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Chalice of Angelic Peace Transmission

This Transmission…

This transmission we downloaded into my consciousness on the day of 888, Lion’s Gate (2024).

Chamber of Healing Light…

In this transmission we call on Archangel Gabriel and all angels working with Gabriel to create a chamber of light around you. In this protective chamber we call on Violet and Ultraviolet angels to begin clearing your enegy fields, and clearing whatever pain is in your body, energy bodies and aura that can be cleared at this time. As well as removing anything that is not peace, and anything that disturbs your peace.

Chalice of Angelic Peace…

Archangel Gabriel enters the sphere bearing a large silver chalice and this chalice burns with a bright silver white and violet light. You surrender any old grudges, old hurts, old wounds, old sorrows, old fears, old frustrations, old resentments to this angelic chalice. You can allow the chalice to transform this energy and return it to pure light.

The Power of Surrender…

You surrender any thoughts of blame, criticism and judgment surrender to this light. Anything you have received from others of a mental nature that disturbs your peace. Allow the chalice to transform of this to pure light, and also surrender any form of internal self attack that disturbs your peace. Any self-judgement, self-blame into the chalice.

Take Your Light Back…

Archangel Gabriel holds up the chalice and offers you any of this transformed light back, you wish to take. Now it has been purified. You call this back to energise your physical and energy bodies. In the space a greater sense of peace can return to all levels of your being.

Music by…

Matías Romero Acuña and the track is called Healing Improving Basically Anything Binaural Beat + Isochronic Tone

One Response

  1. Steve, I just want to thank you. Thank you for your wonderful help. Each of your words immediately transformed into the energy you named. It was so clear, the colors so clear and strong. The body immediately showed that everything was really allowed to happen. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. LOVE from Hamburg. Sabine

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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