Protected: RECORDING Webinar: Multidimensional Psychic Protection, February 2024.
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Podcast and Meditation: Activating Your 5D Abundant Self
What is abundance… How is abundance a vibration? How do we heal old scarcity programming? What role does trust and dropping from the mind into the heart play in allowing/attracting abundance into our reality? All this and more! Please note there is a podcast-interview and an accompanying meditation by Marysol on this subject of 5D […]
Affirmations: Starseeds Awaken to Your True Multidimensional Nature.
Listen to this affirmation track with Steve Ahnael Nobel. These affirmations help you connect to your true 5D nature so that you can more easily embrace the global shift from 3D to 5D.
Temple of Sekhmet Transmission: Healing/Transforming a Seemingly Irresolvable Issue
This Transmission… In this transmission you journey to the Temple of Sekhmet in the higher planes. There you meet Sekhmet and surrender to Her a seemingly irresolvable issue. With the energy of this issue a metaphorical energetic space appears in the centre of the Temple, perhaps as a garden or landscape. Initially, the Goddess works […]
The Star Child Transmission: Invoking Angelic Support, Soul Tribe, Star Races.
This transmission clears the energy field, clears any negative projections, and connects the star child (whether an aspect of yourself or another being) to positive energies from their Higher Self along with and other helpful beings that are incarnate and also disincarnate in the Spirit Worlds. Finally, it also connects the star child to star races they feel a natural affinity with.
Protected: RECORDING Webinar: Dream Your Year 2024 Into Being
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Angelic And Star Race Support Transmission: Neutralising Dark Alien AI.
This Transmission… This transmission was recorded on 8th August 2021 at the peak intensity of the Lion’s Gate. It was remastered and re-released 25th January 2024. Archangels of the Central Sun of Sirius… In this transmission we invite archangels folding the horizontal and vertical force planes along with Archangels from the Central Sun of […]
Podcast: Our 5D to 7D Future with the Arcturian Council of Light
In this interview… In this track we hear from Livia about her shift into working with the Arcturian Council of Light. There is then a conversation with the Arcturians as Livia enters a trance channelling state. Who is Livia Devi…? Livia is a New Earth Leader, 5D Mentor, Entrepreneur. She leads empowering, transformative and paradigm-breaking […]
Affirmations: Embracing the 5D New Earth Shift. From Fear/Separation to Love/Unity Consciousness
Listen to this affirmations track… This track can help you embrace the Global Shift in consciousness. This is a shift on the planet from 3D to 5D, from fear to love, from separation to unity consciousness. This is a GOLDEN OLDIE… It was made December 2016. The second half is repeated subliminally. “What an incredible […]
Podcast: Forgiveness in an Unforgiving World
About Megan Feldman Bettencourt… Megan is an award winning journalist who has reported from many countries. She gives talks on how to foster the seeking and granting of forgiveness to diffuse conflict and prevent violence, enhance individual health and wellbeing, and nurture health and productivity in communities and organizations. She is the author of Triumph […]