Metatron, Andromedan and the Arcturians…
In this transmission we call on Metatron, Archangels from the Great Central Sun, Archangels from Andromeda and the Arcturian Healing Team that includes psychic surgeons.
Two Protective Columns of Light…
The Archangels create two protective columns of light. The first golden solar light and the second a broader column of golden rainbow light from Andromeda.
The Arcturian Healing Team…
Then we call the Arcturians to begin clearing yojur physical body of implants, seals and other forms of interference. Clearing above the crown and beneath the feet ensuring there is nothing interfering with your connection to Source. Focusing especially on the nervous system, endocrine system, and reproductive system. The Arcturians work on the head, especially the pineal, removing implants if any. Clearing all channels in the head. Then the throat and torso. The Arcturians work on clearing the inner channel between crown and base, clearing any karmic obstructions, any seals in the channel.
Music by…
Rebecca Reads and the track is called Sun Healing.