Free Extract: The Prosperity Game
By Steve Ahnael Nobel. This book was first published by Findhorn Press in 2006. It is now out of print and all rights have been
By Steve Ahnael Nobel. This book was first published by Findhorn Press in 2006. It is now out of print and all rights have been
Negative Projection of Energy…. This is the most common form of psychic attack in the developed world. This form of psychic attack is largely unconscious
Originally Released 21/12/21 = 333 = Christ Consciousness Gateway. Remastered for the 12/12 Portal (2023) Higher Light Decrees… These are statements or declarations of intention
The Free Resource Library contains all of Steve’s work: Affirmations, Ascension News, Meditations/Transmissions + Free eBook downloads (including ‘Starseeds’ by Steve Nobel) + interviews with other teachers/channels. The Newsletter keeps you up to date with latest offerings and events. Please enter your e-mail address to access.
4 responses
Thank you, Steve, for the powerful attunement and healing.
I only came across Steve’s information a few hours before the online class and due to the time zone difference, I missed the live event, catching only the final few minutes of the call. I was the 101 member of the group, and it felt like a divine alignment.
I resonated deeply with the frequency and exercises in the class. During the karma release exercise, I felt a profound connection within myself. It was as if I entered a dark void, a portal to a universe within my womb, particularly connecting to my left ovary. This experience seemed intricately linked to my present timeline, ancestral lineage, and the collective feminine energy. Following Steve’s guidance to release this energy, I also felt its effect on my throat chakra, prompting me to clear that energy too. I visualized the infinity symbol over my womb and ovaries, representing the harmonious balance of feminine and masculine energies, which deeply resonated with my soul’s purpose. This encounter echoed back to a recent healing session where I unexpectedly discovered my twin flame in this lifetime, though it was not something I had actively sought out.
In the final exercise, as I visualized the image of Atlantis’s fall, I was able to release profound sorrow and sadness deeply embedded within me. This practice proved to be incredibly impactful and cathartic for me.
Thank you very much!
Thanks! Always grateful for your powerful healing meditations! Released sacral, throat, spleen and heart chakras. And dense energy left from my right side lower ribs. I definitely have more light around me today after class, a.vibrant neon blue and golden. I work with energy being a conduit, since I am a massage therapist and I always pick up on unwanted heavy, dense, dark energy that clears during the sessions. It likes to stay and stays longer in my body than is welcome and it feels bad… I can definitely feel others pain… haha! Very grateful to be able to tune into your transmissions and meditations with quick releases. Powerful stuff, very healing. I am still learning how to be a conduit of the energies, but not pick up on clients dark energies or how to release better, and not take as my own pain. It is one of my lesson in this life I suppose. Gotta have the dark if you have the light, so it’s worth to keep doing it, as the healing energies that open up and present themselves are far too interesting , delightful, & beautiful to quit. And had I not ran across your channel I’d be in a sore state of mind and body and quit my work a decade ago ❤️❤️❤️
Starseed Steve,
This was my first webinar with you although I was unable to join it live.
It was great on so many levels.
The whole process of signing up at Eventbrite, getting updates and using the password to open the webinar went off without a hitch. I have been reluctant to sign up for webinars in past bc of download access issues. So that was a great start! You have excellent team.
Having your preliminary journeys really helped to access the Sirius energies before webinar.
I was particularly impressed w your attention to ppl feelings when returning from a journey. Many teachers cannot be bothered w such details and leave ppl floating around the astral having to figure out how to get grounded again. (After some workshops I can remember thinking, “These ppl driving home alone?”)
It seems like we are on the same page in many areas bc I had read most of teachings you mentioned: Seth (great story abt Gene R & Jane R) Cayce, Barbara Marciniak, Lazarus.
RE “Light Body” teachings, I worked with Sanaya Roman **tapes** long ago.
As I mentioned Sanaya, I decided to check-in to Luminessence site and found that both Sanaya (2021) and Duane (2023)have passed to the Summmerland. It makes sense to me that neither of them would hangout at 3D alone very long.
All the meditation journeys were great w much for me to continue to explore in coming weeks. Long ago at reiki healing I had msg to work w Sekhmet’s blue energy. From your meditation I think that was abt the Blue Lodge.
Here’s a song from Mary Isis for you all:
Serve the Truth (all Egypt on video!)
“I believe in the Power of my Soul and I embody the Magic of my Word. Affirming the truth of my highest Being in every cell of my body, breathing, receiving the light of Love and Healing- Releasing the Pain and Fear- Revealing the Truth….The Light….The Love…..that I am, That you Are, That we all come from.”
You’ll be seeing my name on sign-up list for more teachings but no zooming for me.
Thanks for all your excellent work.
BB, Lupa (aka Nancy G)
Thank you Steve, wonderful as always x