The Power of Prayer…
When we send out heartfelt prayers, the Universe listens. Not only does the Universe listen but the Universe responds. The answer to your prayers may come as an internal shift, it may also come as an external shift in energies and circumstances.
Calling on the Goddess…
This is a prayer to the Goddess Hathor and the Goddess Sekhmet, that are twin aspects of the other. Hathor the Goddess of Love and Fertility, Sekhmet the Warrior Goddess of Fire and Protection.
Check it Out…
“Beloved Hathor, Goddess of the Heart, Goddess of Love, Beauty, and Pleasure. Patroness of the Arts, you who represent everything that makes life enjoyable, beautiful and gracious. Goddess of fertility and marriage, you who are known as the great protectress of women in all their roles, mother, wife, sister, and daughter….
Great Sekhmet, Beloved Hathor you are two twin aspects of the same Goddess, Hathor the Goddess of love and fertility and Sekhmet the Goddess of protection and fire.
Great Sekhmet, Goddess of Healing, Goddess of Fire, you embody the fierce, protective instincts of a lioness and the nurturing, healing aspects of a mother. You came to Egypt from a place unknown and at a time unrecorded. Your names reveal your great antiquity. You are known as Lady of the Place of the Beginning of Time, and the One Who Was Before the Gods Were….”
Full Script…
Music by…
Sefy Tofan (Anima Mundi) and the track is called Opening my Eye (852Hz)