Althea Lucrezia Avanzo…
She is a Light Language Channeler, Galactic Contact, Akashic & Psychic Healer, Reiki Practitioner, Kundalini Yoga teacher and Tarot & Divination Astrologer. Born in Milan, Italy she travelled and worked perfecting her craft worldwide between Italy, France, India and New York before eventually settling in South Africa. She had psychic & intuitive insight and prophetic dreaming from a very young age and eventually decided to pursue this as a career. Her specialty is Light Language channeled in all shapes and forms – written, drawn, sung, spoken, signed and so on. Her main energetic imprint is of Rainbow Ray spectrum – she works very closely with a 9th Dimensional Pleiadian being version of herself and a 12th Dimensional Mantis being.
Music by…
Chris Collins and the track is called Absolute Infinity
More Information on Althea…
Costa Rica November Retreat
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