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Higher Light Decree: Releasing Abusive/Toxic Relationships

This Track…

Higher Light Decrees are statements or declarations of intention to the Universe. They could be considered as a very focused form of prayer, though they are made to some unknown deity spoken about in some religious text. These are declarations or prayers to Universal Intelligence of which you are part. They are made to God/Goddess All That is, your Teams in Spirit including your OverSoul, Higher Self and all helpful Archangels and beings of light. This decree is designed to clear all negative agreements, programming, cording and all forms of toxic interference with any other being, group or organisation. Promoting a greater sense of personal wellbeing, healthy boundaries, self-love and self-care.

Opening Invocation…

I call upon God/Goddess All That Is. I call upon my OverSoul, my Higher Selves, and Teams in Spirit of the highest light and resonance to witness, assist, and activate this decree. I call upon my Body Elemental to be present and open during this decree. I call upon on my Star Family across the Universe to assist me in this decree. I call on all Archangels of the horizontal and vertical force planes to be present during this decree. I call on all Recording Angels of the Akashic Records. I call upon Angels of Healing, Angels of Love. I call upon Cosmic Christ Consciousness and the Christ Grid, and all ascended beings within that grid to assist me in this decree. I call upon and invoke the Crystalline Grid of Gaia for assistance and support during this process. I call on all Angelic beings within that Grid for assistance and support during this decree.

Opening Waterfall of Light…

Spirit, I request now a waterfall of clearing and cleansing crystalline violet and ultraviolet light to be initiated to flow down and clear my energy fields.
Spirit, I request this be followed by a waterfall of crystalline diamond-white light to flow down and clear my energy fields.
Spirit, I request this be followed by a waterfall of gold light to flow down and clear my energy fields. I ask that this waterfall of violet-white-gold light continue throughout this decree.

Opening Prayer to Spirit…

Spirit, I ask for a complete clearing and removal of any impediment, limitation, interference, or blockage in my mind, heart, body and energy fields relating to any of my previous or current relationships. Assist me in releasing any energy or connection that no longer serves me, that is no longer in alignment with my vibration and my highest timeline. Assist me in clearing and releasing any energy or connection that seeks to impede, resist, slow down or in any way alter my chosen direction in this lifetime. Clearing, closing and removing with light and love all that needs to be closed and removed. Restoring a complete clear connection to my core authentic being and to my Higher Self.      

Clearing Negative Vows, Promises and Agreements…

Spirit, I hereby now renounce all agreements, vows, promises in the Akashic Records across all space and time that promotes any form of toxic interaction. Spirit, break, neutralise and remove all contracts, vows, promises, agreements that I have made in any lifetime, including this lifetime, whether taken consciously or unconsciously that in any way, shape or form allows, attracts or creates any toxic connection with another. Spirit, also break, neutralise and remove all contract, vow, promises, agreement I have made with my own soul that is interfering in any of my relationships. Whether that be with any member of my family, any other individual including present and past lovers, contributors to any situation involving suffering, members of groups, systems or organisations that do not respect my sovereignty. Break, neutralise and remove all contracts, agreements, vows, promises multidimensionally across all lifetimes that create any form of unnecessary enmeshment and suffering. Including any unhelpful agreements with my ancestral lines that interfere with my relationships. Remove and destroy any associated programs in my being that create any form of unnecessary enmeshment and suffering. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.

Clearing Other Lifetimes…

Clear any memories or imprints from any lifetime of being involved in any karmic and abusive relationship. Clear any memories or imprints from any lifetime of being involved in any form of sexual abuse. Clear any unnecessary and unhelpful psychic connection to any part of my multidimensional being that is in any form of suffering right now. Clear all such psychic connection down to the cells and DNA. Clear any unjustified karma that can be cleared now. Allow me to extract and retain any useful lessons whilst remove all unnecessary memories. Burn them in a bright light so they are removed from all layers of my unconscious mind. Clear this down to the cellular level and DNA. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.

I invite the healing and restorative light of Christ Consciousness supported by angelic healing light into any psychic space and into anywhere I have been connected to by a toxic other. Sending love and light to all parts of my multidimensional being that is experiencing any form of suffering or limitation. Restoring a complete sense of healthy boundaries and personal sovereignty. Reconnecting me to my authentic core and authentic values. Opening me to a deep connection to the harmony, love and unity consciousness of my Higher Self in all layers and levels of my being.

Clearing Family Conditioning…

Spirit, release, clear and remove any programming relating to allowing, attracting, or creating abusive relationships that I have received in my blood family. Clear and remove any programming relating to bullying, humiliation, shaming, unhealthy modelling of aggression and power, any parent-child enmeshment. Clear and remove any programming received in the womb of my mother. Clear any unhelpful programming received during the bonding phase with my mother that interferes with my ability to naturally, effortlessly, and happily bond appropriately with others. Clear any unhelpful programming received from my father during my formative years including any programs of the father being absent emotionally and/or physically. Clear any enmeshment with any narcissistic member of my family who seeks to impose their will over me. Clear any conditioning of being a super compliant or super people pleaser. Clear any program of seeking to be invisible or seeking to take the blame or seeking to be any kind of doormat. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.

Clearing the Bloodlines…

Clear all imprints and traumas from my bloodlines that encourage any form of abusive connection or enmeshment. Clear any negative unhelpful programs or imprints arising from any patriarchal structure or system. Clear any curses, whether sent or received, in the bloodlines that in any shape or form interfere with my ability to experience healthy and happy relationships. Clear any negative unhelpful programs or imprints of abandonment, abuse, sexual abuse, betrayal, bitterness, failure, fear, heartbreak, hurt, intolerance, injustice, rejection, loneliness, shame, unworthiness, vengeance, violence, or any similar form of psychic disturbance that interferes with my natural ability to connect appropriately effortlessly and happily with others. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.

I invite the healing and restorative light of Christ Consciousness supported by angelic healing light into any psychic space and into anywhere I have been exposed to toxic enmeshment or modelling of such enmeshment in my family. Allowing me to create sufficient space between myself and any member of my family if/as necessary. In addition, clearing all ancestral programming. Connecting me to the deep ancestors who are beyond all pain and suffering. Restoring a complete sense of healthy boundaries and personal sovereignty. Reconnecting me to my authentic core and authentic values. Opening me to a deep connection to the harmony, love and unity consciousness of my Higher Self in all layers and levels of my being.

Clearing Cultural Conditioning…

Spirit, release, clear and remove any programming received from cultural influences that encourages abusive relationships of any kind. Clear any patriarchal judgements, opinions, beliefs, stories, and programming including religious agreements, programming and stories that linger in my unconscious mind, disturbing or interfering with my relationships. Clear all subtle and not so subtle messages in my unconscious mind coming through media channels, especially relating to the expression of masculine and feminine energies and any limited and toxic forms of interaction between each. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.

I invite the healing and restorative light of Christ Consciousness supported by angelic healing light into the masculine and feminine sides of my being. Unifying both sides of my being. Expanding my sense of personal freedom and the full spectrum of self-expression. Restoring a complete sense of healthy boundaries and personal sovereignty. Reconnecting me to my authentic core and authentic values. Opening me to a deep connection to the harmony, love and unity consciousness of my Higher Self in all layers and levels of my being.

Clearing Toxic Groups…

Spirit, release, clear and remove any programming received from religious or quasi spiritual group, sects or cults where the values of such group along with abusive and toxic linkages have been imposed on my being which runs counter to my Higher Will. Whether that be from this life or any other lifetime. Clear any such programming connected to toxic enmeshment of any kind. Clear any program where I have deemed it dangerous to express my authentic truth, voice and individuality. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes.

Clearing Astral Interference…

Spirit, release, clear and remove any astral interference from lower frequency entities who seek to attach to me. Clear any lost souls, earthbound souls, souls who are trapped in some lower astral realm, any soul lost in darkness that seek to attach to my light and energy fields, promoting disturbance, discord, conflict or any form of addictive attachment or enmeshment. Clear and remove any low frequency being or beings touching or attached to my energy fields that do not belong there and who I now give no permission to be there. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.

I invite the healing and restorative light of Christ Consciousness supported by angelic healing light into my being. Granting me space from all psychic attachments. Expanding my sense of personal sovereignty and natural ability to bond with others. Restoring a complete sense of healthy boundaries. Opening me to a deep connection to the harmony, love, and unity consciousness of my Higher Self in all layers and levels of my being.

Clearing Curses…

Spirit, clear, shield and protect my energy fields from any form of dark mental projection, curses or dark magical interference seeking to create discord in any of my current relationships. Clear and release all negative suggestions, including any hypnotically induced suggestions, that promote disturbance, discord, or conflict in any of my relationships. Clear this down to the cellular level and DNA. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.

I invite the healing and restorative light of Christ Consciousness supported by angelic healing light into my being. Expanding my sense of energetic clarity and personal safety. Restoring a complete sense of healthy boundaries and personal sovereignty. Reconnecting me to my authentic core and authentic values. Opening me to a deep connection to the harmony, love and unity consciousness of my Higher Self in all layers and levels of my being.

Clearing Psychic Cords…

Spirit, release, break, dissolve, remove all forms of psychic attachment or cording at any layer or level of my being that allows any form of toxic enmeshment to another. Spirit, release, break, dissolve, remove all forms of cording or connection to any narcissistic being. Spirit, clear and release all energies received from any narcissistic being including false information, false points of view, false conclusions, false perceptions that promote any disturbance or discord within my being. Dissolve, cut,break, remove all ties of attachment, including threads, tentacles, hooks, suction cups or any other kind of connecting structure that creates any form of drain or a weakening of my energy. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.

Spirit, seal and heal any wounding, openings, tears or rips to my energy field with light. Healing and sealing anything created as a result of this clearing and removal.

I invite the healing and restorative light of Christ Consciousness supported by angelic healing light into my etheric body. Clearing all energy centres, meridians, and energetic pathways. Restoring a complete sense of healthy boundaries and personal sovereignty. Reconnecting me to my authentic core and authentic values. Opening me to a deep connection to the harmony, love and unity consciousness of my Higher Self in all layers and levels of my being.

Clearing Energetic Imprints…

Spirit, release, clear, dissolve, remove any negative projections such as fear, rage and hate. Spirit, release, clear, dissolve, remove any negative imprints received from any toxic relationship. Imprints such as fear, intimidation, drama, conflict, bullying, aggression, deceit, control and manipulation. Purge and release any and all toxic energies I have received, do this across and through all layers and levels of my being. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.

I invite the healing and restorative light of Christ Consciousness supported by angelic healing light into my physical body and auric field. Restoring a complete sense of healthy boundaries and personal sovereignty. Reconnecting me to my authentic core and authentic values. Opening me to a deep connection to the harmony, love and unity consciousness of my Higher Self in all layers and levels of my being.

Clearing the Mental Body…

Spirit, release, break, dissolve, remove all mental programming that allows, or creates the acceptance of any toxic or abusive enmeshment with another including any situation, any group, systemic structure, project, or organisation. Release, break, dissolve, remove any disturbing, limiting, blocking, or imprisoning mental energies including other people’s judgements, opinions, belief systems that attracts or creates any toxic entangled relationship. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.

I invite the healing and restorative light of Christ Consciousness supported by angelic healing light into my mental body. Restoring a complete sense of healthy boundaries and personal sovereignty. Reconnecting me to my authentic core and authentic values. Opening me to a deep connection to the harmony, love, and unity consciousness of my Higher Self in all layers and levels of my being.

Clearing the Emotional Body…

Spirit, release, clear, dissolve, remove all emotional energies and linkages that allows any form of toxic or abusive enmeshment with another. Break all the points of emotional attraction between myself and any toxic other. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.

I invite the healing and restorative light of Christ Consciousness supported by angelic healing light into my emotional body. Restoring a complete sense of healthy boundaries and personal sovereignty. Reconnecting me to my authentic core and authentic values. Opening me to a deep connection to the harmony, love and unity consciousness of my Higher Self in all layers and levels of my being.

Invoking Courage…

Spirit, release, clear, dissolve, remove any energies received in any abusive or toxic connection that interferes with my innate abilities, gifts, modes of expression, confidence, courage and chosen direction. Clear and remove the values of any other being in my field. Also, clear and remove the dreams of any other being in my field. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.

I invite the healing and restorative light of Christ Consciousness supported by angelic healing light into my being and especially my solar plexus and heart chakras. So that I remember my innate courage. Restoring a complete sense of healthy boundaries and personal sovereignty. Reconnecting me to my authentic core and authentic values. Opening me to a deep connection to the harmony, love and unity consciousness of my Higher Self in all layers and levels of my being.

Clearing Toxic Situations…

Spirit, release, clear, dissolve, remove any energies connected to any abusive or toxic situations. Clear the energies of all involved, dissolve all cording, clear any programming and imprints received. Grant me energetic space and distance from any situation and all individuals involved. Allow me to understand the lessons of such interactions so they do not need to be repeated. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.

I invite the healing and restorative light of Christ Consciousness supported by angelic healing light into my being. Allowing guidance as to the core lessons of any situation. Restoring a complete sense of healthy boundaries and personal sovereignty. Reconnecting me to my authentic core and authentic values. Opening me to a deep connection to the harmony, love and unity consciousness of my Higher Self in all layers and levels of my being.

Clearing the Physical Body…

Spirit, release, clear, dissolve, remove any toxic energy received from another that has in any way become lodged in my physical body. Lodged within any organ, gland, or system in my body. Spirit, release, clear, dissolve, remove any toxic energy lodged in my skeletal system. Spirit, release, clear, dissolve, remove any toxic energy lodged in my nervous system. Spirit, release, clear, dissolve, remove any toxic energy lodged in my circulatory system. Spirit, release, clear, dissolve, remove any toxic energy lodged in my digestive system. Spirit, release, clear, dissolve, remove any toxic energy lodged in my immune system. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.

I invite the healing and restorative light of Christ Consciousness supported by angelic healing light into my physical body. Restoring a complete sense of healthy boundaries and personal sovereignty. Reconnecting me to my authentic core and authentic values. Opening me to a deep connection to the harmony, love, and unity consciousness of my Higher Self in all layers and levels of my being.

Clearing Inappropriate Sexual Energy…

Spirit, release, clear, dissolve, remove any sexual energy, sexual projection, sexual imprint, or sexual linkage with any abusive or toxic being or group. Do this for this lifetime or any other lifetime that is touching me now, or that will potentially activate in this lifetime. Clear my sacral and reproductive system from any toxic and abusive connections and interferences. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.

I invite the healing and restorative light of Christ Consciousness supported by angelic healing light into my sacral centre and into my reproductive system. Restoring a complete sense of healthy boundaries and personal sovereignty. Reconnecting me to my authentic core and authentic values. Opening me to a deep connection to the harmony, love and unity consciousness of my Higher Self in all layers and levels of my being.

Clearing Etheric Implants/Devices…

Spirit, release, clear, dissolve, remove any etheric implants or devices that in any way, shape or form allows any mental interference or control or that create any unconscious programming of toxic enmeshment with any other. Spirit, release, clear, dissolve, remove any dark crystals in my field that needs to be removed. Spirit, release, clear, dissolve, remove any dark plates or seals in my field that needs to be removed. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.

Clearing Technological Devices…

Spirit, release, clear, dissolve, remove any toxic energies in my living spaces arising from any technological device, such as phone, computer, or any other communication device that I use whereby I have received any form of disturbing communication from another. Any message or invitation from another that seeks to establish or re-establish any form of abusive and toxic connection or enmeshments. Do this so that I am fully liberated from any toxic communication whether that be from a being, group or organisation. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.

I invite the healing and restorative light of Christ Consciousness supported by angelic healing light into my being and living spaces. Clearing all technological devices from lower vibrational interference. Restoring a complete sense of healthy boundaries and personal sovereignty. Reconnecting me to my authentic core and authentic values. Opening me to a deep connection to the harmony, love, and unity consciousness of my Higher Self in all layers and levels of my being.

Calling on Angels for Final Protection…

Spirit, I call upon Archangel Michael, and angels working with Michael, along with angels of light and protection to stand between me and any other person or group seeking an abusive, invasive or in any way toxic connection.

Spirit, create suitable layers of protection around my inner child/inner children allowing me and my Higher Self to take full responsibility for my inner child/inner children, removing any enmeshment involving any aspect of my inner child with another.

Spirit, I ask for a transmission of angelic light, healing and love to be sent to any aspect of my multidimensional being, including my inner child/inner children that needs love, healing and support.

Spirit, I ask for a transmission of angelic light, healing and love to be sent to any aspect of my bloodlines that needs love, healing and support.

Spirit, I ask for a transmission of angelic light to be sent to anyone I have had any form of relationship with. Uplifting the energies between myself and every toxic other.  

Spirit, I ask for a transmission of Angelic light to clear, cleanse and uplift all levels of my being. Allowing a deeper experience of harmony, love and unity consciousness within my current reality.

Spirit, I ask for a transmission of light from sacred flowers, plants, and light from the crystal kingdom that promotes any healing and self-love that I am needed right now. Sending this healing and loving vibration deep into my physical body. Sending this healing and loving vibration deep into my auric field.


Spirit, I call upon my Higher Self, Guides and all support in this world to assist me in creating healthy self-care. Assisting me in becoming more aware in knowing and meeting my physical and emotional needs. Encouraging me to pay close attention to my stress levels, to rest as necessary, to take time to connect with positive supportive people, to practice useful activities such mindfulness, relaxation, meditation, and exercise such as gentle yoga.

Heart Prayer…

Spirit, assist me in knowing and experiencing the full spaciousness, love and power of my heart. Assist me in forgiving myself, loving myself, forgiving and releasing others to their true path. Grant me the space and freedom to love, the space and freedom to express love, the space and freedom to receive love, the space and freedom to interact with love, harmony and gratitude in this world.

Completion of this Decree…

Spirit, bring to completion each separate aspect of this decree and all interconnected aspects to 100% done through all layers and levels of my Akashic Records, across all time and space, all timelines, lifetimes, levels of my being.

Spirit, bring my physical body and all energetic bodies to a space of completion. Allowing this clearing to create more space, freedom, harmony, love and flow within my being. Allowing a greater level of space, freedom, harmony, love and flow within all my relationships and connections.

Spirit, thank you for this blessing of clearing. I ask that you end this decree with a more intense waterfall of violet-white-gold light through my energy fields.

Spirit, do all of this in accordance with the cosmic laws of love and light for the maximum benefit of all involved.

7 responses

    1. Why when I have done this meditation would l straight away have a huge toxic argument with the person l thought l had cleared the toxic relationship with and the same old patterns?

      I thought this meditation would have stopped this happening for once and for all.?

      1. Probably because you need to set boundaries and work on yourself. Learn how to respond instead of react and not engage in arguments. Don’t let others gaslight you. Watch more videos on how to control your emotions and behavior. You will have to remove destructive, toxic and negative people from your life because they are harmful to you.

      2. Kerrylea,
        It feels to me that maybe you weren’t finished integrating the healing.
        After a powerful healing like this one you can be very vulnerable and if presented with someone with negative emotions it can bring up anger/frustration’s and I know I will fight back. Thats my old pattern. After a bit of time and grace it you may not react the same. Please give yourself some time & grace so the healing can work. Please don’t give up.
        Holding you in love and compassion Soul Sister, Julie

  1. Thankyou Steve
    Do we need to do this and other clearings on a regular basis?
    I am so very to receive this wonderful gift.
    Bless you. Pray

  2. I want to thank HVHY Tzevaot and all His angels and I want to thank all the forces ofcLight and i want to thank u Steve and Linda howe and laura coe and AriEl. Steve, I really appreciate what u did w the transmission to Athena. It is just at the right pace so I can notice the energy shifts. Here, the pace seemed fast to me, but I welcome the changes con gratitude! I now feel more like me! YAH LOVE! YAH bless and bless u! W!

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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