The Goddess Aphrodite…
Aphrodite is the ancient Greek goddess of sexual love and beauty, identified with Venus by the Romans. She was known primarily as a goddess of love and fertility. The meaning of her name is said to be “arisen from the foam”.
Prayer for Healing…
This prayer is used to invoke the blessings of the Goddess to heal romantic heartbreak.
“Beloved Aphrodite, Golden Blessed One, water is your chosen element of love and healing. Take my precious heart into your temple, hold my heart close to your healing waters, help to soothe my aching heart. In your healing fountains, release my heart from any desire for needless sacrifice, any need to give myself away, to give my energy away, to surrender what need not be surrendered. Heal my heart of any impulse to needlessly sacrifice my heart in the hope of finding true love….”
Full Script…
Music by…
Matías Romero Acuña (Aural Sounds) and the track is called Purple Calm.