The Power of Affirmations…
Affirmations directly address the unconscious mind, the part of you that never sleeps, the part of you that is always listening to the thoughts you think, the words you speak, the choices you make, the everyday action you take. The unconscious mind is the part of you that generates and regenerates your physical, etheric, emotional, and mental bodies. The unconscious mind is mostly responsible for creating your reality. Allow this affirmation track to go deep into your body, deep into the cells, deep into the beliefs you hold, deep into your fluid energy field.
Who this Track is For…
This track is for men, women and all gender identifications. In this track we reprogram the unconscious mind to clear old patriarchal, cultural, and familial ideas, beliefs, stories, imprints, and patterning that locks us into a toxic masculine to enable an activation and connection to the true Divine Masculine.
Full Script –…ne-Masculine.pdf
“I am going beyond all limiting patterns and unnecessary suffering and struggle and conflict generated by patterns of toxic masculinity within outgoing patriarchal structures and systems. I am now going beyond all limiting patterns of suffering and struggle and conflict generated by patterns of toxic masculinity inherited within my family and bloodlines. I am now going beyond all limiting patterns and suffering and struggle and conflict generated by patterns of toxic masculinity received from all other lifetimes across all time and space.
I am now moving into a new phase, one of grace, one of connection to a new octave of divine masculine energy, one that is connected to a higher dimension of light, one that is connected to Source Energy.”
💠💠💠 Music by Corey White and the track is called Manifest Money and Abundance Binaural Beat + Isochronic Tone