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Higher Light Decree: Clearing and Upgrading the Heart Chakra

This Decree…

Higher Light Decrees are statements or declarations of intention to the Universe. They could be considered as a very focused form of prayer, though they are not made to some unknown deity spoken about in some religious text. These are declarations or prayers to Universal Intelligence of which you are part. They are made to God/Goddess All That is, your Teams in Spirit including your OverSoul, Higher Self and all helpful Archangels and beings of light.

This decree is designed to clear all negative agreements, programming, cording and all forms of toxic interference within the heart chakra (centre of the chest). Promoting a greater sense of compassion, empathy, gratitude, intuition, love and spaciousness along with healthy energetic boundaries.

The Opening Invocation…

I call upon God/Goddess All That Is. I call upon my OverSoul, my Higher Selves, and Teams in Spirit of the highest light and resonance to witness, assist, and activate this decree. I call upon my Body Elemental to be present, open and receptive during this decree. I call upon on my Star Family across the Universe and Multiverse to assist me in this decree. I call on all Archangels of the horizontal and vertical force planes to be present during this decree. Especially, I call on Archangels Haniel and Raphael to assist me in this decree. I call on all Recording Angels of the Akashic Records, upon Angels of Release, Angels of Healing, Angels of Love, Angels of the Crystal Kingdom, Angels of Flowers, Angels of Sound. I call upon Cosmic Christ Consciousness and the Christ Grid, and all ascended beings within that grid to assist me in this decree. I call upon and invoke the Crystalline Grid of Gaia for assistance and support during this decree. I call on all Angelic beings within that Grid and Angels overseeing the element of air to assist me and support me during this decree.

Calling a Waterfall of Light…

Spirit, I request now a waterfall of clearing and cleansing crystalline violet and ultraviolet light to be initiated to flow down and clear my energy fields.
Spirit, I request this be followed by a waterfall of crystalline diamond-white light to flow down and clear my energy fields.
Spirit, I request this be followed by a waterfall of gold light to flow down and clear my energy fields. I ask that this waterfall of violet-ultraviolet-white-gold light continue throughout this decree.

Clearing Negative Agreements…

Spirit, I hereby now renounce all old and limiting agreements, vows, promises, including any toxic loyalties that in anyway shape or form promotes any block, limitation, hindrance, obstruction, suppression or harvesting of my energy through my heart centre. Clear and destroy any agreement across any lifetime that interferes with my sovereign free will, and sovereign light whether taken consciously or unconsciously. Do this clearing through all minds, bodies, timelines, bloodlines, incarnations, and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.

Clearing the Heart Chakra …

Spirit, clear and remove any negative entities or toxic energetic attachments anchored into any layer or level of my heart chakra, returning any such attachments to their most proper zone and space. Clear, remove and close any negative openings, portals, or vortexes in my heart chakra allowing any form of disturbance. Clear all associated subtle geometries, energetic connections including implants, hooks, cords, grids, nets, suction cups, or any similar energetic structures of interference. Dismantle, clear, and remove any psychic structures relating to dark alchemy or black magic. Clear the effects of any associated toxic programs, or imprints. Purge and release all associated toxic energies.

Spirit, seal and heal any wounding, openings, tears, or rips to my energy centres and energy fields with light. Healing and sealing anything created because of this clearing and removal.

Energetic Armouring…

Spirit, clear and remove anything from my bloodlines or from any past, parallel, or future lives, affecting my heart chakra. Clear and remove any energetic armouring around my heart along with any programs that created such armouring. Clear any negative karmic imprints and burdens affecting my heart chakra. Clear and remove the weight of any ancestral programming negatively affecting the natural functioning of my heart centre. Do these through all layers and levels of my being.


Spirit, release, clear, dissolve, remove any energies connected to the experience of heartbreak, whether from this current lifetime, another lifetime or from the bloodlines. Clear all associated energies of those involved, dissolve all cording, clear any programming, imprints and energies received. Grant me energetic space and distance from any dense situation including all individuals involved touching my heart. Allowing me to understand the lessons of all such experiences so they do not need to be repeated.

Broken Agreements…

Spirit, clear and remove any imprints concerning broken agreements, promises, and vows whether from this lifetime, another lifetime, or my bloodlines that has negatively imprinted upon my heart chakra.

Toxic Interferences…

Spirit, release, clear, dissolve, remove any toxic interferences that prevents me from knowing the truth of my being, my authentic values, my true direction in life. Release, clear, dissolve, remove any dense energies or psychic interfere that seek to hinder, divert, or delay my spiritual journey.

Devotional Worship…

Spirit, clear my heart chakra of all negative, constraining, or manipulative energies relating to the devotional worship of any false God, false guru, false teacher, false church, that I have picked up from my ancestral lines or from any lifetime that limits or interferes with my sovereign will and energy. 

Formative Years…

Spirit, clear and remove any imprints concerning the absence or lack of love, kindness, encouragement and support during my formative years. Clear and remove any program, and associated energies of feeling abandoned, alone, betrayed, isolated, disconnected, rejected in any relationship.

Crystallised Energies…

Spirit, clear and remove any block, such as crystallised or stagnant energies in my heart chakra due to the loss or death of a loved one and any related unresolved sadness or grief.


Spirit, clear and remove any imprints and discordant energies concerning any painful, hurtful, or traumatic situations that have caused my heart chakra to close to forgiveness, close to giving and receiving love. Balance the natural function of the heart chakra concerning the flow of giving and receiving.

Old Limiting Memories…

Spirit, clear my heart chakra of any memories held in my heart that give rise to any form of anger, or enmity. Clear and remove any anxiety, selfish, jealous, vain energies concerning love and passion that interferes with my heart chakra’s natural ability to connect and express a more expansive and generous Universal spectrum of love.

Emotional Flow…

Spirit, clear and enhance the flow of my emotions so that my heart chakra works optimally in its connection to my emotional body.


Spirit, transmit the pure vibration of release and forgiveness to my heart chakra so that I can release and forgive myself and release any form of karmic reaction, retribution, or punishment, re-linking me in any way to any other being in this lifetime or any other lifetime.

Health Issues…

Spirit, clear any health issues related to my heart. Clear all toxic energies from my lungs, blood, circulatory system and thymus that interferes with the proper functioning of my physical body. Allow my lungs and blood to absorb oxygen to the optimum level and effect. Clear, rebalance and harmonise the thymus in its connection to my immune system.

Psychic Senses…

Spirit, open the psychic senses, my earthly and universal intuitive senses, in particular my ability to instantly know the truth of any situation. Open my heart chakra so that I may feel greater empathy for myself and others. So that I may know my heart’s true desire, values, and guidance. So that I may clearly know the aspirations of my soul.

Soul Connection…

Spirit, open my heart so that I can feel the connection to my soul. Expand my heart’s ability to commune with my soul and Higher Self. Do this in order that my consciousness is fully able to connect with Universal assistance, to connect with all Universal helpful beings and forces.

Do all of this clearing and purification of my heart centre and energy fields through all minds, bodies, timelines, bloodlines, incarnations, and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.


Spirit, release any tension or energy knots in the inner channel along the spine concerning the natural movement and rise of Kundalini energy in such a way that this vital force can flow as it needs in the safest, most balanced way, at the correct rhythm and pulse, to flow at the correct time and pace, without hindrance. Allow the most appropriate flow of serpentine Kundalini energy to flow up from the earth star into the inner channel and up to my heart chakra. Do this in accordance with my highest spiritual evolutionary path and progression. Do all this clearing through all minds, bodies, bloodlines, timelines, incarnations, and universes. Completely and 100% removing anything that would seek to recreate any of this.

Activation and Angelic Light Infusion…

Spirit, reconnect my heart chakra to the light within the core of the earth, the light within the core of the sun, the light within the core of the Great Central Sun (Sirius) and with these solar connections open and expand the guidance of my Higher Self and my I AM presence.

Spirit, increase my energy to a healthy and appropriate level. Clear and drain any excess energy within the heart chakra into the Crystalline Grid of Gaia and the Comic Christ Grid as appropriate. Balance the flow of energy radiating outwards and flowing inwards so that there is a harmonious balance between giving and receiving. Where necessary, energise and boost the heart chakra to raise all my energy levels. Do this so that my heart works in perfect balance, harmony and fluidity with the rest of my chakra and meridian system.

Energetic Spin…

Spirit, as necessary adjust the rotational spin of my heart chakra so that it operates at the optimum speed, angle, rhythm and pulse, in harmony with my entire chakra system.

Shifting the Centre of Consciousness…

Spirit, assist me in shifting my centre of consciousness to the heart chakra. Assist me in rising above the petty concerns of my ego and ego selves. Allow me to remain connected to my instincts and emotions without being overwhelmed or dictated by them. Allow me to embrace and absorb the lessons and gifts of my lower three chakras in order that I may rise to unity-consciousness. In this way assist me in rising above fear to fully embrace living within the mastery and ecstasy of love and bliss.


Spirit, establish or re-establish healthy and harmonious relations between myself and all others, shielding and bouncing off any dense projections of unwanted psychic-emotional energy, so that I may experience my full personal sovereignty of my I AM presence in my heart chakra.

Calling on Different Angels…

Angels of sound, infuse my heart with all appropriate solfeggio frequencies to heal, free and liberate my heart chakra. Do this so that I can feel the full loving power of my heart.

Angels of Flowers, infuse my heart with the gorgeous energies of geranium, jasmine, lavender, neroli, rose and ylang-ylang. Do this so that I can feel the full compassionate and loving power of my heart.

Angels Over-lighting the crystal kingdom, infuse my heart with the pure crystalline energies of adventurine, chrysoprase, emerald, green jade, malachite, peridot, rose quartz, and green tourmaline. Do this so that I can feel the full compassionate and loving power of my heart.

Archangel Haniel and Archangel Raphael, infuse my heart with a healing green light and follow this with an infusion of any other appropriate light and colour. Do this so that I can feel the full compassionate and loving power of my heart.

Archangel Haniel and Archangel Raphael, balance as necessary the masculine and feminine energies within my heart chakra in such a way that it 100% reflects the wholeness of my being.

Archangel Haniel and Archangel Raphael, allow all of this clearing, healing and energising work to create a high frequency connection to the elemental kingdoms, especially that of air. Purify and balance the air element in my heart chakra so that it works in harmony with all other elemental forces within my being. Do this so that I am able to feel the full compassionate and loving power of my heart.

Archangel Haniel and Archangel Raphael, send healing waves of light from the Cosmic Christ Grid into my heart and from there into my physical heart, lungs, thymus gland and all aspects of my physical body connected to this energy centre.

Archangel Haniel send waves of healing light from the higher dimensions of Venus so that I may fully open to loving myself and others. Opening my heart to compassion, empathy, freedom, kindness, unity consciousness and bliss.  

Archangel Haniel and Archangel Raphael, activate all multidimensional gifts in my heart chakra and open and clear all channels of compassionate and loving expression. Boosting my heart centre in all of its potential channels and forms of expression. Do this so that I am able to feel the full compassionate and loving power of my heart. Do this so that my heart remains open to the constant blessings of the Universe.

Two Grids of Light…

I invite the clearing, healing and restorative light of the Crystalline Grid and also the Christ Grid supported by all beings of light working in those grids to restore the original divine blueprint of my heart chakra. To restore my true connection to the vibrant and supportive energy of Gaia. Allowing a growing sense of self-acceptance and gratitude. Allowing the creation of a strong and healthy sense of joy and bliss along with appropriate healthy energetic boundaries. Allowing a greater sense of freedom, spaciousness, and lightness. Allowing me the room to breathe. Allowing me to love and be loved. Allowing me to give and receive in equal measure. Allowing a stronger connection to my full sovereign energy and being. 


Spirit, bring to completion each separate aspect of this decree and all interconnected aspects to 100% done through all layers and levels of my Akashic Records, across all time and space, all timelines, bloodlines, lifetimes, levels of my being.

Spirit, allow a continuous waterfall of violet-ultraviolet-white-gold for as long as necessary after the completion of the decree to enable a complete flushing and releasing of all lower energies and impurities.

Spirit, bring my physical body, chakras, meridians, and all energetic bodies to a space of completion. Allowing this clearing to create more space, freedom, harmony, love, and flow within my being. Allowing this clearing to create a greater level of space, freedom, harmony, love and flow with my relationships and my relationship to Mother Earth.

Spirit, do all of this in accordance with the cosmic laws of love and light for the maximum benefit of all involved.

5 responses

  1. Dear Steve,

    I so love these decrees you share with us. They are so needed & appreciated. I am finding that reading them out loud is most beneficial for me.

    Love & blessings.


  2. Hi Steve,
    I did this meditation today in hopes to get some clarity in my life and to detox a ton of anxiety. It helped tremendously, and i’m so grateful for you in all of these meditations. Much love and light to you♡♡♡
    Thank you soil kindly

  3. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Greatly Appreciated…Sending Waves of Gratitude Your Way!

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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