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Higher Light Decree: I Am a Sovereign Warrior of Light.

Welcome to this Higher Light Decree…

“I call upon my I Am Presence, my Higher Self and my team in spirit of the highest light and resonance including all helpers, guides, angels, star races and star councils.

I call upon all AA’s of the horizontal and vertical planes, in particular Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron Archangel Sandalphon. I call upon my Higher Self, I Am Presence and my highest team of light in spirit to clear and cleanse all energetic pathways and energy centres in my being and my reality.
Dear team in Spirit of the highest light and resonance. I am a Sovereign Warrior of Light. Connect me only to positively orientated beings, groups and collective energies that can assist me in activating this decree. Disentangle me from any non-positively orientated beings, groups and collective energies that seek to interfere or inhibit my light, my sovereign power. Break resonance with all unhelpful energies and beings.

Witness this my Decree and Alignment with Truth….

Dear team in Spirit of the highest light and resonance. Witness this my decree and alignment with truth.

‘I am one with Spirit, I am one with Source energy. I work as a team with Source Energy. I am held and protected by Source Light.

I am part of a Great family of Light. A Family of Light Warriors. We are here on a mission at this time of ascension.

The Game of Duality is coming to an end here on the earth-plane. A New World is coming a New World is being birthed. I am here to help birth that new world.

I am a Sovereign Warrior of Light. This is a lawful Universe. Everything precedes in accordance with Universal Law. Karma is part of Universal Law. The rules of Karma at this time are changing. Much can now be released and transformed.

I am a Sovereign Warrior of Light…

I declare, under the laws of Universal love/light, I am Sovereign in my energy. I am a Sovereign Warrior of Light. I am not here to fight the dark. I am here as a torchbearer, to go beyond all darkness. I am here to light a path for others to follow that goes through and beyond all darkness.

My energy field is sacrosanct (a sacred place). I renounce all permission across all time and space that I have given to any lower beings or groups or energies to hinder my path of light, my path of ascension.

Dear team in Spirit of the highest light and resonance and AA Sandalphon, ground me deeply into the crystalline grid. Release all attachments to the outgoing grid of the 3D earth, releasing all karmic records from the grid that no longer resonate. Build additional grounding structures deep into the earth around my legs, pelvic area and base chakra. Connecting my base with the Earth star beneath my feet. Connecting my Earth-Star with the core of Gaia.

I Release all Dark Grids…

Dear team in Spirit of the highest light and resonance clear and release all dark alien grids, dark AI grids, dark Atlantean grids, all lower frequency grids.

Release all cellular memory from the earth and from the bloodlines of 3D conflicts and wars. All memory of conquest and slavery that humanity has endured for thousands of years. All memory of religious persecution. Release to the light.

I am a Sovereign Warrior of Light. I call upon Archangel Michael’s sword to cut through all interference and entanglements. Releasing me from all pointless battles and conflicts. All false 3D ideologies. Cutting through all karmic bindings.

Shield of Light…

Dear team in Spirit of the highest light and resonance and AA Michael, I request AA Michael’s shield of light. Multiply this shield as many times as required to protect my energy in all dimensions and timelines. AA Michael close and seal all negative timelines. So that I stand on the one true ascension timeline. Releasing all others.

Dear team in Spirit of the highest light and resonance. I release all limitations in my energy fields. I declare that nothing of a lower or blocking nature has any permission to interfere or block my path.

I am a Sovereign Warrior of Light. Remove all false light beings, all negative alien influences, all demonic and satanic beings, all associated negative/limiting energies, cording, programming, and imprints from my energy field.

I hereby surrender and return all energetic interference to wherever they belong, in truth, far away from my reality.

Negative Portals…

Dear team in Spirit of the highest light and resonance. Higher Self and all angels working with me, close and seal all negative portals, clearing, cleansing, healing my energy fields.

Dear team in Spirit of the highest light and resonance and AA Metatron, initiate a gold-violet clearing light through all levels of my multidimensional being. Purifying my field.

Dear team in Spirit of the highest light and resonance and Security Force Angels, protect my energy as I walk this ascension path, in all dimensions, all timelines, throughout all space and time.

My Word is Law in my Universe…

I am a Sovereign Warrior of Light. I declare, under the laws of Universal love/light, I am Sovereign in my energy. My word is Law in my Universe. My energy field is sacrosanct (a sacred place).’ All lower energies are hereby repelled by my vibration of light.

Dear team in Spirit of the highest light and resonance ignite the way of love. Love is my super power. Love clears the way. Love stabilises the way. Love ignites the way.

I am a Sovereign Warrior of Light. I declare that the way has been opened, the way is open, the way will evermore be open. I am loved and supported as I move forward with power, love and light of Spirit on my path.

I Am One with Spirit…

I am one with Spirit, I am one with Source energy. I am part of a Great family of Light. A Family of Light Warriors. I am a Sovereign Warrior of Light.

Dear team in Spirit of the highest light and resonance. Bless you for this work of love. And, so it is.”

Music by…

Matías Romero Acuña (Matlasra) – Two combined tracks, Solfeggio Tonal Music 852Hz and Solfeggio Tonal Music 432hz Beyond Fractals.

More Information…

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25 responses

    1. Thank you fir you wisdom and words to help me clear the path of my journey toward my new reality and I send you much love , Always Be

    2. Thank you immensely for this decree, Steve! You truly are a gift for humankind at this time!
      Munay, Namaste,

  1. Deep gratitude for this transmission. Is it normal to feel sleepy and buzzing with high energy all in the same day.
    Thank you

  2. Your meditations are very high frequency and pure light. I am so glad that I found your Chanel on YouTube during our present challenging global situation. Thank you , love and light

  3. I am repeating this declaration this morning so powerful. Very needed in this time of ascension. Many years ago I believed that we were all doomed but now I know better. Steve I truly have no words. The higher being are undoubtedly working through you ⭐️

  4. this is a very nice decree and I will seek out your other offers. I am not new to proclamations or Decrees.

    A friend told me about you yesterday and I may have heard about you from Dolly DayDream U tube as well.

    Peace and Blessings to Your Heart,
    Coyote Heart
    A Steward OF Earth, Emissary of Interdimentionsal Relationships of Nations & Worlds

  5. Dear Steve, thank you so much for this powerful message. This really brought tears in my eyes. Thank you from tge bottom of my heart.

    Heart greetings from the Netherlands, Europe


  6. I feel empowered with these words! I feel I will empower all those who are close to me too.
    Thank you

  7. Your Higher Light Decree is magical….I’m filled with Grace, Reverence and Love. Thank you Steve. Your work is truly amazing. I am grateful for the wisdom you share and the light you ignite in all of us, so we can walk forward on our Highest Soul Path. Love and Blessings to you!!!

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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