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The Lion Star Race Transmission: Connecting with the (Sirius) Blue Lodge Masters

This Transmission…

Listen to this remastered transmission (from 2016) with Steve Ahnael Nobel. This transmission is designed to wake up Starseeds who have other lifetime connections with this specific race of Sirian Beings.

“Sirius has played a large role in the history of Earth and its human civilization, not just at its seeding stage, or during the settlements of Lemuria and Atlantis, but its influence and presence has been felt evidentially during the Egyptian and Inca civilizations. The Sirians visited both the Egyptian and the Mayan societies and gave them much advanced astronomical and medical information. They helped to build the pyramidal network system that originates in Egypt and extends through the Mayan civilization to the rest of our planet. Moreover, they guided the construction of temples in Egypt and Peru along with the many tunnels and pathways to the inner Earth. In the future, they will be involved in establishing the new Golden Age on Earth.” – Sangeeta Handa, An extract from her book – The Voice of Silence

Sirian Starseeds…

Many Starseeds on Earth have a strong karmic connection to this race of beings. These beings are connected to the Blue Lodge on Sirius A which has acted as guardians and benefactors of this planet for long thousands of years before Atlantis. The Lion People are, amongst other things, geneticists and have helped develop life forms of various kinds for planets and stars in the universe. They are also great explorers. They have interceded in crucial times in our long history in times of crisis and have contributed to the general genetic experiment that is humanity in a very beneficial way.

54 responses

  1. When I first started to feel this transmission coming on I was not sure at first whether this would be a transmission for the Goddess Sekhmet. But when I eventually properly tuned in these gorgeous beings came through. I am sure there is a strong connection between this race of beings from Sirius A and the Egyptian Lion Goddess Sekhmet. I found them very powerful and gentle at the same time.

    1. Thank you Steve,I have known and understood the ‘Sirian’ connections with us for many years,this is a deep and timeless bond with these beautiful spiritual beings.Appreciate your work Ash.

    2. Thank You for your loving compassion and you are very accurate in every details , from the Golden Light , the tallness , the white “clothing” and bluish aura , the healing …

      1. One night, I was in between dreams, and I found myself conscious in space with two lions turned towards me who were white but had bright blue, pupil-less eyes, and their eyes were telling me something and I was being drawn into their eyes and I found myself yearning to know what they were trying to tell me, and they felt like home, like I was being pulled towards something deeply familiar, I was so eager and to Connect with them, and then as soon as their eyes pulled me all the way in, they disappeared, and I was in another one of my dreams. That was about three years ago and I haven’t met them since

        1. Good afternoon.I hear in my dream: “you are a lion”.I’ m really shocked with this information.Thank’s a lot!

    3. Thank you! A few years ago I was connected with Lion People while living in Colorado! One Being became a part of my Spiritual Team…I hear his name as William. Tonight, I re-connected with him…it’s been several months and I am beyond grateful for this transmission! Blessings, Love, and Gratitude times infinity!

      1. i have never had any knowledge of lion people, but last night i had a dream. the realest dream. a lion ‘alien’ came to me – i met my son. also a lion. he told me had known me for thousands of years. i have three young children, i was so torn between my lion son and my babies here. it sounds so crazy but it was so real. was it just a dream?

    4. My wife and I know Sekhmet well. She has given us much guidance and love over the last 9 years. We love her very much.

    5. Steve I will never forget when I listened to and accepted the transmission. I have never experienced so much love and peace. I was introduced to three of them, and now I know that is my place of origin. Thank you again for all the work you do.

    6. I have had some kind of memory joining them and being with them for awhile and they awoken me and said that my people were under attack and I was with them and was told not to leave but I told I’m worried about my family and I was back but when I returned it almost the same. This is a recent memory dream I dreamed of and I started remembering more sometimes
      It’s amazing

    7. thank you for this transmission. i loved the lion beings. i had just meditated on the 4-4 portal and received a transmission from them saying to me that they are my parents and showing me rainbow dna, with a lot of pink and magenta light. i made a painting of them which i would love to show but am unable to upload images here.

    8. Oh thanks for this I am just going up through consciousness and timelines meeting lemurian me, Atlantean me and now Lionese me thanks for this truly

    9. I have just found this amazing transmission. It seems I have been looking for it for a long time.
      Thank you for your important work, it is so appreciated. Blessings,

    10. Absolutely! I felt Her presence and there were tremors and vibrations which made my body move and tremble. I will be seeking further connection with Her and the Lion people….I feel a strong, beautiful connections with them. And, interesting , I had a dream last night in which 3 cats had come to me, one of which was perhaps a cougar, definitely wild, untamed and connected to me. Thank you for this transmission….very healing and transformational. ❤️

    11. I think these are the same beings I channel, Judah. They told me that they are a collective of around 350,000 Angelic souls from Sirius A system, looking like lions. They introduced themselves Judah, which fits my formerly Judeo-Christian background. Thanks for all of your work, Steve. I am deeply appreciative and use your meditations nearly daily. @thejudahchannel

  2. Exquisite and powerful. I’ve been to Egypt three times now and twice my guide brought me into a secret room at the Temple of Karnak in Luxor to see a life sized (very tall) statue of Sekhmet that was not on public view. The room was filled with the light and energy of this transmission. Thank you for your service and for this connection which I will now consciously use in my work. I’m a golden glow worm at the moment. In love…

    1. Sharon: I was there in same place in Karnak as well many years ago. It was my first time in Egypt and the first time I met HER – OMG!<3
      I was struck by equally chock and love at the same time – Never saw a statue of her before – SO intense! Since then I have had a strong connection to her <3 Got teary eyes when I read your posting. Thanks for sharing your story, it made me relive the moment I had myself.. :')

  3. The most powerful guided meditation I have ever experienced. Golden energy vibrated through my being and I felt so very loved, healed and cleansed. The Lion beings are indeed old friends from ancient Egypt and beyond….How wonderful to be re-connected to this beautiful family again! Thank you♥

  4. Thank you thank you thank you! That was such a powerful and beautiful transmission! Much love to you dear beautiful soul ❤️

  5. Oh my goodness, thank you so much! That transmission was so very powerful and I am so grateful that you shared it with us. I could feel it in every cell of my body. I will read listen to it when the time is right.

  6. This was amazing! Very very palpable… No words can describe the experience v strong connection came through. Thank you Steve. X

  7. Thank you for all of your hard and diligent work in writing these articles. I especially love your meditations at the end of the articles, as I have been listening to them at night before sleeping. They are extremely relaxing and particularly informative. I’very recently listened to the one at the end of this article, and now it seems to have disappeared off both the article and from SoundCloud. Can you tell me what happened to it, & how I can get it back again? Thank you for everything!!! ♡

  8. Hi Steve,

    I have just paid for this transmission via Paypal but haven’t verb cave to download it properly to my Android tablet. Not sure where it has gone. Help!

  9. awesome steve – so strong like a tractor beam on my 3rd eye, crown, jaw for whole transmission – very grateful thx so much

  10. I have cosmic Lion guides and I love Lions. They are so loving. I will see where this transmission takes me … from a loving and conscious Earth Seed. I am doing work with Lior so am tuning into these transmission for more fun, insight and adventure.

  11. Thank you ! Feeling much better afterThis transmission , getting ready to welcome Sirius back in our Sky again within the next few days .. Blessings, blessings and blessings to all of you.

  12. Your transmission about the Lions Gate and connecting with the blue Lodge Masters really changed everything for me today. So fulfilling at soul level. I would like to donate, but I don’t see anywhere any website to do that. Can you inform me of how I can donate to your cause?

  13. Thank you for this very powerful transmission which activated an old memory and connection with lion people from many years ago. Love and blessings.


  14. Thank you so much for this powerful transmission. I have a deep connection with the Lion People and in particular with Goddess Sekhmet, her consort Ptah and son Nefertum, who formed the Memphis Triad in Ancient Egypt. There is a place in the Delta in Egypt which was called in Ancient times Leontinopel, named after the Lion People, who settled there in ancient times, as believed. I live in Egypt for over 30 years and feel so Blessed to be here. In deep gratitude, Annemarie

  15. Thank you so much. The second I entered the Ram Alley in Karnak a few days ago, I felt infinite love. I still do.It has guided me today to your beautiful sharing. It’s happening in lovely circles. Thank you, Univers. ‍♀️

  16. I am 43yrs old..female. My entire life..well since I was around 4yrs old..I have told my family and friends about the “lion men” that use to come visit me as a little girl. I’ve vividly remembered..all this time..I would get up in the middle of the night, go out my back door and to the back a big tin can with a fire going in it..and standing there waiting for me would be 4-6 of these lion men. Why they came and what they said I do not remember..just that they spoke mentally. Everyone that I know knows of my “imaginary lion friends”. Just a few hours ago was the very first time EVER that I’ve had validation of these beings! I knew those meetings were real!! I just chalked it up to maybe spirit guides but couldn’t figure out why the lion men!! I am so excited to read all I can and hopefully find out why I received this honour!!.. plz if anyone can tell me anything..I would be so grateful!!

  17. Thank You so much Steve! When I experienced this transmission it brought me to tears. I felt so much love and so much energy shifting and clearing it was just amazing. My gratitude to you is immense and the amount of people you can help by offering these meditations free is immense, not to mention the assistance also then given to Mother Earth!
    I am like a kid at the best lolly shop in the world. I am also a healer who has learned many different modalities and work in a similar way but never really put myself out there thinking people would think I am “strange” Thank You… I am in Australia but would love to attend an event with you in person, so working on my abundance big time! Blessings and Much Love to you. Thanks again!

  18. I listened to your transmissions at times but then I had a dream that told me to listen to you for healing. I have been doing that religiously. This transmission was the first time I felt a strong sense of presence. I felt the beings were with me. Of course, the transmission was powerful and very healing. When I finished, I wanted to get dressed and rushed over to my clean laundry to find a blouse. I had no idea why this was happening. I just had to find that blouse and wear it. When I was putting it on, I realized it had the design of a tiger. I laughed when I realized these loving beings were letting me know, that yes, they had really been with me during the transmission.

  19. Steve, this is the first time I’ve listened to any of your transmissions. During the transmission, I felt myself energetically merging with Lion energy, my hair seemed longer and I could feel it resting on my shoulders, my nose began to flatten and I felt it widen, it was so interesting. The surface of my body felt soft and velvety with many very fine hairs. Lion Beings came forward in the transmission for me too. Feel so grateful for this experience. Thank you!

  20. Valuable info. Fortunate me I found your site by chance,
    and I’m surprised why this accident didn’t took place in advance!
    I bookmarked it.

  21. I recently did a guided journey and was greeted by a golden lion headed goddess. She told me her name was Sekmhet (that was a new one for me, and I had actually been journeying to specifically meet goddesses of my Celtic Lineage and have no Egyptian connections that I know of), she also gave me a tigers eye stone and said that her gift to me was courage. And now here I am stumbling across this transmission… Thank you so very much, so glad to find this and connect here. I would love to know if there is any connection between pre-Celtic Ireland and Egypt and it’s Gods and Goddesses… Everytime I try and connect with Ireland, I get Egypt, lol… Maybe it’s just me.

  22. I recently did a guided journey and was greeted by a golden lion headed goddess. She told me her name was Sekmhet (that was a new one for me, and I had actually been journeying to specifically meet goddesses of my Celtic Lineage and have no Egyptian connections that I know of), she also gave me a tigers eye stone and said that her gift to me was courage. And now here I am stumbling across this transmission… Thank you so very much, so glad to find this and connect here. I would love to know if there is any connection between pre-Celtic Ireland and Egypt and it’s Gods and Goddesses… Everytime I try and connect with Ireland, I get Egypt, lol… Maybe it’s just me. My husband is a Syrian Starseed, BTW, and we have two children together.

  23. Thank you so much for that amazing experience. I am a Sirian being. I was surrounded by my Sirian family often as a child, I feel they were concerned for my wellbeing as well as excited and cheering me on. While listening to your meditation they reconnected with me to confirm that it was them and they have always been watching over me even when I was lost. ❤️

  24. WOW!!!!! Did you see them as having blue skin? I was visited by a hairless blue-skinned lion being who wore the Egyptian kilt, jewel-encrusted breast plate, and carried a curved blade on the end of a spear. His mane wasn’t made of hair, more like skin (VERY hard to describe) and was rainbow colored. He was bearing his teeth so he looked terrifying but he radiated an indescribable amount of love so I couldn’t feel fear. He kept repeating, “guardian”. Two years after this experience a friend of mine sent me a photo of a miniature statue of Maahes, son of Sekhmet, guardian of Ma’at. That was him!!! Magenta Pixie just channeled more about them and about this year’s (2023) Lionsgate. What made me do more research was The Nine saying they were BLUE! Now dots are connecting!!

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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