Podcast: Breaking Free of the False Matrix.
Xi works with Angelic Support for Ascending Humanity. She is a Multi-Dimensional Energy Healer. She works with Gaia Consciousness, Creation Magic and Sacred Sexuality Wisdom
Xi works with Angelic Support for Ascending Humanity. She is a Multi-Dimensional Energy Healer. She works with Gaia Consciousness, Creation Magic and Sacred Sexuality Wisdom
Higher Light Ascension Decree: Embracing 5D Abundance/Wealth Consciousness 我祈請我的高我、我靈魂的臨在、我的最高光之團隊與我同在。我祈請你們的指導,在我成為更高頻率光之存在的時刻,全然接納豐盛、機遇、成功、財富、神馳這些天賦之權。 我宣布在這個轉變的過程中,我對我內在的光和力量享有全部主權。我祈請我的高我、我靈魂的臨在,以及我最高光之團隊終結一切我生命中的匱乏和受限。我祈請豐盛天使和財富意識在這個過程中給予我協助。
In this transmission you will connect to the crystal earth grid and also to the planetary grid that holds the incoming light frequencies of ascension. Within this grid is invoked Archangel Metatron and the Diamond-White Ray of transmutation. This ray is used to transmute any energy patterns of fear in: your body, your 3D timeline back to the womb, your ancestral lines (both mother and father lines), other lifetimes impacting you now where you developed patterns of fear and finally a clearing a blessing is sent to your entire soul family.
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3 responses
thank you for YouTube video information and other website information.
Hi Steve, absolutely loved listening to this, as always. Thank you for sharing your light and your wisdom! Am I right in thinking that you mentioned that you are coming to the US to do an event in California?
I came here to check out the details – but don’t see any, will you be posting them at some point soon?
I have an event in New Jersey and planning also to go to Portland on the West Coast in October. Here is a link to the New Jersey event. Portland is yet to be set up. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/creating-5d-heaven-on-earth-new-jersey-usa-tickets-59388769408