Central Sun Transmission: Opening to Receive 5D Ascension Light Codes

This transmission is intended to help you connect with high frequency universal forces around you. You are here for a reason and that reason is found when you wake up from the sleep of 3D density. This is a meditation-transmission track to connect you with the high frequency light impulses from the Central Sun (Galactic Centre). In this journey you will receive a transmission of light from the Central Sun into every chakra in your etheric body. You will also receive a transmission of light directly into the physical body. This journey works with four ascended masters from the 5D Inner Earth realm and six beings from the Central Sun (a mixture of archangels and masters of light).

Ascension News: La energia sexual y la liberación sexual

“Creo que hacia donde nos dirigimos, es hacia un equilibrio entre la psiquis personal y la colectiva. Este equilibrio en las relaciones sexuales llevará a una nueva alquimia, unos la han llamado el matrimonio sagrado. Esta armonía de poder nunca a pasado anteriormente dentro de nuestra memoria colectiva. Este es un matrimonio interno donde las […]