5D Major Arcana Course

Affirmations: I Am Ultraviolet Angelic Fire.

This AffirmationTrack…

Affirmations are one tried and tested way we can reprogramme our unconscious mind with new possibilities. Affirmations can raise the level of our thinking which in turn increases certain feel-good hormones. This is a remastered track originally uploaded April 2020.


I Invoke Ultraviolet Angelic Fire…

“I invoke the power of Ultraviolet Angelic Fire. I am one with this fire. I am the power of Ultraviolet Light. I invoke the cleansing and liberating power of this light. I am a force of Liberation in this world. I call on Ultraviolet fire to liberate my reality, Ultraviolet fire to liberate all beings who are calling for freedom in this world. The source of this cleansing power is the angels of Ultraviolet Fire. These angels are here at my invitation and by the invitation of my Higher Self, my Infinite-Multidimensional Self……….

I am Ultraviolet Angelic Fire…

I am Ultraviolet Angelic Fire. I am the Liberating Cleansing Power of Ultraviolet Fire. I am a fountain of pure radiant Ultraviolet cleansing light. This ultra-violet power ignites in my heart, mind, chakra system and flows through all my energy and spiritual bodies. This ultra-violet fire is a force of transformation in this ascending world.

I Am Ultraviolet Angelic Light That Cleanses…

I am Ultraviolet Angelic Fire. I am the Liberating Cleansing Power of Ultraviolet Fire. I am the light that releases all lower vibrations. I invoke this fire through my being, washing, cleaning and releasing all lower vibrations. Clearing through every cell and fibre of my being, all lower vibrations in my physical body. This ultra-violet fire clears my blood, clears my bones, clears all organs, clears all my systems of lower vibrations and illness programming. This ultra-violet fire clears all harmful micro-organisms, all harmful bugs and viruses. I sweep my body clean of any and all chemicals. I sweep my body clean of any and all microchips inserted therein against my will.

I Am the Ultraviolet Angelic  Light That Liberates…

I am Ultraviolet Angelic Fire. I am the Liberating Cleansing Power of Ultraviolet Fire. I invoke the releasing and cleansing power of this fire. The power to cleanse and uplift is within me. Nothing of a lower nature can stand in its way. I invite this fire into my cells and deeper into my DNA. All lower energies or interference I dissolve and banish in this light.

This Ultraviolet Angelic Light Flows…

I am Ultraviolet Angelic Fire. I am the Liberating Cleansing Power of Ultraviolet Fire. I am the light that releases all lower vibrations. I am the still reflective mind that invokes this light. This Ultraviolet light flows through all my thoughts, beliefs and stories about this world and my place within it. This Ultraviolet light burns and releases other people’s judgements, opinions that has been absorbed in my mental body. This ultra-violet light flows all presumed limits that my mind holds about my reality. This Ultraviolet fire clears all channels of the mind, all timelines, all dimensions clearing all interference and limitation. This Ultraviolet fire clears all entry points into the dreamtime closing all access points to lower dimensional spaces and allowing me to access all higher dimensional spaces. For, I am the uplifting current of pure Ultraviolet fire, the fire that cleanses, the fire that dissolves everything of a lower nature.

I Invite Ultraviolet Angelic Light…

I am Ultraviolet Angelic Fire. I am the Liberating Cleansing Power of Ultraviolet Fire. I invite this fire into my emotional body into my heart. Into the fluid energy field of emotion. Some of this emotional energy I have absorbed from others. I am the cleansing force of Ultraviolet fire. I sweep clean all energies that are not mine. Dissolving and releasing all lower emotional energy such as anger, grief, guilt or fear that does not belong to me. Dissolving and releasing all conflict or drama or pain that does not belong to me. Out of my fields.

I Am the Power of Ultraviolet Angelic Light…

I am Ultra-Violet Angelic Fire. I am the Liberating Cleansing Power of Ultra-Violet Fire. I call on this fire to cleanse my field of all unwelcome sexual projected energy. Clearing any sexual attachments to past partners in this lifetime and in the astral planes. Clearing any sexual magic or black magic from any lower vibrational ritual from any lifetime. Clearing curses and spells involving sexual magic or black magic from all lifetimes, all timelines, all dimensions. I call on this fire to release all predatory beings. Clearing and releasing all sexual energy that is not mine.

I Call Upon Ultraviolet Angelic Light…

I am Ultraviolet Angelic Fire. I am the Liberating Cleansing Power of Ultraviolet Fire. I call upon this fire to clear all my connections with social media platforms. I call on this fire to clear all non-beneficial energies being transmitted through any and all electronic devices and computers. I call on this fire to interrupt all harmful electromagnetic waves in my energy field. I call on this fire to interrupt all invasive surveillance systems in my vicinity that I am not in agreement with.

Ultraviolet Angelic Light Releases Anything That is Not Truth…

I am Ultraviolet Angelic Fire. I am the Liberating Cleansing Power of Ultraviolet Fire. I am the fire that cleanses and releases everything that is not truth. This fire releases all false light, all false light beings. I call upon this fire to burn through all enslavement and violation programming. I call upon this fire to dissolve all agreements, vows, promises, contracts that are not for my highest good. I call upon this fire to dissolve all cords and threads or energy connections that attach me to lower vibrational beings or situations. I call upon this fire to clear all timelines, past, parallel, future of all lower frequencies and energies. I sweep my energy field clean of any and all dark crystals, devices, implants that seek to block my ascension path. I sweep my energy field clean of anything and everything that does not serve my Higher Will, my spiritual and ascension paths.

I Am A Living Portal of Ultraviolet Angelic Light…

I am Ultraviolet Angelic Fire. I am the Liberating Cleansing Power of Ultraviolet Fire. I am a living portal of pure Ultraviolet t fire. I am a burning light of a pure cleansing fire. With each breath the power of this affirming and cleansing light goes deep into the cells and DNA. With each breath the power of this affirming and cleansing light goes deep into my emotional body. With each breath the power of this affirming and cleansing light goes deep into my mind. With each breath the power of this and cleansing affirming light goes deep into my chakra system. With each breath the power of this and cleansing affirming light flows out into my reality, cleansing the vibrations in my home, in the places where I work, clearing the energetic connections in all my relationships.

I Cleanse My Soul records with Ultraviolet Angelic Light…

I am Ultraviolet Angelic Fire. I am the Liberating Cleansing Power of Ultraviolet Fire. I call on this fire to cleanse my Akashic Records, through all timelines and all lifetimes releasing all karmic programming that can be released at this time. Releasing all need for karmic relationships, karmic cycles, karmic situations. Allowing a reclamation of my true soul’s light in the body and energy fields.

I Ground Ultraviolet Angelic Light Into My Being…

I am Ultraviolet Angelic Fire. I am the Liberating Cleansing Power of Ultraviolet Fire. I ground this light into every layer and level of my being and consciousness. I declare that I am a free sovereign being, my energy is sacred, my energy is sacrosanct. I am here to weave angelic light. I am here to birth a new reality, a reality of higher light, higher consciousness, and higher potential. I have come as a flame of light to liberate myself within this world. As I am liberated, I assist others to be sovereign and free in their reality.”

35 responses

  1. Thank you Steve, both i and the whole universe so need to hear this. this is very powerful and so needed right now

  2. Thank you so much, Steve, for this powerful all encompassing clearing/healing meditation – it is so beautiful and what I have needed for a loooong time! 🙂

  3. I love this, Steve, Thank You, I appreciate every wonderful blessing you have bestowed on us all! I am also moved and in gratitude for catapulting me into adding to this.
    I’m a GridWorker/Lightworker/Channel. I’ve been working with building ‘Violet Grid 5+’ System quietly with numerous others during Dreamtime. Uniting power spots in, through, and around the planet including air, water, land creatures, and inner Earth species. This includes many Loving GridWorkers and other Lovers of Earth & Life, the animal/mammal kingdoms, insects, sea creatures, trees, plants, mineral kingdoms, etc…
    The microbial kingdoms are vast, and part of everything. They also are in need of DNA restorations according to the Divine Sophia Blueprints. This is so essential for the ecosystems to support life, we have been at war with them for many years and they must have us as allies. Love & Blessings! Marlene

  4. Hi Steve, can this be downloaded to use in my van, or could you please send me a copy if not? Many thanks!

  5. Thank you Steve. It is always brilliant what is being moved through you and shared with the world. Much gratitude, love and light.

  6. Thank you I feel so much lighter now. Been working on my shadow a great deal over the last six or seven weeks, and this has taken so much stuff out of my field.

  7. Steve, this is my absolute all time favorite daily go-to for regaining my power and strength. This always gets me back to remembering who I am and feeling great again!

    I am eternally grateful to you for the gifts that you share with us.


  8. Thank you Steve. I use these affirmations every night as I take a shower. I always feel truly cleansed within after listening to this

  9. As I am finally embracing my spirituality, you were mentioned as a learning reference to me. I am so very grateful for your extensive publications which you are offering free to use for those who are interested to evolve and wanting to change their believe systems. I will be exploring and treasuring your work for a long time to come. Thank you Steve.

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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