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Last night I experienced your new obsidian / dandelion and angels of love meditation. It was very, very powerful and during which much was revealed and released. To me, this felt like one of the most powerful meditations of yours that I have done and I felt very much happening in my body, particularly the lower 3 chakras – even before you mentioned this was occurring. The bodily sensations included a rush of pain in that very area, and later on, even after the meditation, some activity and almost a swelling sensation then in my upper right abdomen as it continued to clear. Throughout the meditation, and unusual for me in your meditations, I cried a lot! My throat was intensely painful (and has taken a lot of clearing this morning!), my third eye throbbed in pain too, whilst I writhed, clenched my fists, and went through much discomfort just laying there. This continued until almost just the ghost of crying remained. Though this sounds unpleasant, this is by no means a complaint! I very much sensed that this experience must have been necessary and for which I am most grateful.
Steve Nobel is a master healer. He has such finely tuned intuition, years of experience working with people, and a wide set of tools. His work is deep, fast, and powerful. He is the healer all the healers go to.
Glastonbury retreat was the most profound experience l have had on my journey. The venue Glastonbury as a whole was like walking into a different portal and timezone. The energy was literally out of this world. Yourself, Steve, exceeded my expectations. The connection l feel while listening to your meditations and also a Zoom healing last year had left no doubt of the great spiritually mentor and healer you are but could not compare to this in person. The mediations and healing work was extremely powerful combined with the energy of Glastonbury was profound. Your knowledge and wisdom are second to none. You are here to heal and mentor with with no ego at all. You are a powerful bright light. The Team Liz and Anna were just beautiful with also with the most amazing energy that also flowed through the retreat. Thank you for all the hard work they did for the retreat. Overall l can’t thank you all enough and l feel it was definitely a transformational time for me with beautiful souls and meeting like-minded people added to the amazing energy. Thanks so much. I have no doubt you will see me again. Love and Light to you all. Thank you.
This was amazing!!! Words cannot express how grateful I am to have read this. My initial awakening started in 2015. I cannot tell you how much darkness I have encountered over the years!!! I will definitely look into The Soul Matrix Healing. I feel like I am one of those who’s been dealing with the dark ones in this incarnation. I’m still trying to figure out my mission…..I also believe my daughter who has ADHD born 10/10/2011 is a Rainbow Starseed. Thanks for all these amazing resources!!! It’s such a blessing to have all this at my disposal. Much love and light ✨✨
I want to share an experience with Steve because of all the joy I have received from his meditations. I was sitting meditating and visualizing the golden white light from the universe entering my body and then I felt something not quite complete with this. Just like I never really could fully relate to breathing in this light and exhaling all the darkness out into the Universe. Every skin pore on my body became a portal for this light and energy to enter and I could feel all the darkness and negativity dissolve in this golden white light inside my body and when I exhaled I exhaled an even brighter light than what I had inhaled. Unbelievable to feel myself adding to the beauty and light of this beautiful planet and not sending all my darkness out. Making every pore on my body the portal felt so complete and not just the crown chakra etc. There are so many meditators breathing out negativity into the universe and not realizing what is really happening, If all meditators would send out beautiful light WOW. Love your site.
THANK YOU for the wonderful workshop. Since the workshop, so much has come into alignment for me, I can’t begin to describe how joyful I feel as I had been stuck for quite a while. I ‘woke up’ in 1989 and have been honoured to have had many amazing leaps in life through various healing, workshops, retreats, and so on, but the Starseed one was legendary! I knew when I left the Columbia Hotel that some very deep healing had occurred and that it would consolidate over time.
I am a Reiki Master teacher and was guided here to release my pain. You see I have met with five surgeons who feel I need a fusion in my spine. I had only about 2 1/2 hours, if that, of upright time after that I needed to lay down with tens units, heat pads, pain, cream, etc. I came to your meditations to release the pain after two weeks of multiple meditations twice a day for an hour. I am happy to say that I am walking around and upright for more than 5 to 6 hours at a time, and I’ve only just begun and this is amazing the work you do is so healing and incredible, I am sharing it with all my clients.
Dearest Steve, I wanted to tell you this sort of privately, due to the nature of this miracle. (ie LOTS of people want to get off of anti-depressants….)
I have been on 225 mgs/daily of Effexor for YEARS. Have tried to get off of them, by myself or with the help of Doctors. Every time I would experience horrendous side effects or plunge into a deep depression.
After I ‘found’ you, lol, and started doing your meditations (which I could not have, had you not closed-captioned them), Spirit told me to drop the Effexor down 75 mgs. to 150. No side effects! I could scarcely believe it. A bit later, I was guided to drop down again. That is where I am at now, and honestly feel like I could go off. This is just unprecedented, and truly a miracle!! So guessing one of the meditations (the one that rid me of old contracts, etc. perhaps) did this.
Anyway, just thought you would enjoy hearing about a true miracle…that occurred because of you.
Love and blessings.
I have been searching for many years and very specifically many months to find a coach or healer that could help me clear my blocks to overflowing abundance with ease. I was listening to one of my favorite master class/ interview platforms and heard Steve speak. Immediately I knew he had information that could help me on my journey. I started listening to everything I could on his YouTube channel. Everything about abundance, everything about connecting to source energy and living in the 5D. When he would invoke the archangels to hold the space over the 4 directions I could sense the colors and bit of a presence, but most of the time it seemed as if I was making it all up. As my search continued, a friend suggested a psychic reader that was located near me in Colorado, USA. She immediately told me I had 7 angels around me. This gave me comfort and joy. And then she told me there was Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, and Uriel. She said it exactly in the order that Steve’s transmissions invoke them. It was a fantastic confirmation that it is possible to call these great beings towards us and ask for their assistance. Whether we actually see or hear or feel them, they are with us when we ask them. Thank You Steve for helping me clear away some debris. I look forward to more stories, as we continue to work together.
The Free Resource Library contains all of Steve’s work: Affirmations, Ascension News, Meditations/Transmissions + Free eBook downloads (including ‘Starseeds’ by Steve Nobel) + interviews with other teachers/channels. The Newsletter keeps you up to date with latest offerings and events. Please enter your e-mail address to access.