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Metatronic 12D Light Shield Transmission: Advanced Angelic Protection

Listen to this remastered Metatronic 12D Light Shield Transmission (originally recorded in November 2016 in London).

This remastered transmission was created to help those Starseeds and Lightworkers who are struggling with lower 3D frequencies as we pass through this volatile time of global transition.

The transmission begins with the creation of a sphere of light with the angels of the seven directions. This sphere is then held by the energies of the crystal-earth grid and the planetary-ascension grid. Finally Metatron brings down light from the Central Sun via the stargate of our own Sun. This light is brought into your 12th Stellar Chakra some 4 feet above the head that opens like a mini sun. This then flattens into a disk which becomes the first seal for this column of light that is brought down through and around you. This column is grounded into the core of the earth through the crystal grid. This light merges with the silver-white of the core and is then brought up to about 18 inches below the feet where the Earth Star chakra begins to radiate like a Gold-Silver sun. This then flattens into a disk that becomes the second seal of the light column. This Gold-Silver light is then brought up into the light column sealing it completely.

Within this sealed field Metatron and his angelic forces seal all the nine openings of the physical body with a 12-pointed spinning star. The top and bottom disks of the light column are also sealed with a 12-pointed spinning star.

5 responses

  1. Thank you so much for this Advanced Angelic Protection Transmission, it is so welcome. The Shield created feels Amazing and Powerful. I Bless you.

  2. Another Heaven sent video Steve. The peace and the depth of connection was and is simply just what we need right now!
    And I appreciate its what Source wants for us too, much more of the time than we allow, or give ourselves permission to receive.
    Well, im in! All the way. Thank you thank you thank you.❤❤

  3. Dear Steve, You are one of the very very special gifts of this precious Earth-Time of Transformation into True Lightfull Being !!! Mahalo nui loa for being who You are !!! aloha from grateful sigrid

  4. This is my absolute favorite. I accidentally took on an entity from a client during the summer solstice of 2019 that was so heavy and dense I wanted to crawl into a hole and hide. I’d never ever experienced anything like that before. I was suppose to meet people out for dinner shortly after the clients session. I decided to log into the soul matrix YouTube channel and this light shield had just been released. I laid down, listened to it, had a powerful emotional release and felt the dense energy get pulled off me. By the end I felt back to 100%. The music that accompanies this meditation is next level. Please please use this musical track in more of your work. It allows the mind to go so deep into the work. Thank you Thank you

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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