Shifting Your Mood…
In this meditation we ask your Higher Self and Unconscious Mind to create a landscape that represents your current mood. Trusting your first impressions you are invited to explore this landscape. Calling in angels to extract any lower energies presenting themselves as strange creatures, or weird plants or dark areas.
Healing the Emotional Body…
Calling on Angels of Healing to transform any areas that need healing. Also, the Archangels to shift the elemental features of this landscape.
Inviting New Energies…
You can invite in trees, plants, flowers, crystals, fairies, mythological creatures, power animals representing qualities you wish to anchor in this landscape. Finally, you are invited to create an altar in the centre of the landscape to anchor in this new level of light.
Music by…
Corey White and the track is called 285Hz Christ Consciousness Healing
2 responses
I live in s country area & came to the city for 3 days… the Energy was frantic This Meditation gace Peaceful Assistance, wound down my Energy & felt Angelic Presence
Thank You
Thank you!