Blog Posts

I want to share an experience with Steve because of all the joy I have received from his meditations. I was sitting meditating and visualizing the golden white light from the universe entering my body and then I felt something not quite complete with this. Just like I never really could fully relate to breathing in this light and exhaling all the darkness out into the Universe. Every skin pore on my body became a portal for this light and energy to enter and I could feel all the darkness and negativity dissolve in this golden white light inside my body and when I exhaled I exhaled an even brighter light than what I had inhaled. Unbelievable to feel myself adding to the beauty and light of this beautiful planet and not sending all my darkness out. Making every pore on my body the portal felt so complete and not just the crown chakra etc. There are so many meditators breathing out negativity into the universe and not realizing what is really happening, If all meditators would send out beautiful light WOW. Love your site.

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Elena Angel

I was hoping for some magic and found just that in today’s Soul Matrix Healing session. Steve systematically detected and cleared unhelpful past-life memories and

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