The Star Aldebaran…
This star can be seen as the fiery eye of the Bull in the constellation Taurus. Aldebaran is easy to find in the night sky using the three stars of Orion’s belt as a guide. Imagine a line from this belt to the right, the first bright star you come to will be Aldebaran with its distinctive reddish-orange glow. Aldebaran has guided many on Earth for centuries. This star was named in Arabic “The Follower” because it rises after the Pleiades cluster of stars. Ancient Persians honoured Aldebaran one of the Four Royal Stars. In some astrological systems Archangel Michael is linked to Aldebaran (with Gabriel linked to the star Fomalhaut, Raphael linked to the star Regulus, and Uriel linked to the star Antares).
In This Transmission…
Archangels from Aldebaran call down a column of light from the star Aldebaran. This column of light has a orange-gold and red centre and the outer layers of the column of light are a beautiful amber, gold, peach and pink light. This column of light surrounds you and your energy fields and goes deep into the crystalline grid, anchoring there. This column of light is protective, helping to clear any fear around the momentous shift the earth is experiencing right now. It is also there to remind you of your stellar origins and give you a sense of the future of humanity as an ascended race.
Music by…
Rebecca Reads and the track is called Journey Through the Milky Way.
More Information…
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One Response
thank you sincerely Steve for this great transmission. As soon as I began this journey I felt so strong the connection with that star and wanted to cry. Just like coming home.
Thank you again.