5D Major Arcana Course


This pre-recorded online course contains a total of 7 sessions. Each one contains different recordings and notes. Each level contains a short attunement, a presentation and concludes with a transmission- meditation. Your investment for this course is £175


Calling all Starseeds and Lightworkers.

As you have no doubt discovered your spiritual journey can be a source of great learning and joy and it can also lead you to open and learn in ways that feels less than joyful. The latter may have been more the case in recent years, especially since the 2012 planetary alignment.

Time to Embrace Your 5D Light Mastery

Since the 2012 alignment we have entered a powerful time of spiritual acceleration. Our planet is being restored to its rightful place a sacred planet. We are shifting from collective 3D fear/separation paradigm to 5D love/unity consciousness. In this process, anything (present life or any other lifetime – this dimension or other) that stands in the way of the restoration of our inner light is coming up for clearing. This clearing opens the way for more light to reach us. It opens the channel connecting us to our Higher Self, guides, angelic forces and star family. This is a shift into knowing in every cell of our body our true multidimensional nature. The years 2017-20188 are destined to be a pivotal for many. Many will be triggered to wake up at a deeper level. Many will feel the impulse to change track in some way. Starseeds and Lightworkers are being called by beings of light in the soul planes to step up and express more of our soul’s light in the world. Your Monadic Self seeks to merge with your lower personality self after a very long separation in the 3D experience.

Course Details.

The first half of each session is an attunement, presentation with Q&A. The second half is a transmission-meditation to help ground the principles of the module.

Level 1. Foundation. This covers all the principles/themes of the course including: the global shift and the ascension process, the new waves of light, the new coming age of light, shifting timelines from 3D to 5D, awakening as multidimensional beings, opening to our Higher Self, why we are here, getting on track with our soul mission. Transmission – Opening the Gaia-Solar Channel. Anchoring Your Light.

Level 2. Healing the Ego. Themes: The nature of the ego, exploring the dance of ego and shadow, problems with the ego blocking our soul light, fixed beliefs and limiting self-image. How the ego becomes a clear and trusted vessel to hold and protect our inner light. Protecting the ego from outside interference. Triple Light Shield. Cords cutting. Transmission – Transforming the Ego with Light.

Level 3. Clearing Timelines/Energy Fields. Themes: We have explored many lifetimes and have become weighted down with old karmic patterns/traumas/programs/vows/imprints of things that went before. This module looks at various tools to clear all the blocks, gunk and clutter in our subconscious mind and all energy bodies. Transmission – Clearing Timelines and Energy Bodies.

Level 4. Expanding Your Divine Light. Themes: Awakening our multidimensional chakra system, expanding from 7 centres to 12. Exploring new energy centres. DNA activation. Opening to our Starseed origins. Transmission – Multidimensional Awakening. Embrace Your 12-Chakra System.

Level 5. Connecting with Unseen Friends. Themes: Working with guides, master guides, Higher Self, angelic forces. Inner earth helpers, and star family. Inviting in your healing team and your ascension team. Asking for guidance and help. Transmission – Higher Self and Star Angels from the Central Sun.

Level 6. Becoming the Dreamer. Themes: the present moment is our point of power, we allow, attract or create our reality – the world is our mirror, we are responsible for what we allow, attract or create. How to work with visions/dreams. (Many of you have had lifetimes as shamans, tribal and temple seers/dreamers. Some of you have had lifetimes as Lemurian dreamers). Transmission – Activating the Dreamer. Begin to Dream a New Dream.

Level 7. High Frequency Living. Themes: Growing with joy, stepping more fully onto the 5D timeline, embracing synchronicity and miracle consciousness. Working with light grids. Inviting in more light, more joy, more love, more abundance into your reality. Transmission – Future Life Progression. Sending a Higher Frequency Light Down Your Timeline.

33 responses

  1. Sounds really interesting – would be interested next time you run it – it conflicts with my angel channeling course on Tuesday nights

  2. Your transmissions are increadibly powerful and this class is exactly what calls to me at this time . How can we in the United States participate, and even more when will we get to experience you live in the U.S.
    Paige , Louisville ,Colorado

    1. Hi Paige, Thank you, I’m happy you are gaining something from them.
      I was in the States last September visiting Shasta, which was amazing.
      No plans at the moment but I am running an online course starting in March.
      I will run others for sure.

  3. Hi Steve, I’m also in Colorado and I need some flexibility as to when I listen. Can you please explain the difference between the live class and the recordings? Thanks!

    1. Hi Jules, basically with the course everyone gets the recordings shortly afterwards. If you cannot make the live call then it costs less just to purchase the recordings. These are sent a day or so after the class. The recordings are talk/Q and A plus the transmission-meditation. Sx

      1. In in! You’re awesome! Many thanks from the mountains of Aspen, across a continent and an ocean to you! I’m really looking forward to your class.

  4. Hey, I wonder if I can to buy the recordings for the online course…
    It’s said ended … When I press book now… I’ll be very happy if I can buy
    The recordings with PayPal or in visa…
    Thank you,

  5. Hi steve. I am in Sedona, Az. ( US) and also would be interesting in partcipating if and when you offer this course in the US.

      1. For some reason I never received the email with the link. Could you send it to me again?

  6. Hi
    I have just purchased this course but am unsure of how to gain access to the content.

    Kind Regards

  7. Hi, I paid for the course however have not received a link. Where are you located I thought I heard somewhere in the Netherlands. Thank you, Blessings

  8. Hi Steve. Thank you for all you do. I just bought this class. Can you send the links.

  9. Hi Steve, is this a online course? What is the price for the online version? I am in Australia so can’t attend live.


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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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