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Last night I experienced your new obsidian / dandelion and angels of love meditation. It was very, very powerful and during which much was revealed and released. To me, this felt like one of the most powerful meditations of yours that I have done and I felt very much happening in my body, particularly the lower 3 chakras – even before you mentioned this was occurring. The bodily sensations included a rush of pain in that very area, and later on, even after the meditation, some activity and almost a swelling sensation then in my upper right abdomen as it continued to clear. Throughout the meditation, and unusual for me in your meditations, I cried a lot! My throat was intensely painful (and has taken a lot of clearing this morning!), my third eye throbbed in pain too, whilst I writhed, clenched my fists, and went through much discomfort just laying there. This continued until almost just the ghost of crying remained. Though this sounds unpleasant, this is by no means a complaint! I very much sensed that this experience must have been necessary and for which I am most grateful.

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