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The Star Child Transmission: Invoking Angelic Support, Soul Tribe, Star Races.


Two Ways to Use this Transmission…

This transmission is to be used first on your own inner child and then using this track it can be used on a star child who is a blood relation or you have legal guardianship. This transmission is ideal for parents of Starseed children. (When using for a blood relation child during the transmission you will be invited to ask their Higher Self for permission to proceed. Please note sometimes you will not be granted permission. This must always be respected. Sometimes it is simply a question of timing).

The Golden Rule…

In this transmission the Golden Rule is less is more. More light is not always the right thing. It is a question of the right intensity of light at the right time. This is very important. Too much light can feel detrimental. Too much light for a star child can shift things too quickly. Always be guided by your inner wisdom and your Higher Self as well as the Higher Self of the child.

Star Children…

They have been coming in waves since the 1940’s, with more waves in the decades following. Star Children have come to Earth with a very special mission – to recreate a global human community based on soul qualities such as love and harmony. Star children are highly sensitive and feel that Earth is not their natural home. There are three types of star children, Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow. The Indigo Children are rebellious and warrior-like in spirit. They came to challenge and shake the system. Crystal children are usually more easy going, they are highly empathic and imaginative. Rainbow children are the most recent wave and are innately connected to their Higher Self and the Spiritual Dimensions. Rainbow Children typically are new to this dimension of the Earth.

This Transmission…

This remastered transmission (originally created October 2018) clears the energy field, clears any negative projections, and connects the star child (whether an aspect of yourself or another being) to positive energies from their Higher Self along with and other helpful beings that are incarnate and also disincarnate in the Spirit Worlds. Finally, it also connects the star child to star races they feel a natural affinity with.

Archangel Symbols…

Because this is an old track some of the symbols used for calling the Archangels are a bit out of date, though they will still work. Those who have experienced my work will know what symbols to use!

Music By…

Matías Romero Acuña (Aural Sound) and the track is called Mystic Flow Binaural Beat Delta 



11 responses

  1. Magic. Angels from other dimensions and star systems. When you said that it was as if these angels who were all black and their cords were also black, breathed this sigh of relief- like they’d been waiting a very long time to connect. I know the black cords doesn’t sound great – and there did seem to be risk of wrapping me up too tight, but the Angels felt very powerful and protective and warrior-like.

  2. Steve-what a powerful and comforting transmission! So grateful to have crossed paths with you early on! you are a gift to us!. wanted to share-my 2 fur babies literally ‘take the position’..when they hear the opening a swirl and music, they join me, sit so quietly and dont move! I so love that. They have been with us for the ride as well!! Loved this as always

  3. Steve, this trasmission was so transforming for me. Feeling massive shift, connected to my tribe and families and grounded. Thank you very much. God bless.

  4. That was very lovely, so gentle and peaceful. This was the first time I did this meditation but right from the beginning I found that my son was there as well. It seemed that his star child and mine came in together. It just seemed right to be that way.

  5. Hello, I came here via the Summit and are bookmarking the video in Transmissions Section of your Library to watch later. But I couldn’t go away from this one without leaving a message. I am an Adult Crystal Rainbow Starchild, and you forgot to mention the last wave: Diamond Starchildren, who are incarnating from late 2011. Light Blessings

  6. Hi and thank you very much is about all I know how to say at this point in time. I find this so very beneficial.

  7. Dearest Steve, thank you so much for this powerful transmission supporting us and the planet in our ascension process. WE are the Lightghtworkers and Starseeds creating together the New
    Matrix for the Golden Age of beloved Gaia.
    In deep gratitude and love

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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