Metatronic 12D Light Shield Transmission: Advanced Angelic Protection
This transmission has been created to help those Starseeds and Lightworkers who are struggling with lower 3D frequencies as we pass through this volatile time of global transition.
The transmission begins with the creation of a sphere of light with the angels of the seven directions. This sphere is then held by the energies of the crystal-earth grid and the planetary-ascension grid. Finally Metatron brings down light from the Central Sun via the stargate of our own Sun. This light is brought into your 12th Stellar Chakra some 4 feet above the head that opens like a mini sun. This then flattens into a disk which becomes the first seal for this column of light that is brought down through and around you. This column is grounded into the core of the earth through the crystal grid. This light merges with the silver-white of the core and is then brought up to about 18 inches below the feet where the Earth Star chakra begins to radiate like a Gold-Silver sun. This then flattens into a disk that becomes the second seal of the light column. This Gold-Silver light is then brought up into the light column sealing it completely.
2 responses
Thank you, Steve!
So very grateful for your generosity, support and guidance.
Thank you so much Steve and glad to at last ‘work’ with you. I remember buying a tape of a lecture you did at College of Psychic Studies called ‘Leading a Magical Life’ all about Joy way back in about 2000 and really loving it. It was at the beginning of my ‘journey’ but live in the Caribbean so never managed to get to one of your workshops. How the Internet changes things!!!