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Higher Light Decree: Clearing/Upgrading the Earth-Star and Root Chakras

This Decree…

Higher Light Decrees are statements or declarations of intention to the Universe. They could be considered as a very focused form of prayer, though they are made to some unknown deity spoken about in some religious text. These are declarations or prayers to Universal Intelligence of which you are part. They are made to God/Goddess All That is, your Teams in Spirit including your OverSoul, Higher Self and all helpful Archangels and beings of light.

This decree is designed to clear all negative agreements, programming, cording and all forms of toxic interference within the Earthstar chakra (beneath the feet) and the root chakra (base of spine). Promoting a greater sense of personal wellbeing, vitality, self-care and healthy energetic boundaries.


I call upon God/Goddess All That Is. I call upon my OverSoul, my Higher Selves, and Teams in Spirit of the highest light and resonance to witness, assist, and activate this decree. I call upon my Body Elemental to be present, open and receptive during this decree. I call upon on my Star Family across the Universe and Multiverse to assist me in this decree. I call on all Archangels of the horizontal and vertical force planes to be present during this decree. I call on Archangel Uriel to assist me in this decree. I call on all Recording Angels of the Akashic Records. I call upon Angels of Release, Angels of Healing, Angels of Love, Angels of Colour, Angels of Solfeggio Frequencies. I call upon Cosmic Christ Consciousness and the Christ Grid, and all ascended beings within that grid to assist me in this decreeI call upon and invoke the Crystalline Grid of Gaia for assistance and support during this process. I call on all Angelic beings within that Grid and Angels overseeing the element of earth for assistance and support during this decree.

Waterfall of Light…

Spirit, I request now a waterfall of clearing and cleansing crystalline violet and ultraviolet light to be initiated to flow down and clear my energy fields.
Spirit, I request this be followed by a waterfall of crystalline diamond-white light to flow down and clear my energy fields.
Spirit, I request this be followed by a waterfall of gold light to flow down and clear my energy fields. I ask that this waterfall of violet-white-gold light continue throughout this decree.

Negative Agreements…

Spirit, I hereby now renounce all agreements, vows, promises made within my ancestral lines or in any lifetime or including this lifetime that in anyway shape or form promotes any block, limitation, hindrance, obstruction, suppression or harvesting of my energy within both my earth-star and root chakras. Spirit, break, neutralise and remove all contracts, vows, promises, agreements whether taken consciously or unconsciously that in any way interferes with my sovereign energy in these centres. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.

Clearing Both Chakras…

Spirit, clear and heal any painful ancestral memories and negative programming around trauma, mental/emotional/sexual abuse, famine, violence, war, poverty, persecution, enforced emigration and any other form of hurt or harm experienced by my ancestors that are anchored, whether activated or dormant, in my earth star chakra and or root chakra.  

Spirit, clear and remove any entity attachment anchored into any layer or level of my earth star chakra or root chakra, whether that be an earthbound ancestor or any other being, returning any such attachment to their most proper zone and space. Remove any negative portals or vortexes in my earth star or root allowing such disturbances. Also, clear all associated subtle geometries, energetic connections including implants, hooks, cords, grids, nets, suction cups, and any similar energetic structures of interference. Purge and release any and all associated toxic energies received. Spirit, dismantle, clear and remove any psychic structures relating to black magic. Cancelling the effects of any associated toxic energies.  Restoring the perfect health and functioning of both these chakras.

Spirit, seal and heal any wounding, openings, tears, or rips to my energy centres and energy fields with light. Healing and sealing anything created as a result of this clearing and removal.

Spirit, drain any negative charge arising from sexual abuse whether arising from my bloodlines or from any other lifetime that is touching my earth-star or root chakras. Do this in such a way that I gradually release all such trauma.

Spirit, clear any energies and programs relating to any insecurities, any fear, any anxieties, any stress arising from the ancestral lines touching my earth-star and any and all such programs in the root chakra created in my formative years.

Spirit, clear my earth star chakra and root chakra through all layers and levels of any unhelpful connections, dense energies, negative imprints, limiting programs. Spirit, clear and clean all types of interference, suppression or obstruction interfering with the correct flow of energy within these chakras. Releasing any stagnant, non-beneficial energies.

Spirit, release any tension or energy knots in the inner channel along the spine concerning the natural movement and rise of Kundalini energy in such a way that this vital force can flow as it needs in the safest, most balanced way, at the correct rhythm and pulse, to flow at the correct time and pace, without hindrance. Allow the most appropriate flow of serpentine Kundalini energy to flow up from the earth star into the root in accordance with my highest spiritual evolutionary path and progression. Do all of this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, incarnations, and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.

Earth Star Chakra…

Spirit, I invite the crystalline grid of Gaia into the vibrant core of my earth star, the home of my coiled Divine Feminine Shakti Kundalini energy. I ask for an infusion of appropriate healing and grounding energies from the crystal kingdom. I ask that these crystalline energies magnify and strengthen the energy of my earth star chakra. Re-establishing the connection of my earth star chakra to the crystalline core of Gaia. Assisting me in being rooted into something greater than myself. Assisting me in keeping pace with the rising frequencies of the earth. Allowing my deep roots to open me up spiritually.

Archangel Uriel, infuse my earth star first with infra-red light, then ruby red and follow this with an infusion of the appropriate spectrum and frequencies of 5D light and colour as required. Upgrading the chakra into a beautiful radiant sphere.

I invite the clearing, healing and restorative light of the Crystalline Grid supported by all beings of light working in that grid to restore the original divine blueprint of my earth star chakra. To restore my true connection to the vibrant and supportive energy of my deep ancestors. Allowing this clearing and healing to create a higher frequency connection to my ancestral lines. To restore my true connection to the vibrant and supportive energy of Gaia. Allowing a stronger connection to my full sovereign energy and being. Raising the vibrational frequency of my earth star chakra in harmony with my entire chakra system.  

Root Chakra…

Spirit, clear any energies in the root chakra along with any programs or imprints concerning my time in the womb of my mother, also anything connected to my relationship with Mother Earth.

Spirit, release any fear and trauma originating from any other lifetime that prevents me from fully being in this body and from fully incarnating upon this planet.

Spirit, transmit the pure vibration of release and forgiveness to my root chakra so that I can release and forgive myself and release any form of karmic reaction, retribution, or punishment, re-linking me in any way to any other being in this lifetime or any other lifetime.

I invite the crystalline grid of Gaia into my root, I ask for an infusion of appropriate healing and grounding energies from the crystal kingdom. Infusing my root with pure crystalline energies including those of garnet, black obsidian, black tourmaline, bloodstone, hematite, and ruby. I ask that these energies re-establish the connection of my root chakra to the crystalline core of Gaia. I ask that these crystalline energies magnify and strengthen the energy of my root chakra.

Archangel Uriel, infuse my root chakra with ruby red and follow this with an infusion of any other appropriate light and colour to the root chakra. Infuse my root chakra with all appropriate solfeggio frequencies to heal and liberate my root chakra.

Spirit, strengthen the root chakra so that I maybe strongly grounded into this body, and into the full vibrancy of this earth-plane of reality. Allowing a greater awareness of the physical and energetic needs of my body.

Spirit, allow all of this clearing, healing and energising work to create a higher frequency connection to the elemental kingdoms, especially that of earth. Balance and harmonise the earth element in this centre.

Spirit, allow this clearing and healing process to strengthen my bones and blood, stimulate wound healing, to promote cellular healing, to assist in the regeneration of new cells, to boost my cellular health, to overall boost my energy and vitality.

I invite the clearing, healing and restorative light of the Crystalline Grid supported by all beings of light working in that grid to restore the original divine blueprint of my root chakra. To restore my true connection to the vibrant and supportive energy of Gaia. Releasing what needs to be released from the root chakra. Allowing a greater sense of abundance, balance, peace, safety, security, stability, trust, vitality, and a stronger connection to my full sovereign energy and being. Raising the vibrational frequency of my root chakra in harmony with my entire chakra system.


Spirit, harmonise and energize the earth star and root chakras. Balancing out any excess energy or lack of energy in these chakras so that all levels and layers of these chakras work in harmony with the rest of my chakra and meridian system.

Spirit, allow all of this clearing, healing and energising work to allow a greater flow of prosperity into my inner world and outer reality.

Spirit, bring to completion each separate aspect of this decree and all interconnected aspects to 100% done through all layers and levels of my Akashic Records, across all time and space, all timelines, lifetimes, levels of my being.

Spirit, allow a continuous waterfall of violet-white-gold for as long as necessary after the completion of the decree to enable a complete flushing and releasing of all lower energies and impurities.

Spirit, bring my physical body, chakras, meridians and all energetic bodies to a space of completion. Allowing this clearing to create more space, freedom, harmony, love and flow within my being. Allowing a greater level of space, freedom, harmony, love and flow with my relationship to Mother Earth and all of my relationships therein.

Spirit, do all of this in accordance with the cosmic laws of love and light for the maximum benefit of all involved.

5 responses

  1. Thank you Arrived just at the right time It’s going to make things a lot easier for Star Seeds to BE here – connected to the 5D Earth In the 90s I found it really difficult to ground and then when I discovered the 5D crystalline Earth through your website – it has been easier to ground- but a lot of stuff still needed to be cleared …and recently it has taken a lot of determination to stay in my body. This Innovation is amazing and so detailed – covering everything! So appreciated

  2. Thank you Steve this was just in time and answered my questions to Spirit as to how to complete this type of healing!!!

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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