Last night I experienced your new obsidian / dandelion and angels of love meditation. It was very, very powerful and during which much was revealed and released. To me, this felt like one of the most powerful meditations of yours that I have done and I felt very much happening in my body, particularly the […]
Marie Mass

I am a Reiki Master teacher and was guided here to release my pain. You see I have met with five surgeons who feel I need a fusion in my spine. I had only about 2 1/2 hours, if that, of upright time after that I needed to lay down with tens units, heat pads, […]
Dearest Steve, I wanted to tell you this sort of privately, due to the nature of this miracle. (ie LOTS of people want to get off of anti-depressants….) I have been on 225 mgs/daily of Effexor for YEARS. Have tried to get off of them, by myself or with the help of Doctors. Every time […]
I want to share an experience with Steve because of all the joy I have received from his meditations. I was sitting meditating and visualizing the golden white light from the universe entering my body and then I felt something not quite complete with this. Just like I never really could fully relate to breathing […]