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5D Light Medicine Technology: An Online Course in Spiritual Transformation.

Why is this course important now? The 3D Matrix is transforming and Starseeds are activating now across the planet to embrace a higher potential of light and flow. During this process our 3D limited ego selves are also going through an upgrade. This is because it is not possible to take our 3D ego selves into a higher frequency band of light. Our ego-personality needs to be upgraded so that it can become a faithful container for our light. When the war ends between our ego selves and our Higher Self then we can take the next step forward in our evolutionary path.

What will this course give you? This course consists of four pre-recorded modules (video format) that are designed to help you explore and experience transcending your ego and connect you to the true nature of spiritual power. In turn this will help you release lower frequency energies and associated layers of struggle in your reality. Each module consists of an attunement, a talk with Q+A, a transmission-meditation.

What is the structure of the course? The four levels are; etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual. Each session allows you to access a greater potential of clarity, energy, joy, intuition, love and power to ignite in your life.

Session 1. Clearing and upgrading the Etheric Body.

Session 2. Clearing and upgrading the Emotional Body.

Session 3. Clearing and upgrading the Mental Body.

Session 4. Embracing Your Higher Self.

Are you ready to bring more light to your personality and thereby birth a new you? Are you ready to transform all sense of limitation and separation to know the magnificence of your inner light, your Higher Self? If you are ready to release struggle and suffering and step into more of the wisdom, power, inspiration, and freedom of your Higher Self, then this is the course for you.

Please Note This course will be recorded and so all participants will receive the recordings (attunements, information with Q+A, plus a transmission) shortly after each session.

The investment for this online course is £175.



Steve Ahnael Nobel is an author of 5 non-fiction books, a spiritual coach and mentor. He is the founder of the Soul Matrix Healing System. His work focuses on assisting Starseeds he has a highly popular YouTube channel filled with resources for the ascension process.

Tarryn Slade is a gifted Intuitive Guide & Mentor passionate about guiding lightworkers to discover their own personal greatness. She works with individuals who feel innately called & ready to make changes in their life and dive deep into ‘The Human Experience’.

27 responses

  1. i am interested. funds are limited at moment. i will keep alert to other opportunities. thank you. mimi

  2. Greetings from Canada. I resonate with your work – find the meditations VERY powerful and enjoy your teaching style and languaging. I personally woke up and was at first dragged kicking and screaming – but undeniably drawn at the same time into Reiki etc. etc. etc. in the late 90’s . Your work with the Angelic teams have activated ANOTHER clarion call as I work with Micheal and Metatron regularly. I also have connections with Ancient Avalon – way before Arthur. I ALWAYS knew intuitively that Clearing was VITAL to the Ascension process and have found your methods to work MAGIC. Really Greatful for this Opportunity to work with you and your teams. Keep on Keeping on. Blessings to You.

    1. Dear Steve, I feel so called to take this course. If i understand it right, can i do it from eny country at any time? Or will there be any live sessions? If it is pre recorded will it be as effectfull? Do i need to prepare my self in any way?
      Thank you for your so important work!

  3. hello Steve and Tarryn
    I know I am late but can I still join in and follow the online course?
    much love

  4. Hello ,

    This course sounds great, May I please ask is the four aspects to this course online in person for each module, or is this pre taped and sent out while the participant is not present at the time.

    Thank you for this wonderful opportunity , kind regards Phillip from Sydney

    1. Hi Phillip,
      This was a live group that has been recorded.
      So now the course is offered as four recorded sessions with a minimum of three videos per session.

  5. Hi Steve, it was nice to see on Facebook how you are doing after the Glastonbury event!
    As regards the offer, will it still be available at the beginning of August?

    1. This is a live group that is nearly ended. All the material has been recorded in video format. I will be doing another group later in the year.

  6. Hi Steve. I bought the short-term half price special. Do you know when you intend to begin that course? And if it is pre-recorded, how does the question and answer section work? Do we get to ask questions and interact?
    Thank you. I love your work – it is crazy powerful.

  7. Hi Steve, how long after purchasing this online course does the link land in my inbox? Blessings, Ange x

  8. I am writing from California in October 2019

    Are there any live online events coming up?

    If i were to purchase the online prerecorded workshop would you take Q&A by Email? Or some other way

  9. Hi Steve. I just purchased the online 5D Medicine Tech course and wanted to find out how long before I will receive the login info? Thank you for all you do and for your assistance with this.

  10. Hi I am very interested in your course but funds are limited can I suggest a price for each module but you have to finish the course monthly? weekly? thought it would help a few people including me Thank you

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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