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Affirmations: I am Safe for All Eternity

The Power of Affirmations…

Please note this is a remastered track, originally created 31st October 2022. The video track contains the affirmations spoken twice.

Affirmations directly address the unconscious mind, the part of you that never sleeps, the part of you that is always listening to the thoughts you think, the words you speak, the choices you make, the everyday action you take. The unconscious mind is the part of you that generates and regenerates your physical, etheric, emotional, and mental bodies. The Unconscious Mind is mostly responsible for creating your reality. Allow this affirmation track to go deep into your body, deep into the cells, deep into the beliefs you hold, deep into your fluid energy field.

The Power of Safety…

We all have a basic human need to feel safe, to feel free from threats, to feel trust and support, to be able to relax. Starseeds often inherit memories from other lifetimes where they did not feel safe, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. This track is designed to amplify the true feeling of safety. The light is returning and the Universe has your back. Now you can feel safe, you can focus on your higher path, your true calling and mission in life.

Angelic Light Surrounds Me….

I invite the highest frequencies of angelic light to surround me, and in this light I am loved, guided, protected and held. I am safe. I am safe. I am safe. This high frequency light surrounds and also infuses my being. As I am surrounded and infused by angelic light, I begin to live, move and experience a safe and loving Universe. All lower energies within me and around me are dissolved in this light. This angelic light repels everything of a lower nature and uplifts my whole being to the higher dimensions. This angelic light attracts to me people, opportunities, situations and experiences that are in alignment with this higher light. With this light, I am connected to the highest dimensions of Source in this Universe and across all Universes and I am thus safely held for all eternity.

The Ascension Grid…

I invite angelic light from the Ascension grid to surround, infuse and uplift my being. I invite all angels of healing, light and power who work through this grid to support my journey of ascension. I invite archangels from the sun to guide and protect me. I invite Pleiadian archangels from the Central sun to guide and protect me. I invite archangels from the Great Central sun of Sirius to guide and protect me.

The Crystalline Grid…

I invite angelic light from the Crystalline grid to surround, infuse and uplift my being. I invite all over-lighting angels of the crystal, plant and animal kingdoms who work through this high frequency grid to support my journey of ascension.

The Physical Body…

As I embody angelic light all of my being is uplifted to love and to the higher dimensions. In this loving light everything of a lower nature just drops away. Every cell and fibre of my being is washed and cleared with angelic light. I welcome angelic light into all aspects of my physical body, my blood, bones, organs, and all internal systems. This angelic light gently clears all harmful micro-organisms, bugs, viruses, assisting in the purification of any toxic chemicals. I invite angelic light into my cells and DNA, purifying, cleansing, invigorating and uplifting.

The Etheric Body…

I invite angelic light to dissolve and release all lower energies in my etheric body. Dissolving and releasing all lower energies in the chakra system and meridians that do not belong to me. Dissolving all blocks to allow a radiant energy flow. Sealing and protecting my energy. Releasing all lower 3D energies out of my fields.

The Emotional Body…

I invite angelic light to dissolve and release all lower energies in my emotional body. Dissolving and releasing all lower emotional energies that do not belong to me. Dissolving and releasing all conflict, drama, suffering and pain that can now be released out of my fields. Sealing and protecting my energy. Releasing all such lower 3D energies out of my fields.

The Mental Body…

I invite angelic light to dissolve and release all lower energies in my Mental body. Dissolving and releasing all lower mental energies that do not belong to me. Dissolving and releasing all lower thought forms and other projected mental energies such as judgement and blame. Releasing all, thoughts, ideas, beliefs, expectations, values and dreams that are not truly mine. Sealing and protecting my energy. Releasing all such lower 3D energies out of my fields.

Spiritual Layers of my Aura…

I invite angelic light in all layers, levels and dimensions of my being and aura. Expanding my ability to hold and radiate light. So that I become a bright cleansing light on this earth-plane. I ask that this light aligns me with my highest 5D timeline. Assisting me in being a beacon of light to others who are stumbling in darkness and shadows.

The Dimensions are Splitting…. 

As I am being held by this light I am being released from all the shackles and bindings of this 3D ascending world. This dimension of the earth is ascending, and souls are choosing which world they want to inhabit. The world of light, love and miracles or the world of control, manipulation and growth through opposition to the light. I choose the world where I am held in love and by angelic light, I release all other worlds.

I am a Sovereign Being…

I am a sovereign being of light. I am safe. I am supported. I am guided. Even though many are stumbling in darkness, I am able to walk safely and securely in this world, being held and uplifted by angelic light. Even though many do not experience a world of safety and stability, angelic light assists me in experiencing a safe, loving and supportive reality. I carry and radiate the energy of love, stability and safety wherever I go.

Angelic Light and 5D Reality…

As I walk on the earth, each step is held in angelic light. My heart is guided by angelic light. My intuition is held and uplifted by angelic light. Angels guide me in all of my choice, great and small.

I invite angelic light into every aspect of my earthly reality. Into all of my relationships, releasing any cords and threads to past and present relationships that need to be released. Angelic light raises my vibration allowing some people and situations to naturally leave my reality allowing the space for new people and situations to enter.

This Light Liberates All Beings…

I call on all angels of light to bless me. I ground this light into every layer and level of my being and consciousness. With this angelic light weaving in through my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, I direct it towards liberating myself and all beings from lower energies and situations in this ascending world.

Angelic Light Surrounds Me….

I invite the highest frequencies of angelic light to surround me, and in this light I am loved, guided, protected and held. I am safe. I am safe. I am safe. This high frequency light surrounds and also infuses my being. As I am surrounded and infused by angelic light, I begin to live, move and experience a safe and loving Universe. All lower energies within me and around me are dissolved in this light. This angelic light repels everything of a lower nature and uplifts my whole being to the higher dimensions. This angelic light attracts to me people, opportunities, situations and experiences that are in alignment with this higher light. With this light, I am connected to the highest dimensions of Source in this Universe and across all Universes and I am thus safely held for all eternity. I am safe for all eternity. I am safe for all eternity. I am safe for all eternity.#

Music by…

Cosmin Tronaru, track is called Music for Peace 12hz.

12 responses

  1. Just what I needed today. Thank you for your wonderful and powerfull meditation. I enjoy all of them. They bring me a lot

  2. Eternal gratitude to Steve Nobel for Your Magical meditations… Thank You… Thank You… Thank You… Love …

  3. Hoi Steven,
    Ik was heel lang opzoek naar juiste spirituele meester die ook echt puur uit zuivere liefde deed ik heb heel lang gezocht ik had hoop opgegeven in eens zag ik jouw meditatie op youtube kanaal ik ben een hoog gevoelig persoon jij bent de eerste die bij mij heel goed gevoel gaf terwijl Ik heel weinig Engels versta jammer dat er geen Nederlandse vertalingen zijn maar Ik ben u heel dankbaar uit mijn hart van hartelijk groetjes Nursel

  4. steve, thank you for your generous offerings. i found you through IG recently. i appreciate your post there so i hyper-linked to find out more about you and your work.
    thank you for the courage and grace
    you model. many bless sings!

  5. Alláh’u’Abhá Dear Steve!
    In Bahá’i terminology the 5D Universe is called The Abhá Kingdom. The Old World Order that is disintegrating is what you and others term the 3D Universe or World. Heaven on Earth is being built on Earth by spiritual Bahá’is and others who in Bahá’u’lláh’s terms are Bahá’i “…are of Me, who have not heard My Name…”, yet. I recognize you Steve as one of these mysteriously alluded to Hidden Bahá’is that enrolled Bahá’is of good conscience are guided by The Universal House of Justice and Abdu’l-Bahá and The Guardian Shoghi Effendi Rabbani and The Hands of The Cause to look out for and collaborate with in service to Humanity and to Source. Alláh’u’Abhá again,

  6. Hi that was so wonderful just what I needed such colours swirling and purple lots of it I always get that in meditation and some faces Thank you, Steve

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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