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The Empath-Rescuer Meditation: Transforming the Pattern of Unhealthy Helping.

The Empath-Rescuer Meditation…

This remastered meditation (originally created September 2019) releases any psychic contracts to rescue, it assists in dissolving cords and releasing toxic energies. It then works on the core patterns of guilt, along with healing the wounded inner child and upgrading the negative inner critic to help transform this pattern.

The Problem with Rescuing…

Rescuing is an unhealthy version of helping. Rescuing is an attempt to change or fix other people. Naturally, not all helping is rescuing. Helping is a form of empowering another. Rescuing involves taking responsibility for others. It can be an attempt to rescue another from the consequences of their actions. It can be a form of people pleasing. It is often a mindset that we learnt in the family as we were growing up. Perhaps we had a parent that was a classic martyr, perhaps we were praised for being self-sacrificing, perhaps we learnt over-giving was a way to get attention or praise. It is important to note that the rescuing pattern becomes more embedded the more we play them out. Thus, rescuing can become a compulsive pattern.

Awareness of Guilt is Key…

The first step in neutralising this pattern is to become aware of it. Then to clear the toxic energies and cords to ‘negative’ people and situations. Then to neutralise the guilt that is often at the foundation of inappropriate rescuing. Usually guilt is picked up during the formative years in the family. (This guilt may also come from bloodline programming that can even lead an empath to feel guilty for even existing. There may be a sense of needing to atone for something though you have no idea what that is about. This guilt may have been inherited through one or both bloodlines. It may have its roots in other lifetimes.)

The Wounded Inner Child…

Rescuers also usually have a wounded inner child that needs some healing, love and a sense of safety. Rescuers also tend to have a ‘negative’ inner critic that berates the rescuer to do or be more.

More Information…

The Empath-Rescuer Meditation…

This remastered meditation (originally created September 2019) releases any psychic contracts to rescue, it assists in dissolving cords and releasing toxic energies. It then works on the core patterns of guilt, along with healing the wounded inner child and upgrading the negative inner critic to help transform this pattern.

The Problem with Rescuing…

Rescuing is an unhealthy version of helping. Rescuing is an attempt to change or fix other people. Naturally, not all helping is rescuing. Helping is a form of empowering another. Rescuing involves taking responsibility for others. It can be an attempt to rescue another from the consequences of their actions. It can be a form of people pleasing. It is often a mindset that we learnt in the family as we were growing up. Perhaps we had a parent that was a classic martyr, perhaps we were praised for being self-sacrificing, perhaps we learnt over-giving was a way to get attention or praise. It is important to note that the rescuing pattern becomes more embedded the more we play them out. Thus, rescuing can become a compulsive pattern.

Awareness of Guilt is Key…

The first step in neutralising this pattern is to become aware of it. Then to clear the toxic energies and cords to ‘negative’ people and situations. Then to neutralise the guilt that is often at the foundation of inappropriate rescuing. Usually guilt is picked up during the formative years in the family. (This guilt may also come from bloodline programming that can even lead an empath to feel guilty for even existing. There may be a sense of needing to atone for something though you have no idea what that is about. This guilt may have been inherited through one or both bloodlines. It may have its roots in other lifetimes.)

The Wounded Inner Child…

Rescuers also usually have a wounded inner child that needs some healing, love and a sense of safety. Rescuers also tend to have a ‘negative’ inner critic that berates the rescuer to do or be more.

More Information…

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7 responses

  1. I recognised so much of myself and I thank you for this wonderful healing meditation <3 May the love you give and the blessings you bestow return to you tenfold. Namaste

  2. I am a Reiki Master teacher and was guided here to release my pain. You see I have met with five surgeons who feel I need a fusion in my spine. I had only about 2 1/2 hours if that of upright time after that I needed to.lay diwn
    With tens units, heat pads, pain, cream, etc. I came to your meditations to release the pain after two weeks of multiple meditations twice a day for an hour. I am happy to say that I am walking around and upright for more than 5 to 6 hours at a time, and I’ve only just begun and this is amazing the work you do is so healing and incredible, I am sharing it with all my clients reikiMarie Mass.

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About the author...

Picture of Steve Nobel

Steve Nobel

I am the author of 6 non-fiction books, the most recent being a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’ and my latest published book is 'The Spiritual Entrepreneur'. I was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives (based in St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, London W1) for 13 years, leaving on the Winter Solstice of 2012. Subsequently, I began my own healing and awakening work. I created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. I have created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds. These are are freely available on this website and on my YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 172K subscribers. I regularly runs events in the UK.

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