings of light who have great gifts and wisdom to share. And meeting such high souls is very precious.

As you are entering the dreamstate, set the intention to visit those higher worlds, to visit those temples of light.

Experience Deep Peace…

To rest is to sleep, to sleep is to dream, to dream is to journey. To journey is to connect, to heal, to learn and know, to experience a peace beyond this world.  

There is a deep peace you can experience in the higher planes, a peace that is not available on the earth-plane to most beings who live there. This peace is deeply healing. In this peace you begin to realise at a deep level that the Universe is essentially friendly and benign. That the Universe cares for you, that the Universe has your back in ways you cannot imagine.

Dissolve Blocks…

To rest is to sleep, to sleep is to dream, to dream is to journey. To journey is to connect, to heal, to learn and know what your conscious mind cannot fully know in this world.

In the dreamstate you can learn how energetic blocks can be dissolved. How issues that have been concerning you in your physical life can be worked out and completed or resolved. Here, what once felt like an obstacle can quickly transform into an open doorway.

Meeting Soul Friends…

To rest is to sleep, to sleep is to dream, to dream is to journey. To journey is to connect, to heal, to learn, to know, to meet old friends.

In the higher planes you can meet other souls you have a bond of love with. Those you have known in other lifetimes. Those you have shared love with in other lifetimes. For you have lived many lifetimes. There are souls you know who may not be exploring what you are now exploring on the earth-plane. But this does not matter, you can still meet them in the dreamstate and exchange wisdom, love, energetic touch.

You can meet other souls who are journeying on the earth plane as you are. You can meet them to here work out stuff on the earth, perhaps to learn something, perhaps to heal something, perhaps to complete something, perhaps to create something.  

Expanding Possibility…

To rest is to sleep, to sleep is to dream, to dream is to journey. To journey is to connect, to heal, to learn, to know to dream new experiences into being.

In these higher planes of light you realise that everything feels more possible here than in this physical world. In these temples of light you can be shown how new experiences your heart and soul desires can become activated on the physical plane.

In these higher planes you can rest, rejuvenate, explore, play. You can have new adventures, ones that are not entirely possible in the physical plane. Here your dreaming can inspire your earthly mind so that your life on earth can become more fluid, peaceful and graceful.

Going Deeper…

To rest is to sleep, to sleep is to dream, to dream is to journey. You can go deeper now. You can let go of everything, as you let go you can rise higher in the dreaming planes.

Perhaps your consciousness is already drifting into the dreamstate. Perhaps you have one foot through the door to other worlds, perhaps you are fully there.

It is time now to let go of this world, to let go for a time of all your earthly concerns. You will return when your dreamstate adventures are done.

But now it is time to drift off, to drift up, into the higher octaves of light, the higher octaves of joy, the higher octaves of love, the higher octaves of healing, the higher octaves of wisdom and learning.

Below are two tracks which contain the same script and music though my voice is barely audible and you can experiment with both and see which you prefer.

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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