Podcast: Light Language 11.11 Portal Opening, Anchoring & Full System Clearing
This Light Language Track… This track is by Althea Lucrezia Avanzo. It is offered in preparation for the 11:11 Gateway (11th November 2023) She is a Light Language Channeller, Galactic Contact, Akashic & Psychic Healer, Reiki Practitioner, Kundalini Yoga teacher and Tarot & Divination Astrologer. She was born in Milan, Italy and have travelled and […]
Free Extract: Starseeds: Unveiling the Celestial Secrets Within
The ebook begins by providing a comprehensive introduction to Starseeds, unraveling the mysteries surrounding their existence and giving readers a foundation in this captivating topic. Lynch shares how Starseeds often feel a sense of “not belonging” or a longing for a higher purpose, compelling them to question the world around them and seek answers about […]