Magic Earth, Multidimensional Spirit. Glastonbury Retreat –April 2019

This retreat runs from the 19th to 21st April 2019 starting 3pm on the Friday and finishing 3pm on the Sunday. Your investment is £255 (which does not include accommodation or travel). Full details will be sent on booking. We are living through extraordinary times! This year 2019 is witnessing an intensification of light. Starseeds […]

Podcast: Healing Karmic Patterns with Divine Vibration/Sound.

This podcast interview with Dorota Rozmus includes an experience of sound healing. Dorota Rozmus is a transformational intuitive Healer who connects with quantum awareness and her singing voice as energy. Dorota works with Light and Love frequency channelling energy vibration, helping to clear and transform emotions and distorted mind information, the density of the past, […]