5D Major Arcana Course


Columbia Hotel, 99 Lancaster Gate, London W2. Tuesday 20 November 2018, 7-9.30pm.

Calling all Lightworkers and Starseeds. As you know, we are in a time of a great global energy shift from fear to love, separation consciousness to unity and struggle to new possibilities. In this time frame the energies on and within the Earth are changing. The energy grid in the earth is shifting as is the intensity of light impacting the planet. Because of the intensity of the shift in recent years, many lightworkers have been struggling to manifest their highest path of light and service. This evening event is an opportunity to align with the new energies on the planet and to channel those energies towards your highest destiny.

The exciting news is the future is calling. In this time of change one of the greatest shifts is that the past is no longer the biggest factor in creating our future. (The timelines upon the Earth are shifting and we are now able to step powerfully away from the old timeline of separation consciousness onto the new emerging 5D timeline. On the old timeline, the major themes were growth through suffering, struggle and scarcity. On this timeline, the emerging themes are growth through joy, ease, grace, flow, synchronicity, magic and miracles.

This coming year 2019 is where we know in every cell in our body that we are multidimensional beings with vast resources. We are in a time where magic and miracles are becoming a daily possibility in our lives. This evening is an opportunity to release the outgoing year and any lingering lower frequency energies in order to open to the higher frequencies of love, joy, happiness, gratitude, enthusiasm, wonder and bliss. Together, we will discover how possible it is to create Heaven on Earth. This evening will include a transmission to help you connect to the energies of highest possibility for you in 2019.



Steve Ahnael Nobel is an author, book mentor, spiritual coach, and healer. He is the creator of Soul Matrix Healing which is a blend of down to earth coaching techniques and energy tools for clearing karmic ‘blocks’. Steve was a director of Alternatives between 2000-2012. Visit and

Catherine Björksten is a Soul Plan reader and Awakening Guide. Her work is focused on helping her clients remember who they are in essence so that they can live an authentic and fulfilling life as they self-realise. She draws upon her shamanic studies, psychotherapy background, spiritual counselling skills, multidimensional guidance and life experience as a mother of two. She offers a practical approach to spirituality in daily life. Along with her private practice, she is a consultant at the College of Psychic Studies in London. Visit


7 responses

  1. I love all of your videos and listen to them nightly as I fall asleep. Thank you so much for the work that you do. You make my path lighter and easier. I am currently living in the US and would love to attend this DREAMING YOUR MAGICAL AND MIRACULOUS YEAR 2019 INTO BEING. LONDON EVENT but cannot afford to make the trip there. Is there anyway it will/can be offered via distance? Recording, etc? Thank you <3

      1. Hi Steve

        I would love to attend this event as a webinar if there is any possibility. I live in Amsterdam and will not be able to come over to London. Would be great to be in contact. I have been listening to your meditations for the last 3 months and feel such a great transformation. Hope to hear from you.

  2. Hi Steve,

    I too, find inspiration through the work you do in The Soul Matrix. I am however already booked for some other work and family activities that would make it impossible to make it to London. I would be willing to pay or make some kind of donation to have access to a webinar of this event. Let me know what I can do to gain access.

  3. Hello Steve.

    I concur exactly what Malia Legos said up above.
    Is there any way to attend via a webinar?
    Im caught up in a very dark reality of being a civilian
    involved in a serial murder case of a man killing prostitutes.
    I’ve been dark under cover to get intel on the murderer
    to have the Feds prosecute him.

    Im done. I’ve gone as far as I can. I’ve had my life threatened
    and I need to release all this work
    and all the toxic deadly people I’ve had to talk to
    to get intel on them.

    I wish to really release.

    I listen to your recordings all the time, and they help me a lot.
    I also swim, as water is unconditionally powerful and healing.

    Thank you for everything.

    Thank you

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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