5D Major Arcana Course

Retreat: Starseed Revolution and the New Age of Light. Varna Bulgaria. 28th to 30th June 2019.

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Move From 3D Chaos-Toxicity to 5D Flow-Miracles. This group is limited to 12 participants so there will be time for a more intense clearing and aligning with the new energies.

WE ARE LIVING IN CHALLENGING TIMES. We are living in a time of great challenge and opportunity. The challenge comes because we are in a time of confluence and flux where an old energy paradigm and 3D timeline is shifting out to make way for a new one. Many prophecies, the Mayan Calendar and spiritual teachers and channels have spoken about this time. The opportunity is that we are entering a New Age of Light. In this new paradigm, we are the creators of our reality. We are the ones who are here to wake up the collective consciousness to a greater light. We just need to align with this new paradigm of light and release the old one.

STARSEEDS AND THE MULTIDIMENSIONAL NATURE OF REALITY. We are multidimensional beings and this is just one dimension of the earth. There are many beings here who are Starseeds, meaning not native to this dimension of the earth. However, Starseeds fall asleep when they enter this lower 3D matrix, yet the good news is they are ore-programmed to wake up, shift in vibration and get on with their life mission. Starseeds come to help anchor a new set of energetic frequencies on the earth. Starseeds are the pioneers of consciousness, reality creation/co-creation to help birth a new world.

CONNECTING WITH THE ASCENDING 5D TIMELINE. Now is the time to awaken to your true authentic self and mission. This means energetically releasing the old paradigm of control, fear and manipulation and anchoring into the new 5D ascending timeline. This is the timeline where we can experience flow, synchronicity and miracles. For a time it was possible to straddle two timelines but now these are splitting and this year it is time to choose. Fear and separation consciousness or love and miracle consciousness?

WHY COME ON THIS RETREAT? On this workshop you will learn how to:

  • Release all attachments/energy cords to the old 3D Matrix,
  • Clear and upgrade your chakra system,
  • Connect your energy fields to the ascending 5D timeline,
  • Connect with your Higher Self, star guides and angelic helpers.
  • Raise your energy to allow more 5D joy, light, love, possibility and miracle mindedness into your life.

RETREAT INFORMATION. This workshop begins Friday 28th June, 10am and ends Sunday 30th at 3pm. (The Friday and Saturday will run to around 5.30pm). The retreat is limited to 12 participants. The investment is £255 (which does not include accommodation). Ten accommodation places have been reserved in a nearby villa at £30 per night which includes vegan breakfast. This price also includes a taxi each day to the venue, which is about 15 minutes away by car. Apart from these rooms participants can also choose to book another local B&B, AirB&B or Hotel. All required details of accommodation and travel will be sent upon booking. (For those coming from the UK Easyjet offer direct flights to Varna from Gatwick and Wizz Air offer direct flights from Luton. Thomas Cook Airlines also fly to Varna from the UK). The workshop venue is close to the sea and on Saturday evening we plan to arrange for a group outing to a local restaurant near the beach. Participants are welcome to come a few days before and stay on after the retreat to enjoy the beautiful coastline. As an extra, on the Monday, for those staying, we will go into Varna to visit the Cathedral and then go on to explore some of the nearby coastline.

On the Saturday morning there will be a session with Katie on movement.

Steve Nobel is an author, spiritual coach and founder of Soul Matrix Healing. Steve was a director of Alternatives, based in St, James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1 for 13 years (Jan 2000 – Dec 2012). He had a wake-up call in 91 and another in 2010 which was triggered by a Kundalini awakening followed by a dark night of the soul experience.He runs workshops and retreats in the UK and Europe.

Katie Holland is the organiser who lives in Varna. Her website is Awakened Belly Dance.



Ритрийт: Революцията на Звездните семена и новата ера на светлината. Варна, 28-30 юни 2019

Как да преминем от 3D хаос-токсичност към 5D поток-чудеса

ЖИВЕЕМ В ПРЕДИЗВИКАТЕЛНО ВРЕМЕ. Живеем във време на огромни предизвикателства и възможности. Предизвикателството е в това, че сме в момент на пресичане на много потоци и постоянна промяна, в който парадигмата на старото време и 3D времевата линия се измества за да направи място за нова. Много предсказания, майският календар и духовни учители и канали са говорили за този момент. Възможността е в това, че влизаме в Нова ера на Светлина. В тази нова парадигма ние сме създателите на нашата реалност. Ние сме тези, които сме тук за да пробудим колективното съзнание към по-велика светлина. Просто е нужно да се хармонизираме с тази нова парадигма и да пуснем старата.

ЗВЕЗДНИТЕ СЕМЕНА И МНОГОИЗМЕРНАТА ПРИРОДА НА РЕАЛНОСТТА. Ние сме многоизмерни същества и това е само едно измерение на земята. Тук има много същества, които са звездни семена, т.е. не са родом от това измерение на земята. Звездните семена заспиват когато влязат в тази по-ниска 3D матрица, но добрата новина е, че те са предварително прграмирани да се събудят, да преминат към друга вибрация и да продължат с мисията на живота си. Звездните семена пристигат за да помогнат да се установи нова гама от енергийни честоти на земята. Те са пионерите на съзнанието, създаване/съвемстно създаване на реалността за да помогнат да се роди новият свят.

СВЪРЗВАНЕ С ВЪЗХОДЯЩАТА 5D ЛИНИЯ НА ВРЕМЕТО. Сега е моментът да се пробудиш за твоя автентичен аз и мисия. Това означава енергийно да пуснеш старата парадигма на контрол, страх и манипулация и да се установиш в новата възходяща 5D линия на времето. Това е времева линия, в която можем да преживеем поток, синхроничност и чудеса. За известно време беше възможно човек да участва и в двете времеви линии, но сега те се разделят и тази години е време да избереш. Съзнание на страх и разделение или на любов и чудеса?

ЗАЩО ДА ДОЙДЕШ? В тази работилница ще се научиш как:

  • да пуснеш всякаква привързаност/енергийни нишки към старата 3D матрица
  • да прочистиш и ъпгрейднеш чакрите си
  • да свържеш енергийните си полета с възходящата 5D времева линия
  • да се свържеш с висшето си аз, звездни водачи и ангелски помощници
  • да вдигнеш вибрацията си за да се отвориш за повече 5D радост, светлина, любов, възможности и осъзнатост за чудеса в живота си.

ИНФОРМАЦИЯ ЗА РИТРИЙТА. Работилницата започва на 28 юни, петък, в 10ч и продължава до 30 юни, неделя, 15ч. (В петък и събота заниманията ще са до около 17:30ч.) Броят на участниците е ограничен до 20. Инвестицията е £255 (която не включва настаняване). Направили сме резервация за 10 човека в близка вила на цена от £30 на вечер с включена веган закуска и такси всеки ден до мястото на провеждане, което е на около 15мин с кола. Освен тези стаи, участниците могат да се настанят в околните B&B, AirB&B или хотел. Всички подробности по настаняването и транспорта ще ви бъдат изпратени по мейл при регистрация. Мястото на провеждане е близо до морето и в събота вечер планираме да организираме групичка за вечеря в близкия ресторант на плажа. Участниците са добре дошли няколко дни преди и след ритрийта за да се насладят на красивото крайбрежие.

Събота сутрин ще има сесия с Кейти посветена на движението.

Стийв Ноубъл е автор, духовен коуч и основател на Soul Matrix Healing. В продължение на 13 години (януари 2000 – декември 2012) Стийв е директор на Alternatives, помещаващо се в църквата Свети Джеймс на пд. Пикадили в Лондон. Той преживява пробуждане през 1991г. и след това отново през 2010г. провокирано от кундалини процес и последвано от преживяване на „тъмната нощ на душата“. Той провежда работилници и ритрийти в Обединеното кралство и Европа.

Кейти Холанд е организаторката. Живее във Варна. Можете да разгледате нейния уебсайт тук: Awakened Belly Dance.

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12 responses

  1. Dear Steve and Katie!!!
    This is Sini and Natasha, we are living in Finland and found Steves transmissions about one month ago, wauuuuuu!!! Our lives are going through fast transformations and we are fully on the way.. We so much want to come for this retreat, it is amazing!!!
    We are right now both without any extra budget, but i could make it in a month.. Would it be possible to book places, and pay little later, am so sorry to ask! i just got to hear about the news about the retreat and thought i will immediately write to you and ask, i feel such a strong call to meet you..
    Last night had an encounter w a being w angelic touch, who was healing my hands like angels feathers,after falling w transmissions, sooooo beautiful, never hsppened to me before. Do I sound okay..? i feel so amazing and so full of respect and gratitude for Steves work.. soooo much looking forward, please let me know any options regarding the payment and booking.. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Sini Haapalinna & Natalia Susi

  2. Hi Steve! Am I still on time to reserve myself a spot at that B&B you booked for 10 people?
    I would love to join.
    Best wishes!

  3. Hello Steve, would love to come to this retreat, I was at Glastonbury last year. Is there still a space at your B&B? I am coming from western Canada, appreciate the info on flights from Gatwick. How to make payment for the retreat..

  4. Hello Steve. I am also very interested, Can you send me am email on making a deposit. I was at the retreat in Glastonbury last June. blessings, Judith

  5. Hello,
    I’d love to attend the event. Is accommodation still available? If so, please put my name on the hotel list.
    Thank you.
    All the best,

  6. Hi Steve, I feel that I have to join you on this one… Could you send me some more information regarding booking process and perhaps address of venue, so I can have a look at options for accommodation. Blessings and Love.

    1. Hi Teresa,
      Flights are to Varna airport in Bulgaria. Varna is quite close to the venue, only about 30 minutes away by car.

      Easyjet offer direct flights to Varna from Gatwick and Wizz Air offer direct flights from Luton. Thomas Cook Airlines also fly to Varna from the UK. Please check flights to Varna from your nearest airport.

      The address of the retreat venue is: 3rd floor. 10, Drazki Street, Varna.

      The retreat is limited to 20 participants. Ten accommodation places have been reserved in a nearby villa at £30 per night which includes vegan breakfast.

      The address is: Villa Vasilev, ул. „Янко Славчев“ 287, 9007 Manastirski Rid, Varna, Bulgaria. If you wish to book contact the event organiser Katie Holland –

      This price also includes a taxi each day to the venue, which is about 15 minutes away by car. Rooms are available before and after the retreat.

      If you prefer something a little more upmarket there is the Argish Palace Hotel which is about 55 euros a night for a single room.

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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